
Blue Light Red suddenly pointed at him and said.

Battle Rabbit:?

"Red? What red?"

Blue Light Red did not explain, but pointed at Manjo and said: "Blue, with a dragon tattoo."


The next second, he suddenly reacted, let go of Nabeshima with both hands, covered his thigh and shouted: "Hey! What are you looking at!"

Blue Light Red smiled mysteriously, and turned his eyes to Misora.

Misora's eyes widened immediately, and she buried her body behind the wall and trembled.

"Don't worry, I won't do such rude things to the opposite sex."

"It's too much for the same sex, okay!" Zhantu also came to his senses. He directly picked up the bed sheet and wrapped himself in it, with an interested light in his eyes: "Perspective ability? Are there any other?"

"Yes, like the ability I'm going to use on Nabeshima, I call it hypnosis."

"Can you demonstrate it?"

"Sure. Manzhang!"

"Hmm?" Manzhang turned his head subconsciously, and the moment his eyes met the blue light and red pupils, a strange feeling of dizziness suddenly filled his brain.

In a trance, he walked into a gym, and there were all kinds of girls working out inside. When they saw Manzhang entering, they rushed towards him and asked him in various languages ​​how he trained his muscles to be so attractive.

Manzhang smiled and passed on all his experience, and then he started to dance muscle dance for some reason.

"Please, muscles, I want to be popular, please, muscles, I want to be popular... I want to be popular, ah ah ah ah, muscles, please!"

"Oh, so great, Manjo-san is so great... Manjo, Manjo, wake up!"

"Hmm?" Manjo woke up from his daydream and felt a chill all over his body.

He looked down and stared at his body with only shorts left.

"What! What's going on!" He asked the Battle Rabbit in front of him in horror.

"Who knows! You suddenly ripped off your clothes and started singing and dancing, and we didn't even have time to stop you!"

"You're talking nonsense!" Manjo pointed at his hand holding the video recorder in grief and anger: "Delete it for me, delete it all!"

"Oh, okay."

Watching Battle Rabbit delete the video in front of him, Manjo finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Unfortunately, this idiot didn't know that there was something called a recycle bin on the system.

"Huh~ So there are really people with superpowers in this world, Shoichi, can you cooperate with me to do some research later?"

Lan Guanghong readily agreed: "If you don't dissect, then yes."

"Thank you, then... Manjo!"

"What!" Manjo closed his eyes and asked the voice of Battle Rabbit.

Battle Rabbit:...

"Control Nabeshima, Shoichi is going to use his power."


Speaking of this, he got excited, and immediately didn't even bother to put on his clothes, and went up to Nabeshima and locked him up like a strong man.

"Wow, what are you doing? Let go, let me go!" Seeing Manjo's performance just now, Nabeshima shouted in despair.

"Hehe, the sound insulation effect of this basement is first-class, even if you scream your throat out, no one will come to save you!" Lan Guanghong smiled and rubbed his hands and walked forward, holding open his eyelids and grinning: "Accept your fate!"

Hypnosis, start!

In an instant, Nabeshima fell into a mysterious illusion like Manjo just now.

A black castle stood on the ground, and a sun slowly rose in the red sky.

Suddenly, the sky changed dramatically, and countless meteors fell from the sky, dyeing the world colorful.

Looking at this magnificent spectacle, Guodao couldn't help but sing with joy.

"... How cold it is, I'm playing in the mud in the Northeast, although the Northeast is not big, I don't have a home in Dalian~"

Outside the illusion, looking at Guodao who was singing and dancing with joy, Zhantu and Wanzhang looked at each other and understood each other's meaning.

——This person is so dangerous!

"It should be successful." Lan Guanghong nodded with certainty: "His memory will be restored in a few days. This is just a small side effect. Don't worry about it."

Hearing this, Zhantu's eyes lit up, but looking at Guodao's funny appearance, he slipped to his mouth and was taken back by him.

