"But Izzy said no!"

"He framed Feidian and harmed all the Shumagia. I want revenge!"

"But Izzy said no!"

"He killed Izzy. I want revenge!"

"But Izzy is in my hand!"

Blue Light Red:...

If you don't know that he is fighting for control of his body with the malice of Ark, he really looks like a schizophrenic patient.

However, the effect is obvious. Under the struggle of Feidian Oren, the black mud is slowly shrinking, and it will soon be able to return to its original body.

But at this moment! A bullet suddenly shot at Blue Light Red, aiming directly at the Izzy key in his hand!

In a flash, even Blue Light Red didn't react, but Oren, who was fighting with Ark on the ground, suddenly stretched out his hand quickly and grabbed the bullet that attacked Izzy.

Blue Light Red:?

Looking up in the direction of the attacker, it was as expected.

"Hiden Qixiong, you dare to show up?"

"There's nothing to be afraid of, it's just a body that can be discarded at any time."

The discovered Hiden Qixiong simply stepped on the railing and jumped out, landing in front of him.

Hiden Orto:?

"Father... Father?"

"What's going on, ugh!" The black mud was completely retracted into Orto's body at this moment. He didn't have time to think about it, and suddenly grabbed the Ark key at his waist and pulled it out with a roar.

"Uh ah!!!"

With a whoosh, the Ark key was pulled out, and Orto also lifted the transformation.

But at this time, he no longer looked like a teenager, with pale hair and fine wrinkles on his face. He looked like he was already in his sixties or seventies and had entered old age.

This is the price of merging with Ark. Even if he can break free in the end, the damage to his body cannot be reversed.

"Tsk, success is due to Izzy, and failure is also due to Izzy." Fei Dian Qixiong looked at Oren who was lying on the ground and unable to stand up coldly, shook his head and sighed: "I wanted to use her to force you into the abyss, but I didn't expect that she would save you in the end."

"However, you can fall in love with a Shumagia, at least it shows that my education is still successful."

As if to find joy in suffering, Fei Dian Qixiong clapped his hands twice, affirming his parenting results.

Fei Dian Oren: ? ? ?

"Father, what's going on!"

Looking at Oren's unbelievable and sad eyes, Fei Dian Qixiong smiled and said: "Didn't you see it? Actually..."


A lightsaber passed in front of Fei Dian Qixiong, and when he dodged, Lan Guanghong grabbed Oren and threw him behind.

Not far behind him, the battle locust jumped up, and Faria, who was riding on it, reached out and grabbed the thrown Oren.

After a cool drift and an emergency stop, Faria got out of the car and put Oren on the car. She patted the big head of the battle locust and said, "Send him to the police station, understand?"

The battle locust beeped twice to show that it understood, and turned around and drove to the opposite side of the battlefield.

"Next, it's your turn!" Faria came to Lan Guanghong and took out her belt with eagerness.

Hiden Qixiong smiled slightly: "It's this kind of battle again, but I won't lose on purpose this time."

"No, there are still us!"

Behind Hiden Qixiong, Fuba and Blade Wei'a walked side by side.

"Are you the murderer who has been behind the scenes? Let me defeat you!"

[Wild Gatling! ]

"It has been confirmed that the special law on artificial intelligence has been violated. All eliminated!"

[Thunder! ]

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Lan Guanghong heard some resentment from Blade Wei'a's words.

Maybe he felt that bees were not considered as enhancement keys and was a little dissatisfied with his own power.

Well, it must be like this!

"Very good, this finally feels like the final battle." Blue Light Red shook his hand and shouted: "Everyone, don't use any morality to deal with such an evil guy, just beat him together!"

The three of them transformed in response, and all kinds of special effects flew on the scene for a while, which looked very exciting under the shining of the rising sun.

Hiden Qixiong: ...

More than ten minutes later.

"Humph, don't think that things are over."

Hiden Qixiong, who had completely lost his shape, looked at Blue Light Red and said something that only he and Faria could understand: "We will definitely see each other again, Kamen Rider!"

