Toudou, Prime Minister's Meeting Room.

This is where the prime ministers of the three cities meet. In addition to the real Prime Minister of Honto, the controllers of the other two cities will also appear here in the form of holographic projection.

However, this meeting is different from the previous ones. The prime ministers of Kitadou and Saito completely abandoned their hypocritical faces and showed their fangs to Toudou.

"Prime Minister Mido, Prime Minister Tajimi, what are you going to do!"

Escaping from the clutches of General E, Himuro Taizan, who is still in a bad mood, looked pale and asked in disbelief: "Are you going to declare war on Toudou?!"

"Humph, it was Toudou that caused the war, right?" Tajimi put on a hateful face of an old bitch, and said hatefully: "Saruwatari Ikkai, who attacked the Kitadou government, is on your side. Why are you shielding him and refusing to return him?"

"I'm afraid he is the undercover planted by your Toudou, and the knight system he uses is also a weapon secretly developed by your Toudou!"

Himuro Taizan:?

"Prime Minister Tajimi is right. Prime Minister Himuro, you are really a hidden talent." For the first time, Prime Minister Mido Masakuni of the Western Capital showed an undisguised, ambitious smile in the meeting.

"In order to find out the strength of our Western Capital, he even let his own son out as a spy and stole the Kamen Rider system that our Western Capital uses for self-defense."

"Prime Minister Himuro, awesome!" Mido clapped his hands and gave Himuro Taizan a thumbs up.

Himuro Taizan: ? ? ?

What the hell are you talking about!

He finally saw that these two people were not asking for an explanation from him at all, but looking for a reason to start a war with the Eastern Capital.

"Finally, this day has come." Himuro Taizan sighed silently.

In fact, he knew very well that with Mido and Tajimi's personalities, a war would inevitably break out between the three cities, but when this day really came, he couldn't help but feel sad.

The days of peace are over.

After the meeting ended, he immediately called his officials to prepare to lead the people to evacuate and welcome the war, and then he got on a special car and went to the coffee shop.

He didn't want the knights like Battle Rabbit to help him do anything, he just wanted to see his son again.


Mido Masakuni lay on his back on the chair in the conference room, and the smile on his face gradually became evil and crazy.

Behind him, Xue Qian clapped his hands and congratulated: "Congratulations, you have finally taken the first step to conquer the world, Prime Minister~."

"We should also thank Nanba Heavy Industries for its assistance." Mido turned around and looked at Xue Qian and the gear brothers behind him, who were almost exactly the same as Kaiser Mogami, but with different colors, and said: "They would never have thought that in addition to the knight system, Nanba also has such a killer."

"In this way, no one can stop me from conquering the world, hum ha ha ha ~"


Mido and the gear brothers were shocked!

Xue Qian's clapping action also suddenly froze, and he stood there stupidly, not knowing what expression to make.

Because, this is his laughter.

Just as the four of them were stunned, the projection device suddenly turned on automatically, projecting a coquettish figure in a beige suit.

—— Ishido Soichi!


"Fuhahaha, stupid humans, listen to me."

Ishido in the projection smiled very provocatively, and was playing with a box in his hand like a basketball.

Take a closer look, it's Pandora's Box, what else could it be!

"My name is Evolto, an alien life that has devoured countless planets and wiped out countless civilizations."

"However, I had a small accident on Mars, and now I have to rely on this body to stay on Earth for a while... By the way, the Pandora's Box you mentioned does contain powerful power, but that is the power that allows me to recover and destroy the earth."

At this point, Ishido spread his hands and showed regret: "Unfortunately, I originally wanted to borrow your human hands to help me recover, but your efficiency is too slow, I am very dissatisfied."

"So, I decided to do it myself."

Ishido So put on the golden and red belt with astrological patterns with a smile, and took out a special evolution bottle.

[Cobra, Knight System, Evolution! ]

Shaking the handle, the belt suddenly sounded the prelude to Ode to Joy.

[Are you ready? ]


[...Evol Cobra! Fuhahaha! ! ! ]

The transformation was completed, and the knight with scarlet evil snake-like compound eyes appeared in the conference room.

Not only that, all the places with screens connected to the Internet in this country were almost playing this scene simultaneously.

"My other name is Kamen Rider Evol. I hope you can see the times and return all the full bottles to me so that I can eat the earth as soon as possible and go to the next place."

"If you don't obey and force me to do it myself, hehe~" The knight chuckled, and the threat was evident in his words.


The projection disappeared, Mido Masakuni blinked, turned his head and looked at Xueqian.



... "Done, in this way, I wonder who will still have the heart to start a war."

Lan Guanghong shook his head to restore his original appearance, looked at the stupid people around him, and laughed: "Why are you all looking at me? Let's go and drink soup~."

Chapter 283 The real attitude

Xidu, Prime Minister's Conference Room.