——At least, don't try it in front of these people!

Chapter 257 You from Mars

After a lot of trouble, Nabeshima slumped on the ground, sweating profusely, looking at the blue light and red eyes as if he had seen an evil ghost.

"What's that look of yours? I'm doing this for your own good. It's painful to feel a blank life, right?"

Nabeshima swallowed his saliva with a gulp, turned his head to the side and dared not look at him directly.


Nabeshima suddenly jumped up and lay on the wall, pointing to the board embedded in the wall for hanging full bottles and said: "I have an impression of this kind of full bottle!"

He closed his eyes and thought carefully for a while, then suddenly widened his eyes and said: "That laboratory, they also have it there."

"They?" Battle Rabbit frowned: "You mean Faust?"

"Yes! Faust, that's the name!" Nabeshima remembered something in the past, nodded and confirmed: "Faust also has such a full bottle!"

"Wait, only Misora ​​can make such a full bottle, right? Why does Faust also have it?"

The confused people looked at Misora ​​with puzzled eyes.

Misora ​​avoided their gazes guiltily, not because she had done anything bad in the past, but because she didn't want to recall the dark times in the past.

At night, Ishido returned to the coffee shop playing the vampire tune of his hometown. Before he even put down his bag, he was startled by a loud noise that made him open his mouth wide.

"What happened? The noise is too loud."

Ishido trotted down to the basement and saw Misora ​​slumped on the ground, Manzhang standing beside him in a daze, and Battle Rabbit seriously knocking on the wall embedded with the board with a small hammer.


"Battle Rabbit, what are you doing? Stop it!"

Ishido stepped forward and pretended to stop Battle Rabbit, but Battle Rabbit ignored him and accelerated his hand to smash the wall, revealing the true face of the board.

"Why is the panel of Pandora's Box here with you?" Battle Rabbit looked at Ishido, who was speechless, with a sad face and shouted, "Answer me!"

"Are you a member of Faust?"

... Pandora's Box was actually not originally the same as it is now preserved in Dongdu. Its outer layer should have six special metal plates to place full bottles.

The above is the information that Battle Rabbit got at the Toudou Research Institute. There is another part that Himuro Gentoku did not tell him, that is, when a total of 60 full bottles are inserted into six metal plates and then put back into Pandora's Box, the box will open and release the powerful power inside. At that time, Himuro Gentoku can use this power to eliminate the sky wall and unify the mud bomb.

Of course, this is also a lie that E-Zong used to deceive him. In fact, when Pandora's Box releases its power, the earth will usher in the same extinction ending as the Martian civilization.

But honest people, everyone knows, if you dare to say it, he will believe it.

Such a chess piece is so comfortable for E-Zong to play with, of course, it is also deadly when he is honest.

Compared with him, Battle Rabbit is indeed more fun.

E-Zong, who is possessed by Shidong, thought about this while concentrating on making coffee.

There is a story behind this coffee. At first, the coffee brewed by Mr. E was not bad, and it even suited the taste of the blood star people. Even his unreasonable brother praised it after drinking it, and when he beat him, he was even more... cough, I digressed.

Back to the topic, when he was lurking on Mars, he found that the taste of Martians was simply a wonder in the universe. His delicious coffee, which was almost universally recognized by the universe, was evaluated as "bad" here, which made Mr. E, a coffee master who was proud of his skills, unacceptable.

After a long period of research, he finally learned how to brew coffee that suited the taste of Martians, and successfully entered the palace with this technology and became a glorious royal coffee master.

——Then he wiped out all the Martians.

Even more sadly, he found that the technique of brewing Martian coffee was engraved in his DNA, and he could not adjust it anyway, and even he could not swallow the coffee he brewed.

However, brewing coffee has become Mr. E's obsession, so he still insists on this after arriving on Earth, hoping that one day he can meet someone who can understand the sincerity behind his Martian coffee.

Hard work pays off, and now, he finally found this person!

