They didn't know that Yingshan Ren had been rescued, and they thought that Lao Ren was still imprisoned by Nozama.

Then the question is, the one chasing Amazon is not Lao Ren, nor them, so who could it be?

Everyone couldn't help but think of the weirdo who could turn into a black Amazon.

"... Blue Light Red."

The captain of the co-pilot, Shito Makoto, leaned back on the seat with his head raised, and murmured in a low voice: "Is it him?"


They guessed correctly, it was indeed Blue Light Red who was chasing Amazon.

Originally, he planned to use Otaki's armband to seduce several people out, but he didn't expect to meet a Zongzi on the road. At that time, Zongzi's armband was still blue.

Blue Light Red didn't want to investigate it. In his opinion, after Hongo Takeshi developed a special medicine for Amazon, these Zongzi who had not yet awakened could be saved.

But when the two got closer, he smelled a strong smell of blood.

——It was the smell of human flesh and blood.

Blue Light Red:!

In an instant, his murderous aura burst out and rushed straight towards the zongzi that looked like a middle-aged woman.

The zongzi was also a gifted species, with a far superior intuition about crisis than its peers. The blue light red murderous aura immediately turned red on its arm ring, and the whole person turned back to its original form uncontrollably.

It was a rat Amazon.

After revealing itself, the rat forced itself to suppress its appetite at the critical moment of death, kicked up the manhole cover beside it, and ran into the sewer.


The fist hit the manhole cover hard, directly knocking it into the ground, and a terrifying hole appeared on the hard cement road.

But the manhole cover embedded in the hole was intact.

Blue light red:?

"What the hell? What kind of material is this, it can withstand my punch?"

He couldn't help but look at the manhole cover with curiosity, and found that it was engraved with "Made in China".

"... That's not surprising."

The blue light red, who had solved the doubts, chased the rat zongzi directly from the ground.

What? Why not jump into the sewer to chase?

Because it's too dirty~.

The difference between the ground and the underground does not affect Blue Light Red's tracking. His perception has locked on the rat zongzi, and the other party can't get rid of it no matter what.

And the rat zongzi is too sensitive and can sense Blue Light Red's lock, so it dares not stop for a moment and runs away madly.

It doesn't know that in front of this road, the extermination team that has calculated its route has laid a net.

... "Report, the target is about to reach the predetermined location!"

"Countdown, 7, 6, 5..."

At the moment of counting down to "0", Sanqi decisively pressed the tightly grasped detonator.


With a bang, the sewer pipe in front exploded violently, and "snow" fell like rain in an instant.

The people in the extermination team were not affected by this scene. They all raised their rifles and waited for battle.

The two outliers in the team, Xiao Shou tore off his shirt with a "wow", and Xiao You put on his belt and shouted "Amazon!"

The hot air rushed, and the green and silver warriors stood at the front of the team, ready to launch a fierce attack on the enemy who was about to appear.

The smoke of the explosion gradually dissipated, and a figure gradually appeared.

Shito Makoto raised his fist and was about to issue an attack order.

But Xiao You, who had a more acute sense, saw the true face of the figure first.

"Wait a minute!"

He suddenly stood in front of his teammates: "Please don't shoot first!"


Then they also saw that the one struggling in the stinking black quagmire was actually a middle-aged woman who seemed to be powerless.

The rat Zongzi who was injured by the explosion turned back into human form and looked at the people in the extermination team with horror.

"You, are you the Extermination Squad?"

"Please, don't kill me, I didn't eat people!"

"I just want to live... By the way, I'm the director of an orphanage, and I'm the mother of many children."

"Please, I'm not a bad person!"

The rat Zongzi gave a tearful speech, but Shito Shin was not moved at all.

He had seen too many monsters who wanted to gain sympathy by looking like humans, and had trained his heart to be as hard as iron.

Others were similar... Only Xiaoyou was very moved.

"Stop it, didn't you hear what she said?"

Shito Shin: ...

Educating problem children is not his strong point, and Xiaoyou and he don't have any life-and-death friendship.

He raised the gun to Xiaoyou's head without hesitation and said coldly: "Get out."

"Otherwise, I will regard you as an enemy."

This sentence made Xiaoyou, who was already wavering between the human and Amazon camps, even more angry.

"Why? Just because I'm not the same kind as you, I don't even have the right to live?"

