"Don't worry, I will send you flowers today next year, Cia... No, goodbye."

With a chuckle, Mr. E returned to the Xidu Government with an angry step.

As a "consultant" with this body, he submitted the evidence to the Western Capital Government that "the Prime Minister was kidnapped by the Eastern Capital Knights." He came to Yi Neng's office and sent a message to his compatriots lurking in the other two capitals.

Those two people were Ryoka Saiga from the Eastern Capital and Mitsuomi Gohara from the Northern Capital. They were staff officers like Inoh Kengo, and they were also the same people who arrived on Mars with Shi Dongsu.

On that day, he possessed Shi Dongsouyi, and the three same race also entered the bodies of three people respectively. However, they directly transformed into humans by eroding the human body and mimicking it. The method was quite crude.

At that time, Mr. E felt that these three guys were unlikely to be great, but anyway, he only used these three guys as resurrection coins or blood food, and didn't care much about their abilities and personalities.

No, it comes in handy~

When the call was connected, He Liangxiang couldn't wait to ask: "Yineng, how is the situation?"

"As I expected, he is already dead."

Mr. E, who extracted the memory from Yi Neng's body, responded meaningfully.

The other two people didn't think there was anything wrong. Mitsuomi Gohara answered: "Then can our plan be implemented?"

"Don't worry, I got something from Evolto. You should come and take a look." Mr. E spread his arms, which was Yi Neng's habitual action.

"We will meet at the same place tomorrow at this time."

"Okay." X2

The other two people didn't doubt his presence and happily accepted the invitation.

After the communication ended, Mr. E relaxed and slumped on the chair, raised his hand and let out a trace of blood, shaking it back and forth.

"Black RX, I'm afraid even fusing those two people won't be enough to deal with him. I need the power of Pandora's Box!"

He closed his eyes and thought for a while, thinking of a key person who could help him obtain the magic box.

That was Kiryu Sento, someone he couldn't refuse no matter what.

"...I told you that I am not Kiryu Sento, but Katsuragi Takumi!"

"Okay Battle Rabbit, no problem Battle Rabbit." Blu-ray's red head nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and he smoothly pulled over Gen Himuro, who had just resolved the father-son conflict with his father and had now officially decided to join the group.

"Now, this is your old friend and I won't introduce him. I'll help him make a belt. From now on, I'll rely on him to deal with Evolto."

Katsuragi Takumi:?

He looked at the strangely dressed and honest-looking Hantoku Himuro in front of him. It was hard to imagine what had happened in the two years since he had lost his memory. How could that Hentoku, who was full of ambition and desire to fight, have fallen like this!


When old friends met, Huande said hello to Katsuragi in embarrassment in the face of his former enemy, and then had nothing to say.

Katsuragi Katsuki:......

"Who are you!"

"Eh? Have you forgotten me?" Huan De slapped his chest with both hands: "I'm Huan De! Ye Ba, Ye Ba, do you still remember?"

"Remember, but you are definitely not him!" Katsuragi crossed his arms and said with certainty: "You can't lie to me!"


"Hoho, we are in a good relationship. Then you can chat while I go out to do some errands."

Without waiting for a response from the two of them, Lan Guanghong jumped up the stairs briskly. When closing the door, she waved her hands mischievously and said with a smile: "Ciao~"

Katsuragi Takumi:!

"It's you, Evolto!"

He picked up his belt and was about to get on, when Huande saw this and hugged him from behind.

"Calm down! Teacher, he just likes to talk about other people's words. He is really not Evolto!"

Dongdu, outside the operating room of a general hospital.

The red "in-surgery" light was bright, Misora ​​was leaning silently against the wall, Wan Zhang was panting and sitting on the armchair with a miserable expression. Apart from a little dust on his body, Saruwatari was quite energetic.

"Light red."

Seeing the blue light coming over, Wan Zhang complained weakly: "Why didn't you wait for me? It took me a long time to find the way."

Blue light red:......

You still have the nerve to say it! If I hadn't looked back in time, I would have been surprised if I didn't share life and death with you when Katsuragi Qiao woke up!

You must know that in his eyes, you are a clone of Evolto, a complete accomplice!

Lan Guanghong, whose mouth was twisted with anger, stretched out his hand and said, "Take out the phone."

"What are you doing?" Although he asked this, Wan Zhang still took out his phone honestly.

Lan Guanghong took the phone and clicked on it a few times. A clear and pleasant young lady's voice sounded from inside.

[Navigation is activated, please mark your destination. ]

After the operation was completed, he said nothing and just stared at Wan Zhang as if he was mentally retarded.

Wan Zhang took back his phone in embarrassment, and then tried to stare at Yuu Duyi Hai with the same eyes.

"Haha." Saruwatari laughed mockingly: "Idiot, I don't have a mobile phone."


"I'll use my brain later... forget it." Lan Guanghong shook his head and gave up this unrealistic idea: "You'd better give me a call. You won't forget to bring your phone anyway."


After giving Wan Zhang's instructions, Lan Guanghong glanced towards the operating room, then smiled and rubbed Meikong's head.

"Don't worry, I just checked. Uncle Shi Dong will be fine."

"Liar!" Meikong slapped away Lan Guanghong's hand, raised her head and stared at him with red eyes from crying.

"Dad has been in the operating room for the second time! The doctor said that he may not be able to be saved this time!"

