Zhi Teng looked solemn and pointed his gun at the person walking on the other side of the alley: "Be alert, something is wrong with this person!"

The four people in the center of the alley were also waiting for the intruder, and the three from the exorcist camp were very confused.

This person smells like Amazon, but this smell...is weird.

Lao Ren guessed the identity of the other party. He was probably the Sigma species that Lan Guanghong told him the day before yesterday.

"Yo~ It's very lively."

Sigma, who had yellow hair on his head, pretended to smile cheerfully, opened his arms and strode forward: "Do you mind if I join you?"


Zhi Teng shouted and asked: "Who are you?!"


Huang Mao stopped and showed a nostalgic look that didn't know whether it was true or false: "I used to be the actor of a great hero who was loved by people."

"But now, it's just a corpse."


"As for the corpse, it should stay in the cemetery. Why should it wander out?"

Lao Ren took the initiative to greet him. The black zongzi blood all over his body made him look particularly ferocious.

"Oh~ can't you find your home? It doesn't matter, I'm a kind-hearted person and can help take you back."

"Unfortunately, I don't plan to go back."

After the words fell, Huang Mao lifted his clothes to reveal the driver on his waist.

After Otaki saw it, his expression suddenly changed drastically.

Isn't this the same belt he used the day before yesterday? !

He quickly reminded his teammates loudly: "Be careful, it's Sigma!"

"What, Sigma?!"

Everyone in the exorcism class was also shocked.

Yesterday, they had listened to Otaki's self-narrated adventures, from being captured to Tokyo and being studied, to almost defeating Lao Ren by using the Sigma belt.

Unfortunately, Blu-ray Red forcibly took back the belt after the war, and Otaki deeply regretted this.

Unexpectedly, just one day later, he would see the belt again, and it was still in the hands of the enemy.

What's going on?

"What's going on?!"

In the company, Tachibana Yuugo was no less shocked and angry than Otaki.

In his understanding, the human experiments and belts of the Sigma project are top secrets that only this department knows.

So, how did the people in the exorcism squad know this name?

In fact, the answer is very simple. When Lan Guanghong gave Otaki this belt, he told him that this belt was called Sigma, and Otaki naturally called him that.

But Tachibana Yuugo didn't know, so in his opinion, this was obviously a traitor in the team!

"There is a traitor among you!"

He excused himself for a moment, and in the corridor he called the old team leader who had discovered the body and yelled at him: "Why does the extermination team know the name Sigma? It's obviously the mole of that bitch Mizusawa in your team!"

"Impossible? Who leaked the secret? You!"

"Don't blame me, find him quickly...Also, no contact with the inner sea is allowed for the next few days!"

After hanging up the phone, Minister Tachibana returned to the conference room angrily.

The moment he stepped through the door, he immediately returned to his smiling face.

"It's a small thing, President, everyone, please continue to watch."

Bang bang bang~!

The two Vulcan cannons on his wrists spit out tongues of fire, and all objects touched by the bullets are instantly shattered.

This terrifying firepower made Lao Ren, who had always been reckless, not dare to resist, so he found a thick bunker to hide like everyone else.

"Huh, there's no use hiding."

Sigma lowered his hands and shifted the thrusters behind his shoulders.

Lao Ren tilted his head slightly and saw this scene, and his scalp went numb instantly.


The cannon was ejected from the chamber and struck hard at the location where Lao Ren was hiding just now.

Just hearing a "bang", the place suddenly burst into flames with gas.

"Tsk, this is going too far!"

Lao Ren, who jumped into the sewer pipe at the last moment, breathed a sigh of relief.

"However, that guy probably won't be able to hold on for long."

"...Did you miss? Forget it."

Sigma turned slightly and pointed the muzzle at Xiaoyu's side.

In the previous confrontation, Xiaoyou had already seen that the opponent's targets were only Lao Ren and himself, so when he found out that he was being targeted, he kicked Xiaoshou and the others away without thinking, and he used the reaction force to jump far away.

"You can't escape."

Sigma joked, and the cannons on his shoulders lit up.

But the next second, the muzzle fire suddenly dimmed, and Sigma also suddenly felt that his arms were not in control.

"Huh?" He lowered his head in confusion and found that some black liquid was leaking out of his arms.

..."The situation with sigma is not quite right!"

Tachibana Yuugo, who had been monitoring the battlefield, quickly discovered the anomaly of his own product and issued a recall order without hesitation.

