"Jin Ke La!" Lan Guang Hong suddenly stood up, stepped on the stool with one foot, and pointed at the product: "The land mixed with Jin Ke La can absorb the nebula gas below two meters, and convert it into nutrients needed by plants and make them grow at a high speed. Guaranteed yield of 1,800 per mu!"

"Look, sister, God is crushing the dog!"

Saru Watari: ? ? ?

Chapter 253 Empty Youth

Under the temptation of Jin Ke La, Saru Watari Ikkai and Lan Guang Hong successfully reached a certain deep cooperation relationship.

As the saying goes, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. As a former landlord of Nihong, Saru Watari is now in a state of decline, but it is still easy for him to find a friend to help Lan Guang Hong sneak into Xidu.

Politely sent Lan Guang Hong out, Saru Watari Ikkai stood at the door, and he couldn't recover until the other person's back disappeared.

"......What a bold idea."

"Hmm? Boss, what did you say?"

"No, nothing." Saruwatari smiled and patted his younger brother's shoulder, and handed over the bag of things left by Lan Guanghong: "Take this and dilute it, and spread it all on our land."

The third younger brother was shocked: "Boss, no!"

"Yes, if we plant the food now, those people will definitely take it away!"

"They are right, boss, think twice!"

"Wulusai! Sow it if I tell you to." Saruwatari crossed his arms and showed the authority of the master: "Tomorrow I want to see the land covered with green, that's it, I'm going to sleep!"

After stuffing Jin Ke La into his younger brother's arms, he really turned around and went back to sleep.

The third younger brother:...

"No way, since it's the boss's order." Broomhead Sheng sighed helplessly: "Do it."

About an hour later, the tender sprouts all over the ground attracted the attention of everyone nearby, whether they were the people working in their own house or the soldiers, they all shouted "miracle".

Listening to the noisy exclamations outside, Saruwatari in the room let out a long sigh.

Not long ago~

"You've also discovered that this country says it wants to focus on farming to improve life, but in fact it is vigorously developing armaments. It's self-evident what they want to do."

"I know, they want to provoke a war. But, I'm just a civilian, what's the point of you telling me this?"

Faced with his question, Lan Guanghong smiled mysteriously, and then opened the interlayer inside the box...

"Let me stop their ambitions?"

Saruwatari Ikkai stretched out his five fingers and slowly clenched them, with a smile like a dragon king on his face: "It's really interesting."


The smuggling boat to Xidu.

The journey was a bit boring, Wanzhang turned on the TV to see if Beidu had broadcast his wanted order, but unexpectedly saw another familiar face.


He turned his head to look at Lan Guanghong, then turned back. After two rounds of this, he finally confirmed it. He couldn't help but ask with a twitch in his mouth: "Why are you also wanted?"

"There is no other way. The situation is urgent, so I used some extraordinary means."

Lan Guanghong spread his hands and fooled it.

He didn't dare to explain this matter in detail to Wanzhang. It didn't matter if he didn't understand it himself, but it would be troublesome if he said it out one day.

Thinking back, today's action was indeed a bit risky. After all, he and Saruwatari Kazumi really met for the first time. He was originally talking about business, but suddenly changed the topic and asked him to rebel. If it were someone else, he would probably call his younger brother to beat him on the spot.

Fortunately, Saruwatari was Hong's father after all, and his character was strong enough. After learning that there was a way to prevent the outbreak of war and let people live a once abundant life, he agreed without much hesitation.

As a result, Lan Guanghong changed the future direction of Beidu with just a large bag of Jin Ke La, and the so-called Jin Ke La was actually just a piece of soil with his superpowers attached to it, just as its literal meaning, it was really "Ke La".

The next action was agreed upon by Lan Guanghong and Saruwatari. The latter would use the revitalized land to attract the attention of the government so as to carry out the next action. The side effect was that Lan Guanghong would inevitably attract attention and even be wanted on false charges.

In this regard, Lan Guanghong had no fluctuations in his heart, and even wanted to laugh.

