Bastard, what is this? The concentrated essence of smelly socks that haven’t been washed in over forty years? !

To use such despicable methods, these two people have no bottom line. It is completely different from what the intelligence said!

...In fact, it is just a little bit of nebula gas that was urgently prepared.

Most of the composition has been removed, but the smell has been retained, so that we know that what we are sucking is nebular gas.

Hongo Meng and Ichimonji also felt uncomfortable, but in the chaos, they suddenly felt a hand pushing hard from behind, and they flew out of the encirclement involuntarily.

Look up...hey! Two Cyclones!

After this operation, they immediately understood the identities of the two "Card Repair Knights" and guessed his thoughts.

Blue Light Red has already broken into the enemy camp. Now they just need to hide temporarily and wait for the former's notification before taking action!

At the moment, they didn't care that the motorcycle was not their original one. The two of them stepped on one and pressed the clutch hard.


A cloud of exhaust gas spurted out, and the two made a tactical retreat.

Zhiro sensed something was wrong when he heard the sound of the motorcycle, but the weird gas was too strong, and he didn't dare to rush over until he knew its ingredients.

By the time the nebula gas dissipated, Hongo Meng and the others were running so far that they couldn't even eat the exhaust gas.


Zhiro angrily hammered down a street lamp next to him and shouted: "Retreat!"

...Twisters of the Tornado were taken away by Mao, which meant that two Xiuka Knights had no mounts and could only hitch a ride on others.

Lan Guanghong naturally helped his "seriously injured comrade" onto a Tornado, and then stepped on it himself.


The card-repairing knight who had his car robbed:?

Lan Guanghong thought that if he followed back this time, he would at least be able to touch an important base for repairing cards, but he found out halfway that things were not as he thought.

Kazami Shiro, who led the team, did not go back, but met with another team.

Two heavy-duty trucks were parked in the middle of the road, with three modified people standing side by side in front of them.

Judging from the shape, they are jaguar, scorpion and poisonous snake.

Blu-ray red noticed the two sharp scimitars on the back of the Jaguar monster, and immediately thought of the traces found in Kazami Shiro's company.

It seems that they were the group that caused the tragedy... So, those two trucks contained items for modification, and they were planning to commit another crime?

"Ho, our strongest warrior in Xiuka is back!"

The saber-tooth tiger monster came up to him, looked at the Shuka knight following him, and asked strangely: "Did you miss?"

"The information is wrong."

Feng Jian Zhilang had already adjusted his mentality on the way. At this moment, Feng Danyun said lightly: "The stinking locusts will try some tricks. I will definitely catch them next time!"

Blu-ray red:?

You curse again!

Chapter 390 Named Kamen Rider

Fortunately, they did not continue talking about the topic of locusts, but instead talked about the next actions.

What Lan Guanghong was worried about still happened.

The two weirdos, Jaguar and Scorpion, are indeed doing experiments. They are waiting for Kazami Shiro here to take away the Shuka Knight.

Viper's mission is to take Zhiro to the headquarters to undergo further experimental transformation.

The specific method of transforming Viper was not mentioned, and Shiro didn't think much about it, but Lan Guanghong knew exactly what Xiuka was going to do.

They want to replace V3 with poisonous blood to gain further control.

So, there is a branch here.

Is it to join the Jaguar team and stop Shuka's evil experiment?

Or try to follow Shiro and protect him while taking out one of Shuka's lairs?

The little reporter in the back seat also realized this and was ready to move.

"Now, let's split up, shall we?"

She leaned closer and whispered.

Lan Guanghong refused without hesitation: "Don't even think about it!"

With Midorikawa's character and body, he could guess the result of separate actions after reading countless movies.

It's just that after taking a bunch of photos, he was found out because of a funny problem such as accidentally making a noise. After being caught, he was ravaged in every way, making him moan and groan... Oh no, this is a filming set.

That was the critical moment when Hongo stepped in to save the beauty, and his wife was so moved that she couldn't close her legs.

Congratulations...he's so big!

I won't let that kind of bloody scene happen!

Don't forget, although Lan Guanghong is just one person... he also has a car.

"Biochemical Flying Eagle, help me track V3 and the others. Just hang from a distance and find their destination."

"Received! In addition, Master, I have made an important discovery!"

Lan Guanghong's face was solemn: "What discovery?"

"Scorpion freak is so hot."

Blue light red:......

There is a saying, and Biochemical Flying Eagle is right.

The attire of the Scorpion Monster does not seem to be in the same dimension as other card repairers. If you ignore the alienated scorpion pincer on his left hand, he is exactly the kind of urban beauty who appears in the movie.

It's a pity that Faria is not present and cannot log in to the forbidden technique... Well, it's a pity that this bitch is not a good person.

