"Okay." Lan Guanghong nodded and followed.

"I'll go too." Genta naturally stood up from the tatami with his hands.

"No!" Yukimi turned around, raised his hand, and said to him seriously: "Dad is not allowed to come!"

"Eh?" Yuantai opened his mouth in surprise, and finally sat back aggrievedly: "Mom, this is too much!"

The three children looked at their mother and young uncle leaving, and then at their father who looked bitter.

? ? ?

In the courtyard.

Xingshi didn't know that Lan Guanghong had just seen his son's heroic fighting appearance, briefly told him what happened yesterday, and made a request.

"Eh? Let me teach Ikki?"

Blu-ray red didn't expect Yukimi to directly make such a request.

Originally, he just wanted Ikki to release Weiss and let him beat him, but this suggestion seemed to be a good one?

"Hey, you are also a Kamen Rider, right? Thirty years ago." Yukimi said, showing a nostalgic look: "I know Ikki very well, he is a nosy character, even if he has not become a Kamen Rider Knight, he will never turn a blind eye to the devil's affairs, and he will definitely take care of it more now."

"Since fighting is inevitable, I hope you can help teach and take care of him so that he can avoid detours."

"Hmm." Lan Guanghong lowered his head and thought.

"What? No?"

"That's not true. I was just wondering what I could teach him."

"Then you think about it slowly, I'll call Ikki over."

Three minutes later, a confused Ikki was pulled into the courtyard by Yukimi.

"From today on, you will study with Guanghong, do you understand?" Yukimi said to him seriously.

"Eh? But I have to take care of the bathhouse..."

"I'm here in the bathhouse. Mom is not old enough to need your care yet!" She held down Ikki's shoulders and pushed forward: "Be obedient and go ahead!"

In this way, Ikki was urged by her to come to Lan Guanghong.


"Hmm~~~!" Lan Guanghong crossed his arms and his eyes were as wide as copper bells.

"...Master Lan!"

Chapter 23 (Revision) The Charming Witch

Blu-ray Hong still hadn't imagined what he could teach Ikki.

When it comes to fighting, his fighting method is in one word: reckless.

Relying on this inhuman physique acquired by the sun and the amplification of the knight system, he can crush the enemy in all directions.

What skills, brains, etc. are completely non-existent!

Just reckless!

If Dimons can't be more reckless, he will become a black sun. If the black sun can't be more reckless...

Sorry, the emperor is beaten with stone, and one kick is like Noah. Can you understand?

In short, the method of fighting cannot be taught. Under normal circumstances, his physical skills are not as good as Ikki.

Then teach something else.

"Ikki, let Weiss out first."

"Oh...ah?!" Ikki was shocked: "Master, how do you know about Weiss?"

"Don't worry about those details, come on, let him out."

"But..." Ikki was still hesitant.

Yesterday at the venue, in order to save his family from the desperadoes, he trusted Weiss, but when the other party showed up, he also targeted his most precious family.

If not for the timely use of the Levi's Drive to bring the demon back into his body, his family would have been harmed by his own demons.

Why should such a dangerous guy be released?

"Hey hey hey, Ikki, don't you like to help others the most? Since everyone said that, just let me go."

The demon Weiss in the illusory body was chattering beside Ikki, but it also reminded him of something.

Ikki clapped his hands excitedly and said, "Master, I returned the drive and the Sin Mark to Phoenix. Now there is no way to release Weiss." "

"Oh, it doesn't matter, I have it." Lan Guanghong took out the buffalo sin mark seized from the desperadoes and slapped it on Yihui.


Before he could react, the power of the Sin Seal was transmitted to Weiss, causing him to take on a physical form.

"Wow haha, it turns out you also have this gadget." Weiss scratched and touched with both hands, and said to Lan Guanghong with his teeth and claws: "Thank you so much for letting me out. In order to express my gratitude, I How about... I decide to eat you, this is a good way to repay you! Hahahaha!"

"I'm moving!" Whis screamed and rushed towards Blue Light Red.

"Wes, no!" Ikki stretched out his hand to stop him, but he couldn't do it in time.

But what happened in the next moment completely overturned Ikki's world view.

I saw Lan Guanghong standing there motionless, not even making a move to dodge. But when Weiss was about to pounce on him, a hand suddenly raised like lightning, and caught the demon Weiss's arm first. neck, and then turned back and gave it a sharp swing.


The sound was earth-shattering, and the trees in the courtyard were shaken and rustled.

Ikki's eyes widened.

This, this is the power that humans can use?

"Ah, it hurts, it hurts."

Weiss fell to the ground in a "wood" shape, his muscles and bones aching all over, and his chest was stepped on by a foot as heavy as a mountain, unable to move at all.

He was completely confused and said stupidly: "You are a devil, right?"

Before he finished speaking, Weiss felt the heavy pressure on his chest getting harder, and hurriedly changed his words: "Wait a minute, master, I'm joking with you. Look at me, I'm so cute, how could I eat people?" What?"

"Hey Ikki, why are you just watching? We are one, please say something nice to me!"

