He wanted to ask if he could stop doing these things! But he didn't dare to say it.

Because he had done this on the first day. After receiving the jeep special training that day, Lan Guanghong came to visit him and brought him a special nutritious meal.

——Pickled sea gulls!

That thing was smelly, and Huande almost vomited bile on the spot, and made it clear that he didn't want to eat it even if he was beaten to death!

But Lan Guanghong forced it in.

That day, Huande felt hopeless and felt that this was the darkest moment in his life. As a result, Lan Guanghong brought him canned herrings the next day...

So he could eat snail noodles, stinky tofu, etc. in the next few days without changing his expression.

But today's plate of nine-turn large intestine still broke his defense.

"Teacher!" Huande pointed at the large intestine in frustration: "It's not cleaned, and there's a bunch of **!"

"Bah! What do you mean by **? That's the stuffing I specially filled for you!"

When saying this, Lan Guanghong's eyes flickered suspiciously, as if he was making a specious argument.


"What's your expression! Tell me, do you want to eat it yourself or do you want me to help you!"

Huande's expression changed several times, and finally he shouted in grief and anger: "Eat it if you want!"

"Ah... Ugh~... Ah!"

After finishing the lunch like a whirlwind, Lan Guanghong took away the plate with satisfaction and praised: "Very good, there will be no class in the afternoon, come with me to the laboratory later."



"Don't talk! Especially not to me!" Lan Guanghong took a few steps back, slammed the door shut, and responded through the wall: "You guessed right, it's time for you to transform."

"Take a good rest and adjust your body to the best posture."

"Yes! Teacher!"

Huan De immediately lay down on the bed, crossed his hands on his waist, and looked very honest, but he was so excited that he couldn't sleep at all.

Finally, I've waited for this day!

When I get this power, I must fight back to Dongdu... Uh, why should I fight back to Dongdu?

That is my hometown where I was born and raised, and it is the land ruled by my father. In the past, because of political differences, I led Faust to do so many excessive things to this country. How can I have the face to retaliate now?

Himero Huan De, what's wrong with you?


When his father ordered him to be driven away, his disappointed and regretful eyes appeared in his mind. Huan De suddenly felt like a knife in his heart, and a tear fell from the corner of his eye.


...In the corridor, Lan Guanghong hummed a pleasant little song, thinking about how to get rid of Jiuya without anyone noticing.

Yes, the time and space fluctuations on his body have been completely absorbed by the tracking dial, and now he is a useless person. As long as this person disappears, Lan Guanghong can freely enjoy himself in this world without worrying about anyone or anything.

"I've decided, let him try it tonight." Lan Guanghong threw the plate to the passing robot, muttering in a low voice: "Dedicate yourself for the greater good, Huande."

Just now he checked that the influence of Pandora's light on Himuro Huande has been completely eliminated, and his original personality has been restored.

It's worth it that he has been feeding him food with added ingredients these days.

Yes, this week, Himuro Huande's food has been mixed with high concentrations of nebula gas, and the reason why it is smelly is to cover up the original smell of nebula gas.

The Nine-turn Large Intestine just now even directly condensed the nebula gas into a solid "filling" in order to allow Himuro Gentoku to reach the level of transformation conditions in one go and completely eliminate the influence of Pandora's Light.

Because there is not much time left.

The dial has not absorbed Agito's power for so long, and Hisaya may be a little suspicious. Fortunately, the IXA that suddenly appeared in Beidu confused him for a while, allowing Lan Guanghong to successfully suck him out during the days in Xidu.

Well, that's it. It has nothing to do with Himuro Gentoku using him for experiments and forcing him to absorb several cans of nebula gas.

——Nothing at all!

As for the surgery on the first day, it was indeed more than just shaving his beard.

He also had a haircut~

It was not only Hisaya who was confused because Saruwatari Kazumi suddenly became a red dad, but also Ishido.

He really couldn't figure out why the plan went wrong again and again.

Kiryu Sento occasionally does something that makes him shine, because he is a genius physicist, so his foundation is not bad.

But why does Saruwatari Ikkai do that?

Isn't he just a potato farmer? !

Ishido didn't care about the affairs of Kitatoshi at first, and it didn't matter to him who was chosen as the knight there, because they were all chess pieces anyway.

He never expected that Saruwatari would suddenly appear and overturn his chessboard in Kitatoshi!

"...These are the evidences that Tajimi Kiko was ostensibly focusing on child rearing and agriculture, but was actually preparing for war."

The screen replayed the evidence that Saruwatari Ikkai had made public to the world after he overthrew the Kitatoshi government seven days ago.

At the end of the video, he took out his belt and turned into a white knight that Ishido had never seen before.

"Finally, I'll remind you that those who want to invade Beidu under the pretext of getting rid of me as a terrorist will be killed."

"I will fight back with my heaviest punch!" The White Knight raised his fist towards the camera: "I will burn my heart and defeat you!"

Shi Dong: ...

The plan to provoke Beidu to start a war has failed!

Chapter 273 The beautiful girl finally becomes a crocodile king

The Prime Minister of Toudou woke up and forcibly curbed Himuro Gentoku's ambition, and the power of Kitadou was temporarily seized by Saruwatari Ikkai, who was planting potatoes. It seemed that the war between the two cities could not be fought.