"Of course they can't save it, but I can." Lan Guanghong smiled confidently: "The foreign matter in uncle's body has completely disappeared, and now is the best time for treatment."

"...Wait a minute, I'll change the number of the miracle doctor first."

Chapter 286 Huge conspiracy


With a breath of relief, the real Shi Dongsong opened his eyes.

What came into view was a familiar yet unfamiliar face.


Misora ​​cried with joy, and threw her arms towards Shi Dong on the hospital bed. The latter's eyes were blurred for a moment, and he tremblingly stretched out his arms to hug his daughter.

It was a very touching reunion scene, but it was a pity that a big hand ruined the atmosphere.

"No hugging!" Lan Guanghong grabbed the back of Misong's neck in time to hold her up.

"Aren't you careful about your weight? Uncle Shi Dong has just recovered. I'm afraid you're going to squeeze out his bile with this pounce!"

Misora ​​and Shi Dongsoichi:...

"Anyway, his body is still too weak, and he needs a long time to rest and recover." Lan Guanghong came to the bedside, leaned over and asked, "I haven't tasted the taste of the human world for more than ten years. Is there anything you want to eat? "

Shi Dong pursed his lips and murmured inaudibly. Lan Guanghong listened intently and nodded after a while: "I understand."

He turned around and said to Saruwatari: "Uncle said he wants to eat roasted duck, roasted chicks, roasted goose... Songhua belly, go and get ready."


"No, no, no, this is what you want to eat!"

"That's right!" There was no trace of embarrassment on Lan Guanghong's face after his idea was revealed. Instead, he responded confidently with his hands on his hips.

The corner of Saruwatari's mouth twitched.

I have never seen such a shameless person!

"Hmph, I don't care if you see through it or not, I'm determined to eat today's feast anyway!"

Lan Guanghong grabbed Saruwatari's neck and forced him out.

After leaving the ward, he immediately changed his expression to a look of hatred, and he clenched his fist and turned it hard on the top of Saruwatari's head.

"Idiot! When father and daughter reunite, why are you just waiting there to figure out what's going on?"

"It hurts, it hurts~"

Saruwatari quickly broke free from the restraints and said harshly: "I'm just worried about uncle's injury and want to stay in the ward to take care of him."

"Bah, are you worried about uncle? You are just a covetous daughter!" Lan Guanghong lit Saruwatari's shoulder and lamented: "Don't even think about it. What if Misora ​​becomes disgusted with you when he sees you are so ignorant?" I know that once a girl’s favorability drops, it’s hard to get it back up again!”

Saruwatari was startled, and after thinking about it for a while, he realized that what he said was true.

"Teacher!" Saruwatari's face showed a humbly asking for advice, and he clasped his fists under his chin and prayed: "Teach me!"

"Cough~" Lan Guanghong raised his wrist and looked at the non-existent watch.

This time Saruwatari had an idea.

"Teacher, let's eat first!"

"Well, I can teach you." Lan Guanghong nodded with satisfaction and waved his hand: "Let's go."

"Oh!" Saruwatari took the lead and strode towards the direction of the bathroom.

Blue light red:......

"Come back! This way!"

Coffee shop underground laboratory.

The place that used to be bustling with everyone gathered together, now only a father and his son, a scientist, were left silently doing experiments, which seemed particularly deserted.

There was nothing that could be done about it. Lan Guanghong was afraid that Katsuragi Qiao and Wan Zhang would conflict, so he found a reason to send the latter to stay with his girlfriend Kasumi temporarily, and he was not allowed to return until notified.

Of course, he wouldn't let Wan Zhang just sit idle like this. He gave Wan Zhang the evolutionary bottle that he had copied from Mr. E. He hoped that this one-minded fool could create some sparks with the evolutionary bottle that were not shown in the show.

As for whether the Build belt can be combined with two evolution bottles, Blu-ray Red has also tested it, and the answer is no.

So he secretly replaced his Wan Zhang belt with an Evol belt, just in case, and used a layer of Build belt shell as a disguise.

Anyway, Wan Zhang now fights with the Jelly Dragon. Even if he fails to transform using the Build belt, he will only suspect that he is not strong enough to control the power of the evolution bottle. He will never think that the belt has been replaced.

"What an idiot."

The rabbit-faced Katsuragi silently threw away the squeeze driver, which he got from Himuro Handoku. He said that there seemed to be some problems with the belt.

Katsuragi Qiao didn't make a new belt as Lan Guanghong said, but inspected the belt first. As a result, a big problem was found after this inspection.

——The performance of the belt is very wrong!

As the creator of the squeeze driver, no one is more familiar with the structure of this thing than him, and he can see the problem with this belt without wearing it.

To put it simply, due to the incorrect settings of certain parameters, the performance of this belt is greatly limited, and as the use time increases, the intensity of the restrictions will gradually increase.

At the end of use, this belt will lose all strengthening capabilities, and will be no different from a set of bulky medieval knight armor.

"What kind of idiot can complete the squeeze actuator I designed like this without even being able to copy the gourd?"

After hearing this, Katsuragi Shinobi on the other experimental table paused in his welding of the belt, and then continued working as if nothing had happened.

...After many years of separation, the relationship between father and son is already fragile, so it is better not to reveal the truth now.

In Katsuragi Shinobi's mind, he couldn't help but recall the shocking scene of seeing him again after Qiao regained his memory.

"Dad, aren't you dead?!"

Katsuragi Shinobu:......



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