As he said this, he grabbed Zhiteng's gun in a rage, and his strong grip deformed the barrel.

Shiteng's face changed drastically, and he shouted angrily: "Attack!"

"Stop it!"

Mizusawa Yuu blocked the muzzle of the gun with all his strength, turned around and shouted to the still struggling rat species: "You, run!"

The rat species nodded excitedly, and was about to escape from here, but suddenly looked up at the sky with a look of horror.

... In the sky, a comet fell rapidly!

In the blink of an eye, the comet came into close contact with the rat species on the ground.

Boom! ! !

A more violent explosion than the previous one, the strong impact pushed everyone present back again and again.

"Hmm, what is that!"

After recovering, Shito Shin looked at the scene in astonishment.

The Amazon was completely destroyed, not even the armband was left. It seemed that he would not get the reward this time.

But that was not the point.

The point was that the thing that had just fallen like a missile had a small part embedded in the ground.

The weapon that blew up the Amazon and blew up the area was actually... a manhole cover?

Extermination Squad:? ? ?

"Hey~ Long time no see."

A clear voice sounded from above, and the resentment contained in it could be faintly heard.

"How old are you, and you still blow up shit?"

"You have become successful!"

Chapter 376 The Naughty Kid Mizusawa Yu

Lan Guanghong was in a bad mood.

He had never expected that the Extermination Squad would be so radical. They would blow up the dirty sewer full of ammonia without caring whether others could bear it or not.

Fortunately, Lan Guanghong had a superb reaction. He dodged far away the moment he noticed the explosion, so he was not affected.

However, he could do nothing about the smell.

Even if he ran far enough, the smell was already very weak. To him, whose five senses were far superior to those of ordinary people, it was like Nohara Hiroshi's socks approaching him, and he rolled his eyes.

Soon, he could no longer bear it and simply turned into a biochemical knight and flew into the sky with a manhole cover.

Then it was the scene that everyone in the extermination team saw.

The missile-like manhole cover tore Amazon apart, and the strong impact swept away the disgusting stench around it. Blue Light Red then restored its human form and fell again.

"... You have made a difference."

"Blue Light Red!"

Shito Makoto subconsciously wanted to raise his gun to aim at him, but as soon as his hand was slightly raised, he reacted and forcibly suppressed this instinct.

He remembered that Otaki Ryusuke was still in the other party's hands, and this person's origin was mysterious, and it was not clear whether he was an enemy or a friend. It was not a wise choice to show hostility suddenly.

His small movements were captured by Lan Guanghong throughout the process. Seeing that he did not really raise the gun, Lan Guanghong could not help but nod slightly, and the unhappiness just now dissipated a lot.

Captain Zhiteng, you have saved a life without knowing it~

The atmosphere between the two sides gradually became milder. Zhiteng Zhen was about to try to ask about the situation of Otaki Ryusuke, but Mizusawa You in front of him suddenly let out a heart-wrenching howl.


After shouting, Mizusawa You roared at Lan Guanghong: "Why do you want to kill her!"

Lan Guanghong:?

"She has never hurt anyone, she is also the mother of many orphans... Should she die just because she is different from humans?!"

Lan Guanghong:? ? ?

He did not respond to Mizusawa You, but asked Shido Zhen: "What's wrong with this child?"

"I don't know." Shido Zhen spread his hands and looked like he had nothing to do with us: "He was sent by Nozama."

The implication is that this is an outsider and is not on the same page with us.

He also asked what he wanted to say just now: "Lan Guanghong, how is our team member Otaki Ryusuke?"

When he asked the question, he had already prepared for the worst.

It has been several days since Otaki awakened. Even if he escaped from Lan Guanghong by chance, he might have become a man-eating monster.

The other team members also looked heavy, ready to welcome the bad news.

"Otaki, he is fine, he can eat normally now."



Even the excited Mizusawa Yu was interrupted by this answer and was stunned on the spot.

"Confirm it." Sniper Fukuda asked: "What do you mean by eating?"

"Look for yourself."

Lan Guanghong took out a mobile phone, pressed a few times and threw it over.

Fukuda reached out to catch it, and couldn't help but stare.

The mobile phone belongs to Otaki.

The screen that lit up was playing a video of Otaki eating a cake with his upper body naked.

It was a large pancake without any fillings, made only from flour and sesame seeds, and Otaki enjoyed it very much.

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