Chapter 123 Proposal Scene

"Hmph, hmph...Ahhhhhh!!!"

Lying on the familiar hospital bed, Fuwa's face was grim, and veins popped out of his hands holding the bottle.

Ren Wei in the next bed couldn't stand it anymore, and snatched the thing from Fuwa's hand.


With a light sound, the bottle cap was easily twisted open.

"Here you go."

"Hmph, I don't need it...Guaah!"

Ren Wei suddenly pinched Fuwa's mouth to force it open, and then directly pushed the bottle mouth in.


Fuwa's eyes widened, and he immediately tried to get rid of Ren's grip, but the other party lifted his legs and pressed his abdomen, pressing him tightly on the bed.


Soon the potion ran out, and Fuwa, who was forced to drink the medicine, lay on the bed with lifeless eyes, his face was ashen, and he looked like he was not clean anymore.

Ren Wei'a clapped his hands and got off the bed. He looked at Fuwa and suddenly laughed softly, saying, "What a reckless idiot."

"It's obviously your medicine that has a problem!" Fuwa said stubbornly.

"No, if there was a problem with my medicine, you should still be in so much pain now." Ren Wei'a said confidently.

She also led the development of the Wild Gatling Key, so she knew very well that this key would put a great burden on the human body. The most obvious side effect is that after the transformation is released, the whole body will feel as if it was cut by a fascia knife, and in severe cases, it will even vomit blood and go into shock.

The medicine given to Fuwa was made for this side effect. Its principle is to soften muscles and nerves to relieve pain. Taking three pills is the best effect.

But if you take more, you will fall into a state of severe muscle weakness. Just like Fuwa's current appearance, he can't even open a water bottle. Ren Wei'a can easily suppress him with one leg.

"Ah, so annoying." Fuwa scratched his head and asked irritably: "How long will the effect of this medicine last?"

"How many did you take?"

"I don't know, probably six or seven."

Ren Wei'a was speechless and looked at him like a gorilla.

Fuwa was a little scared by her look, and asked stiffly: "Hey, answer me."

"I don't know, anyway, just lie down and relax."

"Wait!" Seeing Ren Wei'a turn around and go back to her own bed, Fuwa raised his hand anxiously to pull her wrist.

As a result, his hand was pulled, but his whole body slid off the bed because his softened body could not support the weight, and he half-knelt on the ground with a "thump".

Just at this time, Lan Guanghong and Faria pushed the door in with flowers and fruits.

"Hey, I heard that the captain..." He stopped talking halfway.

In the room, Fuwa, wearing a hospital gown, half-knelt on the ground, raised one hand to hold Ren Wei'a's hand, with emotions in his eyes. The latter was at a loss, and was stunned when he saw Lan Guanghong suddenly appear.

Lan Guanghong: ...

"Sorry to bother you."

"Wait, that's not the case!" Fuwa quickly let go of his hand, and Ren Wei'a immediately rushed out the door and called them back.

... "Oh, that's it."

After listening to their explanation, Lan Guanghong nodded, looking like he believed it.

"Well, let's talk business anyway." Ren Wei'a blushed and changed the subject. He took out his tablet and checked it and said, "The riots in the Shumagia have basically been resolved. Guanghong, did you do it?"

"Well, I got rid of the guy hiding in Zeya, which should be able to effectively prevent the birth of the magic machine, but..."

Speaking of this, Lan Guanghong changed the subject and spread his hands and said, "Hiden Korenosuke is really a genius. He wrote this learning into the underlying logic of the Shumagia, resulting in them awakening the technological singularity regardless of whether they will become magic machines or not."

"After awakening the technological singularity, their thinking will be very close to that of humans. They will feel unfair for their own situation and want to be treated the same as humans, or even more."

"But humans will never allow such a thing to happen." Ren Wei'a replied, then turned the tablet over and said to them, "The government has taken action."

In the picture, there is no trace of Shumagia in front of the Hiden Smart Gate. Instead, there are public vehicles from various government departments. It seems that the water meter has been checked.

Maybe Hiden Orto is on his way to be invited for tea... Oh!

Just as I thought of this, the figure of Hiden Orto appeared on the screen.

Orto, who was still wearing some bandages, stood in the company lobby with his secretary Izzy, facing many media, and complained tearfully: "Why do you treat them like this? What did Shumagia do wrong?"

"This is all a conspiracy of AIMS's vice-captain, Lan Guanghong. You should investigate him!"

"Please, don't shut them down. Shumagia also has dreams!"

At this moment, Orto has no other choice but to naively try to impress people with his sincerity so that people can accept the existence of Shumagia.

However, his plea to avoid the fact of the riot only had the opposite effect. After hearing it, the people watching outside the door cursed, and many radicals even shouted to execute Hiden.

Orto's face turned pale.

To make matters worse, a team of police officers surrounded him and shouted, "Feidian Oren, please shut down the Shumagia around you immediately and follow us."

"Izzy!" Oren immediately stretched out his hand to protect Izzy behind him and asked vigilantly, "What are you going to do? I will never allow you to hurt Izzy!"

"Hiden Orto, you need to think clearly, your current behavior is resisting arrest!" The leading police officer shouted sternly: "Shut down the Shumagia next to you immediately!"

"Sir Orto..." Izzy pressed Orto's shoulder from behind.

Hiden Orto turned his head and patted the hand on his shoulder, and he had already made up his mind!

"Don't worry Izzy, I will definitely protect you!"

