After a lot of trouble, Lan Guanghong rode his bike with Faria towards Hiden Intelligent.

——Yes, there were only two people.

He just found out that Fuwa didn't drink at all, the kind that never drinks.

One is to ensure that he can fight in the best condition at any time, and the other is... severe alcohol intolerance.

When Ren Wei'a came back and told this, everyone suddenly realized that Fuwa, who seemed to be asleep, was already as red as a cooked shrimp.

There was no way, Ren could only take Fuwa to the hospital for treatment and care, and the two AIMS brothers wanted to send the old cheater to the court. In the end, only Lan Guanghong and Faria were left to go to Hiden.

But the two of them are also the strongest two.

I believe no one dares to stop them head-on...


The harsh sound of brakes sounded, and Lan Guanghong looked at the person who stopped them in the middle of the road in amazement.

Hiden Qixiong?

Good guy, it's okay if the real owner comes to the door directly!

"...Finally I see you again." Looking at Lan Guanghong, Fei Dian Qixiong's face showed a nostalgic look.

Lan Guanghong:?

"I don't remember when I saw you."

"Don't remember? Well, that's right." He suddenly shook his head in disappointment: "You are not him after all."

Lan Guanghong:? ? ?

This sentence contains a lot of information!

After thinking for a while, he suddenly asked tentatively: "You mean, Nan Kotaro?"

"Yes." Fei Dian Qixiong opened his arms and frankly admitted the fact that he came from another world.

"'Long-awaited reunion' is a phrase I like."

"...But now, I hate this phrase!"

Chapter 114 Frustrated Lan

"Humph, no matter who you are, you are the one who is doing all this, right?"

After getting off the motorcycle, Lan Guanghong and Faria stood side by side, ready to transform.

"You can't say that, everything is the choice of humans, I just pushed it a little bit."

Fei Dian Qixiong also took out his belt.

This is a belt that is very similar to the forced sublimator used by the people in the Destruction Thunder Station, but the color is red.

Then, he took out the blue locust key and pressed the button.

[Kamen Rider! ]

"Let's fight again, Black RX... No, I should call you Black now."

Hiden Qixiong smiled slightly, inserted the key into the belt, and pulled the lever.


[Rocking Hopper! ]

The dark blue hurricane dissipated, and a burly locust-shaped Kamen Rider appeared in front of them.

Blue Light Red became more and more interested in the identity of this Hiden Qixiong.

He said the name of Black RX, could it be from the Chrysis Empire?

Hiss~ Isn't this a bit too much?

Forget it, anyway, as long as we catch him, all the problems will be solved.

"hen~shin!" X2

Faria transformed into Dreams, picked up the Thousand Hijacker and rushed towards the Type 1 that Hiden Qixiong had transformed into.

Blue Light Red, who had transformed into the Mechanical Knight, was also ready to follow, but as soon as he raised his leg, he realized something was wrong.

This body suddenly became very heavy, and even lifting his legs became very difficult, as if the gravity had increased tenfold or a hundredfold in an instant!

No, this is...

"Magnetic force!" Blue Light Red reacted quickly.

This was the only weakness of the Mechanical Knight. He had not taken it too seriously before, because with the level of technology in this world, it was almost impossible to make strong magnetic items that could affect the actions of the Mechanical Knight.

Even if they could barely make them, there wouldn't be many, and it was hard to say who would suck whom at that time.

But he never expected that enemies from other worlds would chase him.

"Tsk, it's overturned."

The strong magnetic force firmly attached the Mechanical Knight to the spot, making it extremely difficult to move his hands and feet, not to mention fighting.

Then, there was only one solution!

Decisively switching back to Black's posture, the sense of restraint on his body really disappeared immediately. Blue Light Red shook his hands and suddenly jumped up and pounced on Type 1.

It took only a few seconds from transformation to switching back to the initial state.

But in just a few seconds, Faria, who was fighting alone with Type 1, was already in danger.

When the two sides approached, Faria took the lead in stabbing with her weapon, but she never thought that the opponent would directly reach out and hold the tip of the spear, and even her impact failed to make the opponent retreat a step.

Then, Type 1 threw his hand to push away the spear, forcing Faria to lose balance. He took this opportunity to raise his leg and knee her, knocking her back repeatedly.

Just at this moment, Blue Light Red pounced from above.

"Unforgivable, Feidian Qixiong!"

"Rider Punch!"

His fist ignited with golden flames and smashed towards the enemy.

Facing Blue Light Red's attack, Type 1 quickly stepped back with his right foot, suddenly turned around and raised his leg.


A figure flew out.

...It was Blue Light Red.

His Knight Fist did not hit the opponent, but was kicked back by the enemy with a heart-piercing kick.