"As expected, it's better to let my uncle return to his old ways."

"Sorry, please forgive me."

"Look at your performance, take action!"

The two groups of people separated. Lan Guanghong followed the team and hid in the truck, while the biochemical flying eagle secretly followed Kazami Shiro and the others.

The first one to reach the destination was Blu-ray Red.

This is a very grand company. The size of Kazami Shiro's club in front of this building is like the gap between the card repair soldier and Xiao Mingge.

"Well, it's Yuan Gu!"

Midorikawa was shocked.

Lan Guanghong asked doubtfully: "Yuangu? This company is very famous."

"Of course, this is a famous special effects company that created great heroes such as Superman, James Porter, and Lightning Dragon Man!"

Mizukawa was even more shocked that Blue Light Red didn't know this company.

"You, don't you have a childhood?"

"... I'm over 70 years old."

"Eh? Are you kidding me?"


Although I slept for 50 years.

"Hey, you two!"

The Jaguar Monster, who changed into normal clothes and disguised as a businessman, stopped the two whispering people and said, "Go to the emergency exit on the north and guard it. Don't let anyone escape!"

"Yes!" X2

Blue Light Red took Midorikawa to the exit while observing the building and the equipment moved out by the fighters, and quickly figured out their ideas.

Using the air conditioning system throughout the floor to spread poisonous gas, losers become bubbles, and winners become monsters.

It is estimated that Kazami Shiro's company did this, with the slight difference that the scale of the Yuangu Building is too large, and there are as many as six normal entrances and exits, and in an emergency, you can jump out directly from the lower floors.

The difficulty of the blockade has been greatly increased, and ordinary combatants are unable to cope with it. Only by using the Shocker Knights can we ensure that no fish slip through the net.

Unfortunately, Shocker Monster was so cautious that he never expected that two fish would sneak into his team.

Oh no, it should be a fish and a Godzilla~

Blue Light and Red would not be stupid enough to guard the door. They went straight into the building and found the control room in a short time.

Almost all the power systems in the building can be controlled here. Some equipment will not suddenly lose power because of the emergency power supply system, but the air circulation system is definitely not among them.

In other words, as long as the power supply here is disconnected, Shocker's plan will definitely not be implemented normally.

"Remember, three minutes, when the time is up, press the earthquake alarm, and then disconnect all power... Hmm? Why are you looking at me like that?"

After removing the disguise, Midorikawa looked at him suspiciously.

"You, have you seen Tsuburaya's works?!"

"Is it time to discuss this now?"

"...Come on!"

The reason why the power was not cut off directly was that Blue Light Red had to deal with the Shocker Knights guarding the gate downstairs and the Shocker fighters who went to the roof to spread the poison gas first. During this period, the weirdos who had sneaked into the company could not find anything unusual.

Otherwise, if they took advantage of their numbers to take hostages directly, Blue Light Red was not sure that he could save everyone.

In fact, he thought about taking action directly on the road, but gave up after thinking about it.

He didn't know anything about this kind of thing that was likely to be poison gas. If he suddenly started a war, the poison gas would spread and cause a greater disaster.

To be on the safe side, it would be better to wait for the other party to take action and then take advantage of the situation.

So, action-start!

In one minute, Blue Light Red knocked down all the Shocker Knights silently and fixed them in a gate-guarding posture.

In two minutes, Blue Light Red came to the roof and killed all the gas mask fighters who didn't look like Shocker at all.

After two and a half minutes, he analyzed what he thought was poison gas, but it turned out to be...

"Nano robots? That was close, luckily I didn't do it on the way!"

This thing is the specialty of another mechanical knight. If it spreads out, the biochemical knight may not be able to subdue it.

Fortunately, he acted in time, and these tiny machines were still sealed in the cans and not activated.

At this time, the agreed time has also arrived.

A very loud earthquake alarm suddenly sounded in the building, followed by a muffled "bang", and the buzzing air conditioner on the roof quickly quieted down.

Many parts of the building instantly fell into darkness, including the monsters who were pretending to stabilize humans.

"Huh? Earthquake, power outage?!"

The jaguar monster always felt that things were not that simple, and changed into a reinforced suit and put on a tiger-shaped helmet in seconds.

The staff fled when the alarm sounded, and he had no intention of taking care of these people now, anyway, there was a Shocker Knight guarding outside.

The most important thing now is to find out who the enemy is.

The scorpion monster was not impressed: "Don't be so cowardly, those two guys were just injured by Kazami Shiro, it's impossible for them to be so fast..."


A loud shout suddenly sounded from above the monster.


"Rider Jump!"

A figure flipped out from behind the two and fell into the city model stage illuminated by emergency lights.

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