
Seeing that Lan Guanghong had raised his fist, Mogami quickly said, "Stop it. I'm not being tough. I had an accident on my face. I can't make expressions or talk with emotions."


"Really, you believe me."

Even though he was begging, Mogami's expression remained unchanged, which made him believe the other party's words.

"Answer me a question first, where are you?"

"Right here! Hehehe!"

Another Caesar with half of his side in red suddenly jumped out of the few remaining nebula collapse sources. After this Caesar jumped up, he inserted the gear full bottle into the nebula smoke gun, spraying a large amount of smoke to cover the battlefield.

After the smoke dissipated, all the enemies on the scene suddenly disappeared, including Mogami Kuixing who was originally held tightly by Lan Guanghong.

"Oh, he accidentally escaped."

Lan Guanghong smiled and twisted his fingers, seemingly not caring about Mogami's escape.

The battle was temporarily over, and the knights untransformed. Yongmeng came to him first and asked, "Um, who are you?"

"Let me introduce myself. His name is Tsugami Shoichi, and he is..."

"My name is Lan Guanghong." Lan Guanghong interrupted Parad and introduced himself, "I am just a Kamen Rider passing by."


"Sorry, I am investigating a group of evil forces in that world. I can't use my original identity, so I lied to you."

"Oh, is that so... just the name?"

"In fact, the appearance is also fake." Lan Guanghong raised his hand to cover his face, and restored his original appearance in a faint light.

The people around were surprised to see such an operation.

"Hiss~ So powerful!" Kujo Guiliya exclaimed: "This ability is simply too suitable for plastic surgery!"

"Unfortunately, this ability can only work on me."

"That's a pity." Che Che visibly wilted.

Everyone: ...

"Well, let's go back to the hospital first. There are still many patients infected with the virus waiting for us to treat them."

The little angel Yongmeng called everyone back to discuss it in the long run, but someone raised an objection: "No!"

Everyone turned to look at the man, but saw Danli Doushen raised his hand and shouted angrily: "I will never allow anyone to challenge my position as the producer of God, Lan Guanghong! I want to duel with you~~Oh~~."

Danli Doushen was twisted and sucked into the faulty driver. Jin Ye Ming Na, who had recovered to the state of a nurse, shook the machine in his hand vigorously, and the locked-in god screamed immediately.

"Really, it's time to make trouble, reflect on it, Li Dou!"

"It's Danli Doushen!"

"Okay, reflect on it, God!" Ming Na stuffed the driver into the fourth dimension and called: "Everyone, let's go!"


Back at the hospital, the doctors immediately devoted themselves to the intense rescue work, leaving Lan Guanghong and a young man in fancy clothes staring at each other in the lounge.

"Um, my name is Hino Eiji..."

"No need to introduce, I know you." Lan Guanghong took a sip of tea and smacked his lips and said: "Hino Eiji, Kamen Rider OOO, the most important thing is tomorrow's panties and Akh, right?"

Eiji tilted his head: "Eh? Have we met before?"

"No, but this doesn't prevent me from knowing you."


"By the way, Eiji, why are you here?"

"Oh, I was investigating something nearby. I heard a commotion here and rushed to save people. After driving away those weirdos, the doctor came and asked me to go for a checkup."

Eiji took a bite of the puff and smiled, "But fortunately, I seem to be immune to that special virus."

"Of course, you are also a Kamen Rider, how could you be knocked down by a mere virus."

Eiji paused while chewing the puff: "Also? Are you too?"

"Yes, I am a Kamen Rider like you." Lan Guanghong stretched out his hand to him: "Lan Guanghong, please give me your guidance since we are meeting for the first time."

"Well, please give me your guidance." Eiji quickly put down the puff and held his hands tightly.

After confirming their identities, they were all family members, so Eiji didn't hide it.

"I have been investigating a mysterious organization called Consortium X. This organization secretly funded the development of many evil forces, and in the process, I obtained a lot of their achievements, even some of the power of Kamen Rider."

"These forces were later defeated by Kamen Rider, but Consortium X has always remained mysterious. I heard that Consortium X was also behind what happened here, so I rushed back to Japan to investigate."

"So that's it, Consortium X." Lan Guanghong thought thoughtfully.

Eiji was surprised again: "Huh? You know about it too?"

Lan Guanghong pinched two fingers: "A little bit, that is, to the extent that I know there is such an organization."

Consortium X, Katoshun, who Shotaro and his team had dealt with, belonged to this organization. When Lan Guanghong obtained the Eternal Memory, he learned from it that the original owner of the Eternal Memory, Daido Katsumi, also had some entanglements with Consortium X.

But that was all. Later, Shotaro tried to investigate this organization, but the clues he got were very few, and basically they were far away from Fuuto. He was unable to leave here and finally had no choice but to stop the investigation.

"Well, let me try to see if I can dig something out this time."

Lan Guanghong squinted at the watch.

On the screen that looked like a watch but was actually a tracking radar, the red dot representing the highest star Kuixing was still!

Chapter 262 The Dark Sun Returns

"Jie Jie Jie, he was caught so easily. He is not funky at all, the other me."

“Is it fun to laugh at yourself?”

"...Tsk, boring."