And this kick was very powerful, even with Black's defense, he felt a strong pain.

"Hiss~!" Lan Guanghong took a breath, looked down at his chest which showed some white tissue, and confirmed one thing.

He and Faria might not be the opponent of the knight in front of them.

No, it should be said that this knight is just a disguise. His true identity is an enemy who has fought with Black RX!

You know, without using the Emperor Stone to strengthen, Black RX's basic ability is three times that of Black. It is normal to be defeated by using the pre-evolutionary posture to fight against the enemy that can only be dealt with after evolution.

After realizing this, Lan Guanghong immediately thought of turning into a biochemical knight, but rejected it immediately.

This is too risky. He has no idea about the enemy. If he suddenly turns into a biochemical knight, if he runs out of strength and still can't solve the battle, then it's over.

There is only one way!

The right wrist flashed with golden light, Lan Guanghong placed it on his abdomen and pulled out the boomerang sword.

The difference in combat power is huge, and it is almost impossible to capture him alive, so let's fight to the death!

Coincidentally, whoever is stabbed with this sword will die!

"Faliya, let's go! I must stab him to death today!"


Faliya, who was not far away, responded and directly pulled the Thousand-position Hijacker to launch a fatal move, swinging the Big Beetle and the Heavy Leg Beast to attack the enemy, and then she rushed over again.

At the same time, Blue Light Red also approached the enemy with a sword,

The conflict started again. Type 1 first easily smashed the two energy beasts, and then fought one against two, easily dealing with the attacks of the two.

His abilities were all above the two, and even with the extra spinning sword that could threaten him, Fei Dian Qixiong was still not afraid at all.

Not long after, he found a flaw, and after a side kick to repel Blue Light Red, he suddenly pulled the belt lever continuously to launch a fatal move.

[Rocking Spark! ]

Kicked out with his right leg wrapped in a blue storm, and the target was...Faliya!


Seeing this, the furious Blue-Red leaned over and thrust his hand into the ground, forcibly stopping his retreating body, and then his legs shot out with force, with the spinning sword heading straight for the opponent's abdomen.

"Stop it!"

If Type 1 didn't stop the ultimate move, then this sword would definitely pierce through his body.

But even so, Type 1 still had no intention of stopping.


Faliya was finally hit by the strong impact, and a silver light flashed on her body. The transformation was forcibly released, revealing her damaged Humagia body.

At the same time, Blue-Red's sword also pierced through his abdomen.

"Hahaha~, you're also a Humagia." Feidian Qixiong seemed to be unconcerned about his fatal injury, pointing at Faliya and laughing: "You said so righteously that you wanted to destroy Feidian, but don't you have a Humagia by your side? It's so ridiculous!"

Blue-Red gritted his teeth and pushed the lightsaber in his hand forward again.

"You really deserve it..." Fei Dian Qixiong's voice suddenly stopped.

After a moment, he suddenly screamed: "It's you! How could it be you?!"

This was the first time since he appeared that Fei Dian Qixiong lost his composure. Unfortunately, his question could not be answered for the time being.

The high temperature of the spinning sword spread to the whole body, and an explosion occurred a moment later, and Type 1 was destroyed.

Without bothering to pose, Lan Guanghong passed through the fireworks and hugged Faria's fallen body.

"Faria, Faria!" He shook her body hard, but the other party did not react at all.

Lan Guanghong screamed to the sky in grief and anger: "No~~!"

Chapter 115 A speech with a black eye

"Don't howl, I just protected the Dimons module, dig it out quickly." Faria, who had turned back into an illusory body, floated aside with her hands on her waist and said.

"...Oh." Lan Guanghong inserted his hand into the abdomen of the machine body, fumbled a few times and took out the complete Dimons module, with some dark green unknown liquid on his hand.

Faria's eyes twitched.

Lan Guanghong's men continued to pull out the Dreams driver and several special devices in the shape of ornaments, and then shook his head regretfully at the completely damaged body: "Alas, what a pity."

"It took a lot of effort to adapt to this body."


"Shouldn't I say this?"

"Hey, don't worry about these details."

After cleaning up the battlefield quickly, Lan Guanghong mounted the battle locust and suddenly felt a little confused.

——Where should I go now?

Originally, I was going to go to Feidian Intelligence to see if I could find Feidian Qixiong, but he jumped out halfway and was stabbed and exploded.

So, the matter was solved just like that?

No, it must not be that simple.

Lan Guanghong felt that all of them were calculated by that "Feidian Qixiong".

Starting from the Xiumagia in the amusement park, they followed the clues and found three suspicious locations. In one of them, they found the con man and learned about Feidian Qixiong.

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