Nobuhiko hesitated for a moment and jumped down.

When both of them went down, Lan Guanghong smiled slightly, took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Xiaokui, and then covered the floor.

——The two of them will be injured by guns, but Blu-ray and Red will not.

Now, it's time to free yourself.

"This is the first time I have officially attacked humans." Lan Guanghong clenched his fists and made a clicking sound: "It feels really good, so exciting!"

Faria asked in shock: "Are you trying to kill someone?"

"Huh? What nonsense are you talking about!" After the warm-up, his door was kicked open with a bang, and smoke and flash were thrown into the house.

But the traitor couldn't open the door, and the combat troops sensed the problem and rushed in directly.

"I'm a righteous Kamen Rider, why would I embarrass these little soldiers who are just following orders?" Blu-ray smiled ferociously and rushed into the smoke.

After a while, only a series of crisp "clack" sounds were heard, and then the team broke out into miserable wails.

"Ah! My hand, my hand is broken!"

"Ouch, I can't feel my lower body. I'm going to die!"

"Ouch~ I am dripping with chrysanthemum!"

Soon after, the smoke and dust dissipated, and the blue light and red clapped their hands elegantly. Behind them were a group of soldiers lying on the ground, unable to get up, and could only moan helplessly.

The scene was horrifying to watch.

"Look, these people are pointing guns at me, and I'm kind enough to help straighten my muscles and bones." Lan Guanghong turned around, looked at these poor people, put her hands on her hips and sighed: "Really, no one is more caring than me. The knight."

Faria didn't feel his love, she just felt that he was becoming less and less human.

"Then, are you going to find Xiaokui and the others now?"

"There's no rush." ​​Lan Guanghong brought out a small mazaar and sat at the door with a big sword: "I'm still a little itchy, I'll treat a few more batches."

Faria: "..."

"Aren't you worried that Nobuhiko will take Xiaokui away?"

"Don't worry." He grinned: "No matter how you look at it, Nobuhiko has no reason to be hostile to me, unless he is crazy."

"By the way, Faria, do me a favor."


"Help me find that black guy, he should still be nearby."

"Okay~" Faria spread her wings and floated into the air.

"Then." Lan Guanghong stood up and faced the second group of soldiers who appeared at the intersection: "From now on, this is my stage."

"Let's dance together!"

It was getting late, and Xiaokui was squatting on the roadside where she met Lan Guanghong for the first time, feeling a little depressed.

Nobuhiko had no experience comforting little girls, so he could only squat with her stupidly.

After waiting for a while, when the first star lit up in the sky, Nobuhiko's ears moved slightly and he said, "He's here."

Xiaokui raised her head suddenly, lying on the road pole and looking into the distance.

Sure enough, not far away, Lan Guanghong was riding towards here on a silver motorcycle, with Fighting Locusts following behind him.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." He got off the car and touched Xiaokui's head, and complained to Nobuhiko: "It's too slow, Nobuhiko! You're running like a turtle crawling. Do you deserve to be called a motorcycle?!"


This is my big baby. I won’t even let Kotaro ride it. You can say I can’t do it, but you can’t say it can’t do it!

"Hey, you're not convinced, are you?" Lan Guanghong clapped his hands: "Come on, fight Locust, give him a whole life, let him see what a motorcycle is!"


The battle locust's eyes lit up with red light, and four flames were suddenly sprayed out from the nozzle on its tail. It disappeared from everyone's eyes almost instantly, leaving only a charred rut burning with flames.

Nobuhiko and Xiaokui's eyes widened.

Nobuhiko: I have never seen such a cute and ferocious motorcycle at the same time!

Xiaokui: I’m a turtle. Is this what I usually ride?

"Wait!" Nobuhiko suddenly pointed in the direction where the fighting locusts were going: "I think I heard a scream?"

"Oh, maybe the little black brain tied to it has been shaken evenly." Lan Guanghong crossed his arms and looked indifferent.

Chapter 81 Sword Master: Danger!

Soon after, the fighting locusts came flying from the other side. They stopped suddenly when they approached the three people on the roadside, and at the same time burned the rope that tied Xiao Hei.

Under the influence of inertia, Xiao Hei took off directly, screaming and flying towards the three people.

Lan Guanghong grabbed it and threw it in front of Xiaokui: "Leave it to you."

Xiaokui looked at Xiaohei who was lying on the ground retching with a complex expression, and asked sadly: "Lick, why?"

"Aren't we best friends?"

"Xiao Kui, I'm sorry." Xiao Hei looked horrified, lying on the ground with all his body prostrated: "They said they would make me a weirdo, and they also promised that they would always provide heaven."

"Ridiculous! Are you betraying me just because of this?!"

"No, it's not a betrayal. They said they won't hurt you, as long as the original film is destroyed..."

"Exactly." Lan Guanghong sneered and interrupted him: "Are you fooling fools? If you don't take the initiative to hand over the video, how will those people know about this?"

"Also, destroying the original film requires sending a team of heavily armed soldiers to deal with a fourteen-year-old girl?" He looked at Xiao Hei with contempt: "It's so dirty!"

After the lie was exposed, Xiao Hei was speechless. He just cried and lay down in front of Xiao Kui, repeating words like "spare me".

Xiaokui looked at him with a tangled expression for a long time, then gritted her teeth and turned her head: "Let's go!"

"Ah! Are you willing to forgive me?" Xiao Hei raised his head in surprise.

She turned her back and said coldly, "I will never forgive you, but I will not use my own will to control other people's lives."

"Disappear, you are no longer my friend from now on, I don't want to see you again!"