Because the wanted poster was for Shoichi Tsugami...

"How can you still laugh?"

"Why not? I won't come to Kita-do anymore." Lan Guanghong joked, "Come to think of it, now both of us and Battle Rabbit are wanted. It's fate."

"Huh? Who wants this kind of fate?" Manjo shook his arm fiercely, "As long as I rescue the Nabeshima family this time, I can clear my name! I will stay away from you then, hum!"

Looking at the arrogant Manjo, Lan Guanghong sighed and said, "Manjo, is there a possibility that both Battle Rabbit and I are wanted for helping you?"

Manjo was stunned, and then thought about it carefully.

Hiss~ It seems to be true!

Battle Rabbit was wanted for saving him from escaping, but fortunately he was in a transformed state at that time, and the one wanted in the end was Kamen Rider, so Battle Rabbit himself could move freely.

But Lan Guanghong really printed his face on the wanted poster!

Thinking of this, Wan Zhang suddenly shrank like an eggplant hit by frost, and said honestly: "Sorry, after my name is cleared, I will also help you clear your name."

"That's not necessary. In fact, at that time, you staying away will be the best help to us."

Wan Zhang:?

"What do you mean! Are you looking down on me?"

"How can you think so!" Lan Guanghong looked at him in surprise: "I meant to tell you to stay away, so as not to be implicated and wanted again, otherwise when will this one after another end?"

"But you, you actually..."

He looked so angry that he couldn't speak clearly, and Wanzhang was stunned, and his heart was quickly overwhelmed by strong guilt.

Yes, he and Zhantu clearly helped me like this, but I actually... Wow, I'm really not a human being!

"I'm really sorry!" Wanzhang shouted loudly, and then his legs softened and he was about to kneel down and apologize.

Lan Guanghong quickly reached out to catch him.

"Not that bad, if you really want to apologize, just do me a favor."

"What's the matter, tell me!"

"It's very simple." Lan Guanghong took out a huge syringe from his back: "Let me draw a tube of blood."

Wanzhang: ? ? ?

His legs softened again.

... "You two, we've arrived at Xidu."

"Okay, sorry to bother you, Captain."

"Hahaha, Yi Hai's friends are my friends, you're welcome... Ouch! What's wrong with this little brother?"

Lan Guanghong patted Wan Zhang, who was pale on his shoulder, and explained to the surprised captain with a smile: "Don't worry, I'm weak to begin with, and I became like this because of seasickness."

"Is that so? You're so weak at such a young age, little brother, you should reward yourself less in the future." The middle-aged captain showed a meaningful smile.

Wan Zhang wanted to refute, but his lips were trembling and he couldn't speak at all:...


In the end, he could only lie on Lan Guanghong's shoulder in despair, with his head down, not wanting to let anyone see his appearance.

Chapter 254 Old Ye Ba answers all questions

Xidu, the sixth area.

In the dark factory, Ye Ba sat on the sofa with his legs crossed as usual, tapping his head with his fingers from time to time.

Behind him was a blue slammer holding two swords, standing motionless behind him like a bodyguard.

The real identity of this slammer was Guodao. After being threatened by Yeba to leave false information to Wanzhang, he was washed of his memory by Xueqian and transformed into this appearance, and wanted to snipe Lan Guanghong with Yeba.

"Why don't you come?" Yeba asked this question at the time, but Xueqian evaded it by saying that he had more important things to do.

In fact, the truth was that after Xueqian watched Lan Guanghong's battle that day, he felt that if he put on this snake skin, he would probably be beaten. For the sake of his style, he decided to try not to confront this cheap brother-in-law head-on before the first phase of the plan was completed.

Although this brother-in-law seemed to lose some of his memory after the transformation like the slammer, he always maintained a cautious attitude towards unfamiliar things.

After the trip to Mars, he engraved this principle into his bones, because that was the only time he got carried away. After defeating the King of Mars, he thought there was no opponent on this planet, and began to wreak havoc with confidence.

