Ramen shop owner: ...

"I'll just leave it here, and I'll go get the money to redeem it later."

The owner thought for a moment and made an OK gesture.

Blue Light Red gave the owner a thumbs up and smiled sincerely.

...Half an hour later.

The fighting locust returned to Blue Light Red who was walking on the beach to digest his food.

"Ah, you're back." Blue Light Red rubbed the fighting locust's round head angrily, "Luckily you're here, otherwise I'd starve to death."

The praised fighting locust made a happy beeping sound.

"Unlike a useless demon who can't even sleep with me."

Faliya was furious and rushed out to hit Lan Guanghong's head: "You are such a heartless bastard, I will never help you again even if I have a physical body!"

"No, no, no, I'm just kidding. If you take it seriously, you will lose."

Lan Guanghong immediately became scared and took out the money on his body and counted it again, then sighed with a sad face: "Alas, it's not enough. It's so hard to make money, and it's so easy to spend money. It's really hard to survive."

"You eat too much!" Faliya complained unhappily: "Also, what you call making money is to sell the combat locust and then let it run back at night?"

"What's the problem?" Lan Guanghong spread his hands: "I sell cars by my ability, and it comes back to me by its ability. It's reasonable."

"... Guanghong, you have successfully refreshed my bottom line of your cognition."

"Congratulations, now you know me better."

Faliya was speechless.

"Speaking of which." Lan Guanghong lay on the sand, looking at the sun in the sky with a confused look on his face: "How did we get to this world?"

"I don't know, I couldn't see anything at that time." Faria was also confused: "When I was able to get out of your body, I had already come to this world."

"It's strange, there are weird people in this world, but their positions seem a bit... Forget it, it's more important to think about how to make money now." Lan Guanghong scratched his head and turned his eyes to the fighting locust on the side: "Or, sell it again?"

"Be a human being, the owner of the car dealer will cry!"

"It doesn't matter, we will sell it to another one this time."

As soon as he said it, Lan Guanghong stood up with a carp, patted the dust on his body and stepped onto the motorcycle.

"Let's go, fighting locust!"

The fighting locust honked excitedly and ran onto the road with a beep.

After riding for a while, Lan Guanghong suddenly found that there was something wrong with the middle-aged man coming towards him.

He was carrying a girl on his shoulders? !

Good fellow, how dare you kidnap a girl in broad daylight!

"Stop!" Lan Guanghong stopped the motorcycle, flipped in the air with a "Taku", and jumped in front of the middle-aged man.

"Put that girl down!"

The middle-aged man stared at Lan Guanghong with cold and murderous eyes, and said coldly: "I won't hand her over to you. If you don't want to die, get out of here!"

Lan Guanghong, Faria: !!!

"Okay, you have guts!" Lan Guanghong clenched his fists and made a "click-click" sound: "I have never seen such an arrogant person since I grew up."

Seeing that Lan Guanghong was about to take action, the middle-aged man put the girl on the side of the road without saying a word.

The next moment, the man suddenly accelerated and rushed towards Lan Guanghong, punching him in the abdomen.

Lan Guanghong's eyes condensed, he dodged the attack sideways, and chopped the attacker's neck with his backhand.


The slash hit the target, and the man's eyes widened. Under the influence of inertia, he staggered forward a few steps and fell to the ground.

"Humph, poor and weak." Lan Guanghong clapped his hands and walked towards the unconscious girl without looking back.

He was very confident in his strength. Ordinary people would definitely be dizzy after being hit by this, which was enough for the man to have a good sleep.


The man's roar suddenly came from behind.

Lan Guanghong:?

He turned back in shock and saw a burst of white steam coming out of the man's body.

"Weird!" Lan Guanghong frowned.

He had seen the weirdos in this world once in the parade two days ago. This was the scene when they transformed, and those weirdos had a characteristic, that is, they had a peculiar smell on their bodies, which was a mixture of rotting flesh and wild animal body odor, which was very unpleasant.

But this man did not have this peculiar smell, which led Lan Guanghong to mistakenly judge him as a human, so he was not strong enough to knock him out.

"Uh-oh!!!" The man roared, and his body was covered by a layer of black substance, which then quickly condensed into a shell, and he turned into a complete monster.

"Locust monster, and..." Blue Light Red looked at his waist in astonishment: "Belt?"

How can a monster have a belt? Could it be a Kamen Rider!

Forget it, looking at this situation, the battle is inevitable.


Blue Light Red clenched his fist with strength, and the Emperor Stone Belt on his waist appeared.


The deep red light shone all over his body, and in the blink of an eye, Blue Light Red had turned into a Kamen Rider.