"Yes, yes! I promise I will never appear in front of you!" Xiao Hei, who was saved, could not care about the friendship in the past. He just wanted to escape for his life and stay away from the demon next to him who defeated the tactical team with his bare hands!

After squinting and carefully confirming that Lan Guanghong was not moving, Xiao Hei immediately ran away. From a distance, he could be heard making strange screams such as "Uh-huh, eh-ha".

"Ugly human beings." Nobuhiko shook his head in disdain.

"Hey, don't fire the map cannon, Xiaokui and I are human beings!" Lan Guanghong took out a rag and wiped the fighting locusts, complaining: "By the way, Nobuhiko, you are also a human being, you should know that you are transforming human beings."

"No, I'm a weirdo!" Nobuhiko retorted firmly.

Seeing his resolute attitude, Lan Guanghong shrugged and stopped talking. After wiping the car, he turned over and got on it.

"Come on, it's time to leave."

Nobuhiko asked smoothly: "Where are you going?"

"You still need to ask? We have nowhere to go now, of course we have to go to your place!"


Office of the Prime Minister.

Tang Bo looked at the report blankly, and couldn't help but ask for a while: "Tell me, do I look like I have Alzheimer's disease?"

A sweaty official below hurriedly came out to flatter him: "The Prime Minister lives longer than Nanshan, is stronger when he gets older, and is more energetic than the rare President. How can he suffer from Alzheimer's disease?"

"Then how dare you fool me with such funny things!" Tang Bo angrily smashed the report into a ball and threw it at the official's face: "I sent you the tactical team that I finally formed in secret, and now you tell me I almost wiped out the entire army just to catch a little girl?”

"You were killed by a group of people! How dare you write such a thing!"

"Prime Minister, this is all true." The official almost cried: "Those warriors recorded the battle video, and I wrote it truthfully!"

"Then go get the video and call Darome and the others." Tang Bo waved the officials away.

Soon after, Darome and Bihuum followed the official to the office.

"See if you recognize him. Is he a weirdo?" Tangbo ordered.

"Yes." The two priests bowed their heads and accepted the order.

As soon as the video started playing, Bihulme noticed something.

"I know this person. He is the 'material' sent by Birukiniya."

"Oh? So, he's a human?"

"Yes, it has to go through multiple scans and tests on the way to the dungeon. It is impossible for weirdos to sneak in. But..." Bihuum looked at what happened in the video and was puzzled: "Why can humans be so strong?"

Look at this person in the video. He rushed into the tactical team like a tiger entering a sheep pen. In the process of moving, the enemy's bones and muscles were broken, and he didn't even get a shot.

Oh no, he was still shot, if that counts as being bitten by teeth.

...Weirdos are not so exaggerated, right? But there is no sign of a weirdo in this person.

Darom felt more and more that something was wrong, so Birukiniya sent one as a gift. As a result, Golgom exploded that day. Combined with his guilty conscience~.

At this moment, in the video, Lan Guanghong, who had finished his work, slowly turned back and said some mocking words.

After hearing these words, Darome and Bihuum turned to look at each other at the same time, and saw the shock in each other's pupils.

This voice is the same as the "Emperor Stone Flash" voice I heard on the intercom that day!

"Could it be that this person is..." Darome's eyes widened in disbelief: "Black Sun!"

"You think this is Kotaro Minami?" Tangbo put on his reading glasses, looked at the blue and red light in the video carefully, and said dissatisfied: "Darome, do you also think I look like Alzheimer's? Even Kotaro Minami Can’t recognize it?”

"No, this person is not Kotaro, but Kurori!" The clues were connected, Darome's eyes lit up, and he felt that he had discovered the truth: "Yes, this makes sense!"

"This person is also a Kurohi, and he is a Kurohi who is stronger than Minami Kotaro, no, than all the weirdos!" He put his face close to the TV, as if he wanted to imprint the blue light and red appearance in his mind.

In fact, both priests knew that Gorgom was destroyed that day not because of any high explosives, but because it was demolished by a terrifying strong man.

It was just because of the shouts of the armed squad, the words "Emperor Stone Flash" and Bara Omu's last words that they misjudged and thought it was Kotaro who had invaded underground.

But now, the truth has emerged!

"This is the power that the Creation King should have!" Looking at the blue light and red power, Bihume thought to himself, and his thoughts gradually spread.

In the past, because weirdos were at a disadvantage, they had to compromise and choose to rely on humans for survival.

But now that she saw Lan Guanghong's fighting power, she was moved.

If such a strong man could lead them, then it would not seem impossible to overthrow the tyranny of mankind and restore the glory of weirdos!

"Bihume, Bihulme!"

"Ah, yes, Prime Minister!"

Tangbo didn't know that Bihuum was planning a backstab, and asked: "Are you sure that this person was brought to Golgomli by Bilukinia?"

"Yes, I'm sure!" Bihume nodded with great certainty.

"Yes." Tangbo closed his eyes as if to rest his mind. After a moment, he suddenly opened them and said in a cold voice: "Virukinia!"

"Here!" As soon as the sword master who was guarding the door dutifully opened the door and walked in, he saw a prime minister and two priests, with six evil eyes staring at him.

Birukiniya:? ? ?


Chapter 82 Kotaro’s Hope

"Damn it! Prime Minister, why don't you even believe me?"

With a roar full of rage and helplessness, the glass on the upper floor of the Prime Minister's Building was smashed with a bang. The monstrous swordsman rolled himself into a ball and jumped from the top, looking back at the place where he jumped unwillingly. Afterwards, he limped away from the place.

That miserable back looked like a large dung beetle.

"Bihume, that's enough."

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