Not only that, from these two things, E-General keenly smelled a conspiracy. Whether it was the miracle doctor who cured Himuro Taizan by removing his poison, or the mysterious knight who suddenly transformed into Saruwatari Ikkai, they all seemed to be deliberately targeting him.

He felt that there seemed to be a big hand in the dark that enveloped him and played with him at will.

"No, there is still room for redemption!"

Ishido thought for a while, and finally put forward that Katsuragi's father went to fix the bug in Kitadou, and he set off to the Namba Research Center in Saito to personally supervise the birth of Kamen Rider Rogue.

There must be no more problems in the Saito line!

"Hey~ Isn't this Master Xueqian? You are here to see Gento's transformation?"

"Yes, we are old acquaintances after all, so of course I have to see Gento's rebirth. And..."

Lan Guanghong blinked: "Anything else?"

"No, nothing~"

Xueqian leaned on the railing to look at Himuro Gento in the test bench, and gave up the idea of ​​testing Lan Guanghong.

In fact, he also had doubts about the "Tsugami Shoichi" in front of him. After all, this person had contacted Saruwatari Ikkai on the pretext of asking someone to help him enter the Western Capital.

But thinking about it, he felt that the possibility was not great. Unless the other party knew his thoughts and completely guessed the future development, and guessed that Saruwatari Ikkai was the candidate for the Northern Capital Knights long in advance, it would be impossible for him to conspire with Saruwatari to destroy his layout so long in advance.

——How could that be possible!

Compared to this, Ishido would rather believe that there was a group of special people who knew his true identity and secretly formed an alliance to strangle him on Earth.

The evidence is those unidentified people who suddenly appeared.

For example, the most obvious one is Shoichi Tsugami, the sudden appearance and disappearance that made him anxious, Ken Katsuragi, and the easily overlooked doctor Hua.

And the one who occupies an important position in Nanba Heavy Industries - Hisa Toshizo!

That's right, this person has an unknown origin like Shoichi Tsugami, as if he fell from the sky, and all the identity information found is fake!

Combined with Hisa's confident attitude towards Tsugami that day, and the frequent contact between the two in recent days, this Hisa is definitely not simple!

"Could this Hisa be the leader of this group of people?"

Ishido's brain turned rapidly, and his eyes glanced at the data on the test bench casually.

"Danger level 4.5, not bad, the training method I proposed is indeed effective."

The test was up to standard, Huande took a deep breath, and took the belt and bottle handed over by the person next to him.


"What the hell is that belt?"

Blue Light Red said in surprise: "Eh? Isn't this the squeeze driver you gave me, Master Xue Qian?"

Ishido: ...

Well, it does look like a squeeze driver in appearance, but this color and accessories... a weird squeeze driver! Even if I haven't seen the finished product, I have seen the design drawings, okay!

In short, under the surprised eyes of everyone and the video recorder set up by Blue Light Red, Himuro Gentoku finally began his first transformation.


The pink jelly bottle was inserted, and before it made a sound effect, Gentoku immediately pressed the squeeze switch like a magic wand.

[Girl, Eruption, Smellu~]

The pink jelly that only a real tough guy can control spurted out, melting the original clothes on Himuro Gentoku, and finally slowly condensed.

Puff socks, puffy skirt, and even the hair was tied into a ponytail with a pink bow.

[Pretty Cure, come on! ]

Ishido: ? ? ?

Snake Eyes is going blind, what the hell is this!

Gentoku, do you really have nothing to miss in this world? !

"Hmm, is this the power of Pretty Cure?"

Himero Gentoku clenched his hands, feeling the surging in his body... huh?

He looked up in astonishment and asked, "Teacher, it feels the same as before the transformation?"

"No difference, that's the first generation trial with problems. The transformation is useless, but it can harmlessly detect whether the wearer is qualified to use this belt."

As he said that, Lan Guanghong snapped his fingers, and the people below immediately handed over a normal squeeze driver and a full bottle of crocodile cracks.

"This is the second generation after adjustment. Come on, try it on."

Gentoku, Ishido:...

[Crocodile! Danger! ]

After squeezing again, the purple color around Gentoku was the test chamber, and then it was bitten to pieces by the crocodile mouths on both sides.

[Tear, devour, crush to pieces! ]

[Kamen Rider Crocodile, OLAAA!!!]

The dangerous sound effects gradually became more intense, and finally ended with a scream.

Huande clenched his claw-like fists and felt a strong force surge into his body.

"...Isn't this still Kamen Rider?!"

"So would you rather be Kamen Rider or Pretty Cure?"

"Kamen Rider!" Huande answered immediately.

"That's it."

Blue Light Red turned over and jumped into the test bench, took out the belt and put it on: "Next, let me test your strength."

[Gatling, Gatling! ]

The silver blue version of Build stretched out his hand and invited him to fight: "Go, use your full strength to attack me, and I will use my full strength in return!"

"Let's have a real man's duel, Huande!"

"That's exactly what I want!" Himuro Gento clenched his fists and rushed towards the blue light red with full confidence.

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