The Gear Brothers, who had been given high hopes by Namba Heavy Industries, had turned into a pile of scrap metal. Their human bodies, the Wind and Thunder Brothers, were covered in blood, lying on the ground not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

The owner of this place, Midang Zhengbang, also had his feet off the ground, and his face turned red and purple due to suffocation.

Seeing that this man was on the verge of life and death and transformed into his true form, Manager E of Kamen Rider Evol let go.

With a "pop", Midang curled up on the ground and coughed, looking at the terrifying Mr. E with eyes full of unspeakable fear.

Mr. E doesn't care what Midang thinks, he only has one person in his mind right now.

"Oh Norai Tsugami Shoichi!"


Mr. E kicked the chair in the conference room to pieces and felt that he could understand the emotion called "anger" by humans.

He, the majestic boss of Blood Star, has devoured the existence of countless planets. When has he ever been fooled like this!

Now he has completely figured out that Katsuragi Gan and Shafurin are all disguised by this "Tsugami Shoichi".

And this guy has known his true identity for a long time. The evidence is that when this guy came to fool Katsuragi in front of him, he revealed his identity in one go. At that time, Katsuragi Ninja hadn't even left the mountain yet!

"Huh, hahahaha, it's so fun!" Mr. E released the transformation and said with a ferocious smile: "It's so fun. No matter who you are, if you want to have fun, let's have a good time."

He rubbed his wrists and came to the frightened Midang, raised his hand to cover his face.

Late at night, a figure used the shadow to hide and move through the residential area.

Behind him, there were the sounds of chaotic footsteps. It was Xidu's mechanical soldiers chasing the wanted person ahead.


The escaping man's breathing became more and more rapid, and he could hardly hold on any longer.

The experience of being possessed by alien life for more than ten years has already made his body riddled with holes, as fragile as a sycamore leaf that can fall at any time.

But even so, he was still making a last ditch effort.

No matter what, at this time, he also wanted to see his dear daughter a real father.


A bullet exploded near his feet, Shi Dongsun's heart tightened, and he instantly felt a strong dizziness as if he was losing blood.

He involuntarily leaned over to the side of the road, and while breathing, there was a trace of regret on his face.

...Is this the only way we can go?

Haha, I am really an unqualified father in my life.

In his mind, he recalled every moment he spent with his daughter in the past. Even if it was a false memory controlled by Evolto, it seemed very precious to him at this time.

"Goodbye, Misora~"

Shi Dong slowly closed his eyes.

The mechanical soldiers surrounded him, pointed their guns at him warily, and sent an action request to the government.

"Soichi Shi, who captured the suspected alien life form Evolto, asked for instructions."

"The Prime Minister ordered to kill on the spot."

"As you command!"

The soldiers raised their guns, and at the moment they were about to pull the trigger, a sudden change occurred!

Da da da…

A series of rapid shooting sounds rang out from the air, followed by countless falcon-shaped bullets.

These bullets hit the vital points of each mechanical soldier evenly. Within a moment, these soldiers collapsed and turned into scrap metal.

"Great, caught up!"

War Rabbit in the form of Falcon Gatling fell from the sky and raised up Shi Dongsouyi who was unconscious with one hand.

"Hey, boss, are you okay?"

"How can it be okay? No matter who has been possessed for more than ten years, his body will become like a pineapple."

War Rabbit:!

The voice is wrong, but the tone is very familiar to him/

", Evolto the Blood Star!"

War Rabbit pointed his gun at the shadow.

The next moment, Mr. E, who had possessed Midang, appeared from the shadows with his hands raised and his still careless steps.

"You are so heartless, Zhantu. We spent such a happy time together, but you want to kill me just because my appearance has changed?"

"Stop pretending, you have no human feelings at all." Zhan Tu put down Shi Dong, held the handle of the gun with both hands and said solemnly: "First you destroyed the peace of this country, and then you wantonly messed with our lives. It is absolutely unforgivable! "

"Evolto, I'm going to knock you down!"

"Knock me down? Fuhahaha..." Mr. E laughed wildly as if he heard something funny. The laughter made Zhan Tu upset: "What's so funny!"

Mr. E suddenly stopped laughing, and took out his belt and evolution bottle without smiling.

"Laughing at you for still not making any progress, Zhantu."

[Cobra, Knight System! ]

"Let you see my true form! henshin!"

[Evol Cobra! Fuhahaha~]

"Phase one, completed."

After the transformation was completed, Mr. E confidently walked towards Zhan Rabbit, letting the opponent's bullets hit all parts of his body, but his progress did not stop.

Leaping to the ground, Evol's figure flashed, with a bloody afterimage, and came to the war rabbit at a speed that was almost teleporting.


Zhan Tu was startled, and subconsciously wanted to spread his wings and fly away from the place, but in the end he was a step too late, and Mr. E reached out and grabbed his ankle.

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