"Well, my brother-in-law's coffee is as fragrant as ever." Lan Guanghong smacked his lips and placed the empty cup in front of Shi Dong: "Another cup."

"Oh!" Shi Dong excitedly poured him another cup.

Holding the coffee, Lan Guanghong did not drink it, but looked at the depressed people around him and asked in confusion: "What's wrong? The atmosphere is so heavy?"

"Something happened. By the way, where did you go at this late hour?"

"Nothing. I went with Sister Sayu to send someone who was persecuted by Faust..."

"Shoichi, stop talking." Zhantu interrupted Lan Guanghong's words, picked up the metal plate impatiently and walked to the front of the stage and said: "Don't play dumb. This is something that Faust stole from the research institute. Why is it in your hands?"

"...You are a member of Faust, right?"

Zhantu asked such a question seemingly frivolously, but in fact his heart was beating more violently than ever before.

He was afraid, afraid that the person in front of him, whom he regarded as his father, would really say the word "yes".

"You said I am, Faust?" Ishido turned his eyes to Misora, who was eating French fries at the same time.

The father and daughter looked at each other and burst into laughter at the same time.

"Hahaha, impossible, absolutely impossible!"

In the doubtful eyes of Battle Rabbit, Ishido and Misora ​​explained the whole story to him.

It turned out that Misora ​​was captured by Faust in the past, and those people forced her to purify the full bottle. Later, Ishido broke into Faust and rescued his daughter, and took the belt and board away, which was the one in Battle Rabbit's hand.

He didn't hand it over to the government because he couldn't forgive Faust for taking human life lightly. He wanted Battle Rabbit to become Build to help them fulfill their wishes, but he was not sure whether Battle Rabbit was willing to accept it, so he put this board in such a conspicuous place, just waiting for Battle Rabbit to discover this "truth" himself.

Listening to Ishido's nonsense, Lan Guanghong almost laughed out loud. Having read the script, he naturally knew that all this was a play directed and acted by E-General himself, with the purpose of letting Battle Rabbit and Misora ​​help him collect full bottles to achieve the ultimate goal.

"I see, that's why you let me work at the research institute~."

After learning the so-called truth, Zhantu was temporarily relieved and regained his former liveliness, even drinking a sip of Mars coffee without changing his expression.

"Then I'll let you go this time because you have the courage to serve such unpalatable coffee."

"Huh? Unpalatable?" Lan Guanghong blinked, slurped up the coffee, and showed an enjoyable look: "It's obviously quite delicious."

Battle Rabbit, Ryuga: ...

Ishido's eyes almost brimmed with tears, and he couldn't help but take a sip of coffee.

"Ugh, it's unpalatable!"

Ishido, whose taste buds were bombarded, put on a mask of pain, and a thought popped up in his mind.

Hiss~ Could this cheap brother-in-law be a Martian? !

Chapter 258 This child must not be kept

After untying the knot in his heart, Battle Rabbit quickly put this matter behind his mind and proposed to Lan Guanghong to study superpowers.

They did not avoid anyone in their communication. After hearing this, Ishido immediately became interested and wanted to know what superpowers they were talking about.

Then he was told that Nabeshima had received treatment and would soon recover his memory.


He was confused at the time.

Nabeshima's ability to recover his memory was actually within his plan. He planned to use this to expose his blood-hiding identity to Battle Rabbit, so that he could also usher in a wave of danger level increases when he was emotional.

However, the planned time is not in the near future!

It seems that I have to go find Nabeshima again. Besides, this cheap brother-in-law probably can't stay here.

After all, Nabeshima's matter is small, and Battle Rabbit's matter is big. He brainwashed both of them, but the intensity is different. If the brother-in-law can get Nabeshima's memory back, then he is likely to get Katsuragi Takumi's memory back.

There are only two results at that time, Battle Rabbit's personality is covered by Katsuragi Takumi, or Battle Rabbit obtains Katsuragi Takumi's memory but retains his personality.

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