This time, the locust monster on the opposite side was also shocked.


Why is this monster tasteless? I thought he was an ordinary person and underestimated the enemy.

And... why does he have a belt? And it looks like a locust species?

"Not a monster." Blue Light Red clenched his fist and posed a fighting posture towards the other party, saying: "I am Kamen Rider, Black!"


Man, no.

Nan Kotaro looked confused.

Chapter 71: Throwing oneself into a dead end

Nan Kotaro was stunned for a moment, then quickly came to his senses.

No matter why the other party was so similar to him, whether it was a monster or a Kamen Rider, they were all enemies now!

Enemies must be defeated!

The locust monster crouched down, suddenly jumped out like a beast on all fours, and after running for a distance, suddenly jumped up and jumped towards Lan Guanghong.

His fingertips shone with a crystal luster, and it was obvious that they were extremely sharp.

Lan Guanghong didn't know the details of the monsters in this world, so he didn't dare to greet them, so he took a step back to avoid the other party's claws, ready to wait for the other party to stand up and then hit him in the chest.

But he didn't expect the other party to be unscrupulous, and opened his big mouth directly after landing, rushing over to bite his waist.

Lan Guanghong was shocked: "Gan, my kidney!"


With a crisp sound, the locust monster "dunked" and took a few steps back, covering his mouth and making a strange sound.

Blue Light Red:?

He touched his waist and found that there was not even a trace of white mark left.

Blue Light Red was shocked. Are the monsters in this world so weak?

This strength is too embarrassing for monsters! Apologize to all the monsters who have appeared from Shocker to the Clesis Empire!

"Gu..." The locust monster still didn't give up, thinking that Blue Light Red might just have a harder shell.

Then hit the vital point!

Shaking his head and spitting out a mouthful of blood, the locust man attacked again, stabbing Blue Light Red's facial compound eyes with both hands.

Blue Light Red: ...

He suddenly stretched out his hand, and he was the first to arrive. He grabbed the opponent's neck with one hand and lifted him up.

Nan Kotaro:? ? ?

He grabbed the black arm with both hands and struggled desperately, but the opponent's hand was like an iron clamp, tightly clasping his neck, and it was getting tighter and tighter.

"Cough, cough!" Nan Kotaro couldn't help coughing dryly, and his eyes were blurred.

After a while, Nan Kotaro, who was pinched and lost consciousness, automatically canceled his transformation and stopped moving like a rag doll.

"So weak!" Lan Guanghong muttered in disgust.

He now understood why the monsters in this world were oppressed by humans, instead of planning to destroy the world all day long like normal monsters.

As I said before, it's embarrassing!

He is stronger than ordinary people, but the strength is very limited. I'm afraid it's difficult for him to even block guns and cannons with his flesh.

And the locust monster in his hand has a belt, maybe he is a Kamen Rider, but he lacks some kind of opportunity and has not yet formed.

"Huh, you picked up your life."

In view of the possibility that he is also a knight, Lan Guanghong did not kill him, but just threw him in the grass by the roadside.

When he came to the girl, Lan Guanghong looked at her and felt a little familiar.

"Eh? Isn't this that person, Izumi Aoi?"

What a coincidence, I just saw her speech on TV, and now I see her in person.

Fate, wonderful.

Gently shaking his head and sighing, Lan Guanghong reached out and patted the girl's face: "Hey, Miss Izumi."

"Wake up, the fantasy time is over."

At Lan Guanghong's call, Izumi Aoi slowly opened her eyes.

"Um... um! Who are you?" She asked with some vigilance, shrinking her body.

"Just a kind person passing by." Lan Guanghong smiled brightly: "Just passing by here, I saw you being kidnapped by a sloppy man in black, so I rescued you, you're welcome."

Izumi Aoi blinked: "That locust uncle?"

"But he just saved me from the spider monster who wanted to kill me."

Lan Guanghong also blinked, and his smile was a little stiff.

Hit, hit the wrong person? !

Then why did he come up and do it without saying anything?

Wait... Could he think I'm in the same group as that spider monster?

The awakened Xiao Kui looked around: "Where is that uncle?"

"Hey, he ran away." Lan Guanghong pushed the fighting locust without changing his expression: "Get in the car, I'll take you home."

"No, I can do it myself..."

"You are alone, what if someone wants to kill you on the way back?"

Xiao Kui hesitated for a moment, and finally got on the fighting locust carefully.

"Thank you, big brother."

"Yeah." Lan Guanghong smiled slightly, turned the engine, and left the scene at the speed of a normal car.

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