As a result, it was a failure.

The Princess of Mars used her life to teach E-Boss a lesson, telling him what it means that women can hold up half the sky.

"Don't worry, his transformation is limited, you can fight back without worry this time." At that time, Shi Dong threw a look to Himuro Gentoku that said "You have to believe me", and then waved his hand and said "Ciao~" and ran away.

... Himuro Gentoku really believed it.

So he took a slammer and sat in the middle of the factory waiting for the two to fall into the trap. Of course, in addition to them, a group of mechanical soldiers were also deployed outside to ambush.

These soldiers originally belonged to Xidu, but Nanba Heavy Industries, which manufactured these soldiers, left a backdoor for this type of product. With just one command, they can be instantly transformed into Faust soldiers. This is the same in all three cities.

"You see, I said it was a trap."

Stepping into the ambush circle, Lan Guanghong, who was instantly pointed at by more than a dozen guns, helplessly spread his hands to Wanzhang next to him.

Wanzhang: ...

Even if he was a fool, he knew that he couldn't fight hard in the current situation. He could only see the mastermind behind the trap surrounded by these soldiers.

"It's you again, stinky bat!"

"I'm Yeba!" Yeba roared, and the mechanical soldier next to him immediately hit Wanzhang hard with the butt of the gun.

"It hurts, you guy..."

"Calm down! Wanzhang." Lan Guanghong stretched out his hand to press Wanzhang's shoulder, and then asked Yeba: "You are a cadre of Faust, right? Why do you keep chasing Wanzhang?"

"That's because, Wanzhang Long and I, like Kiryu Battle Rabbit, are special talents who have inhaled nebula gas but have not been transformed into slammers. They have the potential to become the ultimate combat weapons, and they are the power I need to achieve my great cause!"

"You..." Wanzhang wanted to interrupt angrily, but Lan Guanghong felt his excitement and quickly stepped on his instep, causing him to cry "Ah~!" in pain.

Lan Guanghong asked calmly, "Why did you capture Xiangcheng? Does she have that potential?"

"No, it's just that strong emotions can quickly increase Wanzhang's danger level and speed up his growth, so I plan to let his girlfriend die in front of him, so that his danger level can be increased at once."


The case is solved. It turns out that this is the reason why Faust targeted Xiangcheng!

Wanzhang was so angry that he wanted to curse, but Lan Guanghong grabbed his fate by the back of his neck this time, so that he couldn't say a word.

"What a despicable method. Who are you, guy?"

"It's just the Dongdu government... huh?" Ye Ba, who almost exposed his true identity, suddenly reacted, shook his head and shouted angrily: "Damn it! What did you do to me?"

"Huh? I was just asking a normal question?"

Ye Ba:?

Taking advantage of the other party's daze, Lan Guanghong suddenly waved his hand and shouted: "Free fire!"

The next second, all the mechanical soldiers rebelled directly, pointed their guns at Ye Ba and Smasher and pulled the trigger.


Countless tiny sparks burst out from the two monsters, and Lan Guanghong took this opportunity to grab Wanzhang and throw him to the door.

"You oil the road!"

The two fled quickly. Behind them, Ye Ba and Smasher quickly beat the dozen soldiers into scrap metal. He looked at the direction where the two fled and roared: "Tsugami Shoichi!!!"

A pair of huge bat wings spread out, and Ye Ba broke through the ceiling and flew towards the two. When the distance was almost the same, he took out the smoke gun and fired continuously.

Bullets exploded at their feet, and the two of them involuntarily stopped in their tracks, watching Night Tyrant land in front of them.

"Tsk, can't we run away?" Lan Guanghong showed a disappointed look.

"...Speaking of which, why should we run?" Wanzhang suddenly remembered something that happened not long ago, and said in surprise: "Can't you transform? Go and fight him."

"Huh? Transform? What nonsense are you talking about? I don't have the power of Battle Rabbit." Lan Guanghong was even more surprised than him.


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