Wearing white clothes and dressed like a monster, Mogami threw out his other blue gear bottle: "Take it, it's already adjusted. You don't have to worry about the energy going crazy in the future."

Kuro Mogami caught the bottle, feeling slightly sour in his heart.

Abundant funds and absolute dominance in research are the kind of sponsor scientists dream of.

Shiro Mogami here is lucky enough to meet such a financial sponsor, so his situation is far better than that of Kuro Mogami. The red Caesar he transformed will not go berserk with energy, and no one will interfere with his construction of Enigma.

However, whether it is the Caesar System or Enigma, he was clearly the one who invented it! It was him who spread it here!

It's all the fault of the evil Namba Heavy Industries and Kamen Rider. If only Namba had given him more support, or if the knight hadn't interfered with his creation of the Nebula Collapse Source Body...

"Obviously I came first."

"Huh? What did you say?"

"I say it's time to settle the score."

Kuro Mogami came to him with a serious face and pressed the communication button on the computer.

The screen lit up, and Shiro Mogami grinned quickly.

"Jie Jie Jie" X2

Two tops:?

"Look, let me tell you, this guy must be laughing with this weird smile of unknown meaning. At this time, as long as we laugh along with him, we will definitely make him depressed on the spot."

Lan Guanghong, who was holding the tablet, turned his head and said with a look of hatred on his face: "It's a pity that none of you are willing to cooperate!"

The knights next to them were speechless and turned their heads to look at the scenery.

"What a pity... By the way, what do you want to do?"

Looking at the unfamiliar face of Lan Guanghong, Bai Mogang became angry: "Who are you, this unfunky guy? Go and call the person who can make the decision!"

"Tsugami Shoichi." Kuromogami next to him said the name indifferently: "Call him."

"That's me." Lan Guanghong activated his super power and put on Xiang Yi's face: "This look looks familiar, it's a disguise!"

Kuro Mogami's eyes opened slightly, then returned to their original shape the next second.

...Blood Dive, you deserve to die!

Lan Guanghong returned to his original appearance, smiled and said, "Can I say anything now?"

"Interesting, really interesting!" Bai Moshang smiled crazily: "It seems like I'm going to dissect you and study you carefully, Jie~uh."

Thinking of the other party's ridicule at the beginning, he suddenly stopped laughing.

Kuromogami then answered: "Go to the Fantasy Game Club at three o'clock in the afternoon. I want to duel you there."

"If you dare not come, or call other knights for help, I will release all the Nebula Collapsing Source Forms and plunge this world into chaos."

Lan Guanghong frowned: "How dare you threaten me with the world? It seems I have to agree."

"As long as you know, leave immediately, I will..."

"But I refuse!"

Mogami:? ? ?

"My favorite thing about Lan Guanghong is to say no to self-righteous people like you!" Blu Guanghong nodded confidently and pointed his nostrils at the two top words on the tablet.

No matter how serious Kuro Mogami's face was, he couldn't help but twitch twice at this moment: "Are you going to abandon the world and ignore it? What kind of Kamen Rider are you?"

"Hey, hey, hey, it's not your turn to say this as a villain who wants to destroy the world. Besides...who said I want to abandon the world and ignore it?"

As he said that, Lan Guanghong suddenly turned around and held his hand far away so that his background was reflected on the screen: "Big surprise, Mommy Fake!"

The two Mogami were stunned at the same time.

The background looked familiar, it was a college, and it looked unremarkable on the surface.

But they all know that this is where the Enigma of this world is, and even the two of them are in this machine at the moment.

These knights have already reached their doorstep!

The two of them were stunned for a while, and suddenly they began to check their whole bodies in unison. Soon Kuro Mogami felt a foreign object from inside the clothes. When he took it apart, he found that it was a miniature positioning device!

He was stunned on the spot.

"Why? My clothes are not torn. How did he stuff them inside my clothes?"

"Is now the time to dwell on this? You loser!"

Bai Mogang didn't care that the other party was his own business. After cursing, he hurriedly took out a few things, and the two of them hurried out to prepare to face the enemy.

It's impossible not to go. If a fight here causes damage to this Enigma, then their wish to merge into the immortal Tyrant Caesar will become a lifetime series!

"There is no choice now. Let's merge together later. Solve the current crisis first, and then look for opportunities to devour the world in the future."

"Damn it, let them see our Funky!"

The knight and the villain finally met at the school gate, and both began to transform without saying a word.

Lan Guanghong and Eiji didn't move for the time being. The former was preparing to give the other side a bigger surprise later. The latter is because he has no coins and can no longer transform into Oz.

[Funky Match...Perfect! ]

After the transformation, the two Mogami completely merged and transformed into a special warrior with red and blue gears, the same look as the Thunder Brothers in the play!

"See it, I am the immortal emperor who can control all parallel worlds! Dominate Caesar!"

Ba Caesar roared, and his arms simultaneously spread out the high-speed rotating energy gears and rushed towards the knights.

Yong Meng and the others were about to meet the enemy, but they saw that the blue light red turned into a residual image and rushed towards the opponent at an incredible speed, followed by a tooth-grinding friction sound.

Ba Caesar:?

He looked at the released gear being caught by the blue light red with his bare hands, and for a moment he had thousands of words in his heart, but he didn't know how to say them.

"Control all parallel worlds? The immortal king?"

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