The opponent did not dare to underestimate the enemy, so he immediately raised his right hand like a bow, and shot an arrow that smelled sour.

The two projectiles collided in mid-air, and according to Hisaya's reasoning, they should cancel each other out.

But the final result surprised him. Evol's light bullet directly shattered his lemon arrow, and then hit his face with unabated force.

It was too late to escape at this moment. All Jiuya could do was stare with wide eyes.


The alien Duke was blown away by the remaining bullets, crashed through several walls, and fell to the ground in a panic. He felt dizzy, as if several gangsters were working in his mind at the same time.

Hisaya:? ? ?

No, Evol’s first form is so powerful?

He didn’t put a bottle in either! Why do the bullets fired look like amplified moves? !

When lamenting that his opponent's strength was beyond imagination, Kuya was also glad that he was now a different kind of knight. As long as he did not have the power of the same kind of knight, he would not be truly defeated...

But he soon realized that immortality didn't seem to be a good thing.

In the next few minutes, Evol did everything he could to kill him, stabbing him in the kidney with a smoke sword, shooting in the head with a nebula gun, transforming into a liquid and destroying him from the inside. The methods were so cruel that it was outrageous.

Jiuya was tortured to death, and finally couldn't help but take out the trump card at the bottom of the box.

"Oh Nori Evolto! I will definitely come back!"

After putting down the cruel words, Jiuya twisted around and got into the time and space tunnel created by pressing the dial. The moment his figure completely disappeared, the time and space door closed instantly.

Evol, who had no opponent, stood there for a while, and suddenly his whole body fluctuated, turning into a pure black and dark green Locust Knight, and finally changed back to a human appearance.

Blue light red:......

"Tsk, you saved your life."

Lan Guanghong was a little helpless, because without the power of Kamen Rider Duke, he really couldn't keep the other party.

Fortunately, he just had an idea and thought of a cool operation, which combines the superpower of change with transformation, wearing someone else's skin but using the power of the real knight to fight!

In this way, not only can you exert your full power, but you can also throw the blame on others and achieve a win-win situation. Isn't it beautiful?

However, this method has a disadvantage, that is, it looks dark and dark, and over time, it may be seen as inconsistent with the real person. After all, there are not many knights like Mr. E who dual-wields a gun and sword, and has the ability to liquefy, which is perfectly compatible with the three-form disguise of blue light and red.

"But there are a lot of people using swords, that's enough." Lan Guanghong said silently with satisfaction: "Good baby! When the things are done, let's go and bask in the sun!"

There was a slight heat in the lower abdomen, which seemed to be the response of Emperor Shi.

Beidu, Prime Minister's Office.

"Ah, one or two, it's really a headache!"

Saruwatari lay on the sofa in the same posture as an old man, and lamented: "I can't do it anymore, I will die if this continues!"

In the corner, looking at Saruwatari who was stumped by a pile of documents, Taji, who was tied up, said disdainfully: "Huh, farmers are farmers, you don't understand my great ideals at all, these are all..."

"Shut up! I don't care about your bullshit ideals. I just want people to be able to eat my farm products and prevent wars from happening!"

Seeing that Taji was not convinced and wanted to talk back, Saruwatari pulled out a smelly sock and asked expressionlessly: "Want to try it?"

Tajimi's eyes widened, his mouth tightened and he shook his head wildly.

After curing Tajimi's stiff tongue, Saruwatari returned to his previous posture, thinking about whether he could find some helpers from the farm who knew this business.

...Well, it seems not.

When it comes to farming, all of those people are good hands, and the three of them, Red, Yellow and Blue, are the best among the younger generation and will definitely be the mainstay of their Saruwatari family in the future.

But when it comes to political affairs~ Well, just look at the IQs of those three pillars of the future.

However, others cannot believe it for the time being...

"That light is so annoying when it flashes. Hey, where is the light switch?"

An irritated Saruwatari asked, pointing to the red light above his head.

Tajimi whispered back: "If you can't turn it off, it's an alarm for someone to invade here."

Saruwatari: "...Huh?"

Under Tajimi's verbal guidance, Saruwatari turned on computer monitoring and found the image of the intruder.

On the screen, three slammers of different colors swaggered into the hall, blasting all the mechanical soldiers who came to intercept them, and headed straight towards him.

"Tsk, trouble!"

Saruwatari took out his belt and left in a hurry.

He must stop the three of them as soon as possible, because the mechanical soldiers in the Prime Minister's Palace are forcibly controlled by another instrument given to him by Blue Light Red. If these soldiers are allowed to be defeated, then even if he is a knight, it will be difficult for him to survive in the government army. Defend this place despite all kinds of tricks.

However, Saruwatari, who was anxious, ignored one thing.

He is a road idiot...

While twisting and turning along the way, he accidentally bumped into another person.

The silver and red body is a combination of a robot and a phoenix, that's it!

"Knights of the Eastern Capital, Build!" Saruwatari asked warily, "Why are you here!"

Build didn't speak, but pointed at Saruwatari with a provocation.

When had Saruwatari ever been so angry?

"You guy, do you want to be beaten?"


