"Then Godai, I will be your opponent today."

Godai was shocked: "Hey! Mr. Nagano?!"

He still doesn't know how strong Blue Light Red is, but judging from the fact that it can easily possess him and completely crush the chameleon species, it is definitely much, much stronger than him!

Lan Guanghong saw Wu Dai's uneasiness and comforted him: "An Xin, I'm just doing an ability test to formulate future training plans. I won't be harsh."

"Oh, that's great."

Godai breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then I'm coming~" Lan Guanghong took a deep breath and suddenly jumped towards the angel's human body and kicked him: "Whoops!"

Fifth Generation:? ? ?


A firework exploded in the night sky, and on the yacht in the shallow sea, several couples showed intoxicated smiles.

"So beautiful."

"Yes." The man agreed, then turned to look at the person he loved next to him: "But compared to you, it's still far behind."


There was a rough feeling on her head, as if someone had grabbed her head.

The last thing he saw in his eyes was the horrified look in his boyfriend's eyes.


The beautiful head exploded like a watermelon.


...Click, click.

On the blocked yacht, the police officers endured the surging emotions in their hearts and took photos of the tragic crime scene.

Lan Guanghong stood on the shore with Godai and Yukina, listening to Kaoru Ichijo's explanation.

"It can be confirmed that it was done by Gurungi. The people who died were all lovers. The captain and the single person were not harmed, but they were all frightened and went insane."

Blue light and red eyes looked at the people who were in mad hysteria and said: "Concentrate, I will treat them later."

"Any clues about that Gurungi?"

"It's not clear yet, the guy's appearance was not photographed on the ship." Kaoru Ichijo looked into the distance: "However, Kikiru's conditions are probably certain."

"Couple on a yacht."

The sky was bright, and on the sea, another large yacht slowly opened the blue water.

Passengers were standing on the deck admiring the beautiful scenery or enjoying lunch. Unaware of it, a blue-gray bald head had climbed to the side of the ship and its hard fingers were embedded in the hull.

"The game begins (Gurongi)."

Gurungi climbed onto the ship step by step, revealing its true appearance.

Solid muscles cover the whole body like armor, and three rows of raised scaly shields on the back extend to the beak-like mouth on the head.

Charm level, snapping turtle Gurungi.

"This time, we must advance to become a turtle and let Gamego know who the turtle master is!"

Turning on the deck, the snapping turtle opened the package he carried and took out the fireworks, and lit them by rubbing the flames with his two fingers.

The conditions Ichijo Kaoru guessed were correct, but there was still one missing point.


Killing a couple on a yacht who saw fireworks, 213 people, that's what it's about.


Fireworks exploded, and Gurungi opened his mouth to reveal a sinister smile.

The game officially begins.

Now everyone's attention must have been attracted by the fireworks that continued to set off. The snapping turtle took the opportunity to come to the other side and prepared to launch a sneak attack.

This is its bad taste. It is a kind of enjoyment for it to watch the frightened expressions of its prey up close.

Things developed as expected, and no one noticed its coming. At a glance, more than a dozen couples came into view.

Hoho, good harvest~

Grunki, who was in a happy mood, stretched out his hand to the girl closest to him.



A strong hand grasped its wrist.

Snapping turtle species:?

Before he could react, his perspective suddenly shifted 360 degrees, and "Euler" shouted loudly in his ears!


The snapping turtle's spine-covered back is firmly embedded in the deck. It doesn't hurt, but it will make it impossible to turn over for a while.

"Ho~, it turns out to be Brother Turtle...oh no, it's the same type of Gurungi."

"The battle was successful." The female companion next to Lan Guanghong took off her disguise, revealing that she was Kaoru Ichijo.

"Everyone retreat to the cabin, and remember to throw gravity mines if you encounter danger."

"Yes!" The "passengers" who put on the clothes all responded, and in just a few seconds they all disappeared on the deck.

Oh no, there are still two people left here - Godai and Yukina.

Obviously, this is a trap.

Snapping turtle species:? ? ?

"I'm curious how we calculated your game goal?"

Upon hearing this, Gurungi turned to look at him, obviously someone who understood what people said.

Lan Guanghong bared his teeth and smiled: "I won't tell you."

"Ichijo Godai, there is no need to say anything moral about this kind of evil spirit, let's go together!"


Wu Dai put his hands on his waist, and the spirit stone emerged.

Wearing positioning eyes, parts of the mobile Zero armor flew out of the cabin and covered him with precision.

Xuecai tried to transform again, but failed unexpectedly, and she was completely disappointed.

"Let me help you."