Although the results were somewhat unsatisfactory, the process has demonstrated Sigma's strong combat effectiveness, and today's goal has been achieved.

And this only Sigma body is an important capital for his rise, so accidents must not happen.

Soon, troops belonging to Minister Tachibana appeared and took Sigma away, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"How is it, President?"

Tachibana Yuugo asked Tenjo with a smile on his face: "Are our results satisfactory to you?"

"Ho ho ho~"

Tenjo Takaaki suddenly laughed, Tachibana Yuugo was stunned for a moment, and quickly followed suit.

When these two people smiled, others could not remain silent, so the conference room was soon filled with joyful laughter.

But the laughter was suddenly interrupted by an angry rebuke: "Satisfied? Just based on this kind of rubbish?"


Tachibana Yuugo fell into a sluggish state.

"Hmph, a corpse that doesn't even have a self can't even be called a life. It's just a ball of rotten flesh without a soul."

"Tachibana, is this your answer?"

Tachibana Xiongwu shook his head instinctively: "No, this is just the preliminary result, and there will be a series of..."

"That's enough. Rubbish is rubbish. There is no need to study it in depth."

Tenjo Takaki leaned heavily on the ground with his crutches, and suddenly his attitude changed: "However, that new belt can actually expand the Amazon cells so much, which is interesting."

"Show it to me later."

Tachibana Yuugo hurriedly bowed: "Yes, President!"

Chapter 382: Son, inherit the company!

Nozama Pharmaceutical, top floor.

Tenjo Takaki is sitting on his knees in his exclusive Japanese-style office. On the table in front of him is the Neo Sigma belt that was urgently recycled.

"... Inner Sea, one person's talents are not inferior to Xiuka's scientific research team. It is really outstanding."

With an admiration, he picked up the belt with both hands, but did not put it on himself.

After staring for a while, the door of the office suddenly opened, and a seemingly ordinary person came in.

Tianjo is not surprised, because this is one of his ten clones, and it has been adjusted to Amazon.

The clone directly reached out and took the belt from Tian Tiao's hand, put it on his waist and tightened it.

Tiantiao also closed his eyes at this time, preparing to carefully feel the changes that were about to occur in his clone.

[Neo Sigma]

The electronic sound came to mind, and the golden strengthening liquid was injected into the body.

Hot steam emitted from the clone that was close at hand, but Tianjo didn't care about the burns on his face and grinned with a perverted smile.

"...Well, that's it, what a delicate design!"

"The amount of calculations is really terrifying. He is indeed a genius."

Tian Tiao was obsessed with the belt's ultimate control of Amazon cells, and did not notice that some of the strengthening fluid was strangely left in the brain and refused to fuse with the original cells.

Until a voice suddenly sounded directly from his mind.

"I see, ten people are in one body. If one of them is immortal, he can always regenerate... You must be the ten-faced ghost."

Tian Tiao:!

After Lan Guanghong finished speaking, Tiantiao suddenly felt a sharp pain like a needle in his brain, and the clone on the opposite side also disconnected at this time.


A large amount of steam gushes out from the transformed Amazon again, and along with the steam is discharged a large amount of black waste liquid.

That was the remnant left after the blue light red materialized directly inside the clone and crushed it to pieces.

With a "click", the belt fell to the ground, and what appeared was the red, blue and silver biochemical knight.

"Gu, it's you again!"

After discovering the biggest secret, Tenjo Takashi was no longer as calm as before, and there was a hint of panic that could not be concealed on his angry face.

"Why is it in the belt...I understand! Is that Utsumi yours?!"


Lan Guanghong was in a good mood, and even joked with Tian Tiao: "Actually, there was no Utsumi from the beginning to the end...it was all done by me, Lan Guanghong!"

He didn't lie, the design of the belt was done by him alone, not to mention...

That guy’s name isn’t Utsumi either.

Moreover, he had already bought the young man a ticket to Tokyo in advance, and he was probably being fiercely protected by Hongo at this moment.

"Really, if you were possessed normally, your body would be destroyed immediately. I have to use this method to spare you for so long...Tsk, tsk, you really deserve to die."

"Well, you can't sense it anymore?"

Lan Guanghong suddenly said something incomprehensible, but Tian Tiao understood it.

But just because he understood, he felt even more scared.

...Just now, he disconnected this body from other bodies.

The price of doing this is that the body will lose its vitality in a short period of time, but it can still move for a while before complete death.

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