Ikki crossed his arms and watched the show coldly: "No, I can't trust you."

Weiss: "..."

"Stop playing tricks, remember, if you let me know that you have harmed human beings." Lan Guanghong squinted his eyes and leaned down, his face looked extremely scary under the shade of the tree: "I will use the magic sealing wave to stuff you into In the rice cooker, and then buried under the ground, you will never see the light of day.”

"Do you understand?"

"I understand!" Weiss was intimidated by the aura of blue light and red, and did not dare to say any more unnecessary words.

For example, what is the Demon Sealing Wave?

"Well, it's good to understand." Lan Guanghong looked like a coward and adjusted his non-existent glasses: "There is something that needs your cooperation next, it's a little itchy."

Weiss:? ? ?

"Eh? What, what are you going to do to me?!"

Two hours later, Lan Guanghong left the Happy Bathhouse.

"Wes can use the Seal of Sin to directly gain the ability to transform. The effect lasts for about an hour. If the transformation ability is used frequently, the duration will be shortened."

"After the power of the sin mark is consumed, the demon will automatically transform into an illusory body and return to the host body." Lan Guanghong looked at the grass-green sin mark in his hand and concluded: "It is harmless to the devil itself, so you can rest assured to give it to Faria use."

"I just don't know how long Falia's transformation can last?"

..."So, this is why you broke into my room so early in the morning?"

Faria lay lazily on the sofa, glaring at Lan Guanghong dissatisfiedly: "I thought you eroge idiot finally couldn't help but attack me."

"Don't be slanderous, I'm a gentleman!" Lan Guanghong glared back at her: "By the way, you are a devil, why are you lazier than a living person?"

Faria was not happy and immediately switched to resentful wife mode.

"Hey, I've taken care of you for five years, five years! You know these five years..."

"Okay, okay, I was wrong!" Blu-ray red gave a French military salute, and then took out the chameleon sin seal: "Where to cover it?"

Faria didn't say anything, she just raised one of her white and tender legs and looked at him provocatively.

Blue light red: "..."

He covered the sole of the raised leg directly.


"Ahem, okay, let's try changing it quickly."

"Don't worry, let's try it now." Faria stood up and activated the power of the sin mark in her body.

The next moment, a burst of purple fluctuations appeared around her figure. When the fluctuations disappeared, Faria's appearance had completely changed.

A bright red dress, a pretty face, and fingers painted with black nail polish across her rosy lips.

Lan Guanghong's eyes widened in surprise.


"Not only that, I made up for a lot of drama when I was at home." Faria smiled and snapped her fingers again. After the fluctuation dissipated this time, a tall policewoman in a short skirt appeared.

Lan Guanghong blurted out: "Gan, Shishima Kiriko!"

"Shishima Kiriko" smiled slightly, held the corners of her skirt with both hands, and slowly lifted it up.

"How about it? The shape, smell, and touch are all the same as those of real humans." The devil's mouth issued a depraved temptation: "Want to try it?"

"Huh, devil! Put away your tricks, I'm not that kind of person!" Lan Guanghong wiped the corners of his mouth and retorted righteously.

As he spoke, his eyes were uncontrollably attracted to the translucent black.

Oh boy, it’s still pantyhose!

This is really uncontrollable!

Chapter 24 (Revision) I hate golf the most

The underground base of the fugitives.

Frio pointed at Faria with a strange look on his face: "Are you a chameleon?"

"Well, it's me." In order to prove her identity, Faria suddenly changed into another person and then back again.

This signature ability allowed Freeo to dispel his doubts.

The cadres of the Outlaws have no idea about the types of demons other than the Outlaws. They never imagined that there is a kind of demon with the bug ability to temporarily gain the power of the Sin Seal by stamping it.

As a result, Faria easily followed Blue Light Red into the Desperate Bases as a chameleon.

Due to her ability and personality, Chameleon rarely stayed in the base before, so Lan Guanghong was not worried about her being a gangster.

"Actually, it's like this." He took the initiative to explain on the side: "Yesterday, I discussed with Senior Chameleon and felt that since Phoenix already knows his ability, he will definitely take more precautions in the future, and it will be very dangerous to get involved again."

"For the great cause of Master Keef's resurrection, Senior Chameleon felt that we could not take such a risk, so we worked together to find another way."

"Since the official route is unavailable, we have to take the folk route, so Senior Chameleon chooses..." Blu-ray red hands waved towards Faria, who was showing her human form: "Become an idol!"


He was confused and didn't understand why he was suddenly going to become an idol.

"Frio-senpai, don't underestimate the power of idols." Lan Guanghong held her fist in front of her chest: "This Ayanami Asuka is now a hot beauty idol, and is the target of countless young people. As long as she says a word, You can easily make many people become loyal followers of Lord Keefe and provide us with a lot of fresh blood!”

"So we found her residence overnight yesterday and asked Senior Chameleon to completely replace her."

"Oh, I see." Frio nodded, as if he understood everything.

In fact, he didn't understand at all.

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