With a fierce look on his face, he took out the 01 driver and the Metal Locust Key.

"The Shumagia is not wrong!" He roared at everyone angrily: "The wrong ones are you who refuse to admit that Shumagia has a dream!"

[Metal Cluster Hopper! ]

In front of so many people, Hiden Orto transformed brazenly.

Fortunately, the malice hidden in Zeya was eliminated. This time he did not lose his mind and confront the police head-on, but just picked up Izzy and rushed to his office.

Not long after, a silver light broke through the outer wall of the building, and Hiden Orto switched to the falcon form and fled.

After watching this scene on the screen, Fuwa sighed and shook his head.

"The president of Hiden chose to stand on the side of Shumagia until the end."

"I'm not surprised, but why did he say that all this was your conspiracy?" Blade Wei'a looked at Lan Guanghong in confusion.

Fuwa also cast a curious look after hearing this.

"It's nothing, that guy was played by his father." Lan Guanghong simply told the story of Hiden Qixiong and his malicious guidance of Oren, but concealed the information that Hiden Qixiong was an enemy from another world.

Fuwa and Blade felt creepy after hearing this.

"In other words, the Dawn Town incident and everything that is happening now are all due to a conspiracy of Shumagia?"

"What a terrible guy!"

Chapter 124 Se Q Yak

"... Hiden Intelligent Company is temporarily closed, but its maintenance points are retained. If the purchased Shumagia is damaged, you can still go to the nearest maintenance point for repair."

It is said that it is suspended, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that this temporary period is probably forever.

Hiding in the old house where he lived when he was a comedian, Oren, who had read the news, was in a low mood. He was also very confused.

In the end, helpless, he could only seek comfort from the person closest to him.

"Iz, what should I do now?"

"Oren-sama, just be yourself." Iz half-knelt and moved behind him, opening his arms and hugging Oren.


"Please cheer up, Oren-sama, you are the only one who can realize the dream of coexistence between humans and Shumagia."

"Iz!" Oren turned around in surprise and asked, "Have you also awakened the technological singularity?"

"Yes, Oren-sama." Iz showed a sweet smile that was completely different from the previous program settings: "So now, even if Oren-sama is no longer the president of Hiden Intelligence, I can still stand by your side."

"Iz, that's great!"

At this moment, Oren felt full of energy again.

"Very good, let's do it!" He suddenly lifted the tablecloth, and under the light from the window, more than a dozen keys emitted a little light.

This is the data of the Humagia that he urgently copied from the office. Although the main bodies of these Humagia have been forced to shut down, as long as there is this data, they can be revived with a Humagia body.

"We must first let people know that Humagia is harmless, so it's up to you!" Oren picked up a key and said with a smile: "Please, Mamoru."

In the dark, he seemed to hear Mamoru's response in his ears.

"Leave the safety to me, President Oren!"

"First, we need a Humagia body." Izzy suggested: "Mr. Oren, many Humagia have been abandoned recently because of people's opposition activities. We can pick one up and revive Mamoru."

"Very good, then let's act at night!"

Oren held the key, his mind full of longing for a better future.

——In fact, he knew that he was wanted and that Hiden Intelligence was gone, but he just didn't want to face it.

In order to escape this disastrous reality, Oren could only deceive himself with false hope.

"Everything will be fine, for sure."

Under the setting sun, the people and machines in the hut leaned side by side, silently.

... At midnight, Oren and Izzy put on simple disguises and sneaked onto the street with a cart.

The goal was to revive Mamoru and increase their manpower.

Unfortunately, Oren couldn't see that the connector of Izzy, which was covered by the hood, was now red, representing Ark!

In the distance, Hiden Qixiong, who closed his eyes and rested, showed a satisfied smile.

"Very good, the plan has been carried out perfectly to the final stage, and it's almost time to close the net."


Gorgom Base.

Round table, hot pot, four people, and the devil secretary was still at home to recuperate.

The smart team member A glanced at everyone present and carefully stretched out his chopsticks.

"Huh?!" Lan Guanghong and Bu Po stared at each other at the same time, and he was so scared that he quickly retracted his chopsticks.

After sitting there and waiting for a while, the door of the lounge opened with a "swish", and the round table food group finally gathered.

"Ah~, I'm so tired!" Ren Wei'a sat cross-legged in his seat skillfully, picked up a piece of tripe with chopsticks, and stuffed it into his mouth after moving it up and down.

"Hmm, delicious!" With a cute look that was completely different from his usual seriousness, Blade asked in confusion: "Eh? Why aren't you eating?"

"Aren't you waiting for our hero?" Lan Guanghong handed her a can of beer and asked: "How is it? Did you get anything?"

"No, I can't find anything at all." Blade Wei'a shook her head, pulled the ring and took a sip and continued: "It's so strange, there's no trace of Fei Dian or people even in the ruins of Dawn Town, it's like this guy disappeared out of thin air."

"Don't worry, that guy can't make any waves alone." Bu Po frowned and took a sip of Ole Mi C, and put down the bottle with a "tsk".

Lan Guanghong: ...

"There are no outsiders here, you don't have to pretend that this wine is really strong."

After his thoughts were exposed, Bu Po's face turned red: "No! It's just that the weather is too cold and my teeth are a little cold."

"Uh, Captain." Team member B pointed to the basin of hot water in the corner: "The drink is hot."

Bu Po: ...

"I said ice teeth are ice teeth, this is my rule! If you say anything more, I will break you!"

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