Blu-ray red stood behind Xuena, pointing at Grunki who was slashed by a knife and filled with sparks: "Imagine that your brother Xiangyi got a girlfriend, spent most of his savings to buy two ferry tickets, and was filled with joy. Prepare to propose to your beloved woman while the fireworks are going off."

"At this time, the guy quietly touched the upload, pressed your brother's head with both hands, and squeezed hard."


With her rich imagination and a little hypnotic guidance, Tsugami Yukina felt like there was a fire in her chest.

It's about to explode!


The violent power surged, and Setsuna exploded with golden airflow all over her body like a Saiyan.

"Unforgivable, unforgivable!"

The golden phantom flashed, and the turtle brother who had been chopped for a long time without making a sound suddenly let out a miserable howl.

A fragmented arm and a large piece of carapace torn off fell into the deep sea.

Chapter 316 Seed of God

With just one blow, the alligator turtle Gurongi, who could withstand the combined attack of the Five Generations and Ichijo, was seriously injured.


Setsuna, who turned into Agito, looked crazy, with six sharp teeth in her mouth, revealing a terrifying mouthpart.

She directly left her two teammates aside, pressed Gurongi to the ground alone, and tore his hard carapace back and forth with her hands, and large pieces of scales were thrown away at will.

Godai and Ichijo were both stunned.

Lan Guanghong also used his clairvoyance to stare at the frantic Xuecai, taking this opportunity to figure out the principle of Xuecai's version of Agito.

This look really made him see the trick.

Originally, he whispered to Xuecai about his brother's miserable condition in order to arouse her fighting spirit, but he unexpectedly discovered that as Xuecai's anger surged, the more energy released by the spirit stone on her waist, and her fighting power increased extremely rapidly.

Lan Guanghong suddenly realized: "So that's it, it's 'emotion'!"

When there are strong emotional fluctuations in her heart, Xuecai can transform into Agito, and with the fluctuations of emotions, her fighting power will also fluctuate.

Judging from her current fighting power, she can already kill the Mei-class Gurongi, and can probably confront the Ge Group head-on.

However, too strong fighting power has an equally heavy price.

Unlike Kuuga, most of his energy is supplied by spirit stones, Agito's spirit stones extract nutrients from the body of the transformer and turn them into power, which means that the stronger the fighting power, the more energy it consumes.

This kind of fighting method is equivalent to overdrawing life. The life span of the human body will be greatly reduced, and after fierce fighting, it will definitely fall into a state of exhaustion.

Lan Guanghong roughly guessed why the ancient Agito was cut off.

The probability of becoming an Agito after entering the spirit stone is not high. The loser will directly turn into mucus and die. In addition, they are exhausted after the battle and are prone to early death. It is really not difficult to kill them.

Although they are called Agito, they are more like Gills. They have wildness and biological sense, and they fight for their lives.

"Not completely...?"

Lan Guanghong held his chin, and a bold idea gradually emerged in his mind.

At this moment, the battle between Setsuna and Gurongi... no, it should be said that the one-sided slaughter has also come to an end.

The internal organs of the alligator turtle species have been almost hollowed out. It can no longer make any sound. It can only have tears in its eyes, praying in its heart that this torture can end soon.

After there was nothing left to take out, Yukina was still not satisfied, and she used both hands to clench her fists and hit Gurongi several times, until she smashed his body and belt into a pile of rags, and then she stopped panting and stood up.


Godai swallowed a mouthful of saliva and shouted carefully: "Miss Yukina? Are you okay?"

Tsugami Yukina suddenly turned around, and her face covered with blood burst out with murderous intent, which frightened Godai and Ichijo to take a step back at the same time.

Fortunately, she did not make any excessive movements, and the armor on her body quickly retracted to reveal her true appearance. Then, she rolled her eyes and fell down softly without saying anything.

Lan Guanghong stretched out his strong arms in time to embrace her: "She needs treatment, help me find a room."

Ichijo Kaoru nodded: "Okay."


In a villa garden full of flowers, a woman with a white rose on her forehead and a pure white dress like an aristocrat suddenly stopped rubbing her nails, and continued as if nothing had happened after a moment.

This scene did not escape the eyes of the bat species who was always paying attention to her. His big mouth grinning from ear to ear showed that he was extremely happy.

"Another loser, a waste!"

It approached the rose species with a shameless face: "Let me do it next time, I will definitely complete the game and advance to a charm!"

The rose species stopped its hand movements, stared at the bat with its gem-like eyes for a while, and suddenly laughed out loud.

The bat species thought that the application was successful, and hurriedly laughed to please it.


"What's so funny!"

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