Chapter 276 Father and Son of Love and Peace

Saruwatari, who transformed into IXA, stood up to face Build, raised his hand and punched the opponent's front door.

The opponent instantly raised his left arm and clamped his fist with a robot arm that had both great strength and hardness. Then he swung his cloak with his left hand, setting off a sea of ​​scorching flames that engulfed Saruwatari.

"Oh~, it's on fire!"

Saruwatari, who had a bad start, did not retreat. He raised his knees and knocked away the opponent's mechanical arm, and continued to launch a furious attack like a wave of flames.

Build on the opposite side was a little surprised, and while responding to the attack, he sighed: "What a powerful system, it can actually allow ordinary people to exert such a level of combat effectiveness."

"Can you tell me who gave you this system?"

"Okay." Saruwatari suddenly took off his gloves and gave the opponent a hard blow. After knocking the opponent back, he blew his fist and provocatively said: "If you beat me, I will tell you."

"Hmph~" Build chuckled noncommittally, took out two full bottles and replaced them.

[turtle, watch]

Green and silver-gray armor replaced the original clothes, and the flames released by the Phoenix quickly dissipated.

"Hoo~ Turtle." Saruwatari touched his fists: "I'm going to smash your turtle shell now!"

"Build is not such a simple system."

With that said, the Build raised his arm and lightly snapped his fingers.

In an instant, the speed of Saruwatari during the attack suddenly slowed down, as if he was stuck in a quagmire, and his movements became extremely slow.


"The turtle represents low speed, and the watch represents time. The combination of the two slows down the flow of time."

Build walked slowly to Saruwatari who was slowed down, looked at him struggling desperately and said with a smile: "It's useless, the danger level is not reached, you can't escape from the deceleration effect."

"Then, I'll accept this."

He reached out and grabbed the IXA belt around Saruwatari's waist.

Saruwatari:! ! !

"Let me stay here..."

Saruwatari roared, but unfortunately, under the deceleration effect, his voice became dull and funny.

Damn it, if there was such a danger level!

... Just as he watched the opponent's fingers touch the belt, a strong explosion suddenly came, getting closer and closer to them.



The wall suddenly cracked open, and the new Cross-Z, which was silver-white with a transparent dragon-shaped coating, pushed three new types of slammers that were completely different from the Dongdu slammers through the wall.

Seeing the two people fighting, Wan Zhang's footsteps suddenly stopped.

"Eh? Zhantu, why are you here?"

Before he finished speaking, the three slow-down attackers launched a counterattack at the same time, and a set of sharp combos knocked Wan Zhang into the air. However, this guy acted like a normal person... No, it would be better to say that his fighting spirit was even higher!

"The power is boiling and the soul is burning!" Wan Zhang looked up to the sky and roared: "My jelly has spewed out!"

"Ola Ola!"

Saruwatari, Build:......

This guy doesn't look very smart.

"I told you that it's not jelly." Zhantu emerged from the broken wall. He was stunned when he saw the two people standing in a stalemate. Then he narrowed his eyes and asked Build: "You are Katsuragi Takumi, right?"


Katsuragi guessed this right, but it was not a coincidence, it was Shinobu.

Yes, this Transformer of Build is none other than Sento's biological father, Katsuragi Shinobi who pretends to submit to Mr. E but has been trying to deal with him.

It was Mr. E's order to come to Hokuto to carry out small operations. He first forcibly transformed Saruwatari's three younger brothers into new types of dangerous slammers, and then transformed into Build to deal with Saruwatari Ikkai. The purpose was to rekindle the conflict between Hokuto and Hokuto. battle.


What a coincidence, you unlucky kid, why are you here at this time?

Zhantu didn't know why, but his original intention was to come to Beidu to pick up a few people and prepare to meet Saruto Ikai, but he happened to meet "Katsuragi Takumi" who came to cause trouble.

Then we can’t just sit back and watch!

"Don't you want to speak? Then let me see the strength of the demon scientist."

Zhan Tu took out a full bottle and shook out the blockbuster formula, with a handsome smile on his face.

"Sa, let's start the experiment!"

[Rabbit, tank, the best combination! ]

[Full Steel Lunar Universe, Rabbit Tank, yeah~! ]

Katsuragi Shinobu:......

Even my personality has completely changed after I lost my memory. This belt has been modified to be very fancy, which sounds really... too sexy!

As expected of my son, even if he is not a scientist, he is still a good rock player.

It's a pity that for the sake of humankind's righteousness, you can only make sacrifices!

"For love and peace!"

Silently thinking about his son and his own ideals in his heart, Shinobu Katsuragi raised the iron fist of love and peace to his son.

"Our Namba Heavy Industries suffered heavy losses in this disaster. Fortunately, there were no casualties. Only Dr. Kuya is missing and has not been found."

After hearing the final result, Namba Juzaburo's face twitched, and the hand holding the cane trembled slightly.

After a long while, he took a deep breath and asked, "How did this disaster happen?"

The secretary replied without hesitation: "President, based on the investigation, we confirm that this disaster was caused by Hamuro Hantoku!"


"How dare he? He has been expelled from Dongdu and has become a rootless person, and he still dares to disobey us?"

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