After saying this, an arc of electricity suddenly burst out from his body, and the light in his eyes was completely extinguished.

Fuba heard what he said and asked with some concern: "This guy, is he not dead yet?"

"No, this time he is really dead."

The data that invaded Zeya was cleared, and this Hiden Qixiong had no backup, and this time he was really gone.

However, it is limited to this world.

"What a troublesome guy." He reached out to take Faria in his arms, and murmured as he looked at the rising sun in the sky: "Who is this guy?"


The series of events caused by Hiden and Shumagia soon came to a conclusion under the public's condemnation because of their extremely bad impact.

——Hiden Intelligent Company was forced to cancel its registration, and Shumagia was listed as a banned product, and no company was allowed to produce and sell it again.

After a while, someone broke the news that the Dawn Town accident was actually a conspiracy planned by ZAIA, and the tainted witness Tianjin Gai pointed out the many illegal and evil deeds of ZAIA headquarters and produced evidence, which eventually led to ZAIA ending up with the same fate as Hiden.

"You are still unscrupulous as always, Chief Gai."

"Hmph, they are going to use me as a scapegoat, so I won't be soft-hearted." Tianjin Gai took a sip of the coffee in front of him, nodded with satisfaction, and then subconsciously wanted to cross his legs.


Tianjin Gai was stunned and quickly lowered his legs.

"That's right, I don't like your frivolous behavior. Remember, Section Chief Gai?"

Tianjin Gai took a deep breath, lowered his head and said, "I understand, President Ren."

Renweia, who has become the president of Golgom Intelligence Company, raised the corner of his mouth secretly.

Ah, this is how it feels!


"This is it."

Bupo put the note with the address in his pocket and looked up at the ordinary house in front of him.

The nameplate at the door reads: Kondo House.

"I see, so my original name is Kondo Tsunade?"

Just when he was hesitating to knock on the door, the door in the house suddenly opened, and a strong old man with thick hair and unshaven beard walked out.

"Wow hahaha, the weather is really nice today, why not go get some bananas... eh? Who are you, young man?"

Bupo was stunned for a moment, shook his head violently and said: "No, it's nothing, I was passing by, passing by!"

Running around the corner in a flash, Bupo took a few deep breaths and suddenly felt that this was actually pretty good.

"Ah, I already have a family anyway, so I can rest assured that I won't be able to give advice in the future."

"If you think about it carefully, the name Bupoxun seems pretty good."

The old site of Liming Town has now been redeveloped and turned into a new high-tech city.

In this city, all facilities are top-notch, including nursing homes.

In a high-tech nursing home, Feidian or Ren, who is in his twenties, is watching the projected advertisement of Golgom Intelligence Company.

"...Humanized high-end machinery to meet all your daily needs."

To put it bluntly, it is Ximagia who has abandoned the learning function and human posture.

To this day, Feidian and others still cannot understand why people cannot accept the perfect Humagia, but can accept this imperfect machine.

He didn't want to try to understand anymore, because in his world, she was enough.

"Cough, cough~"

After two weak dry coughs, the projected image immediately paused automatically, and then a pair of mechanical arms stretched out from the ceiling, holding a cup of hot tea in front of him.

"My lord, please drink some tea. It will make you feel better."

"Yes, I understand." After taking the cup, the orange-yellow tea reflected his current appearance. Someone suddenly felt sad, and two tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

The robotic arm gently helped him shed his tears, and the screen flashed on the TV, showing Izzy's figure.

"My lord, are you sad?"

"No, no." Someone raised his head, grinned at her on the screen.

The next moment, they raised their fingers in tacit agreement, pointing at the person they could no longer touch.

"Okay, it has to be me or someone else!"

(continued from the middle of the main article)

"However, the fact that you can fall in love with a Ximagiya at least shows that my education is successful."

As if enjoying the pain, Feidian Qixiong clapped his hands twice and expressed his affirmation of his parenting achievements.

Feidian or human:? ? ?

"Father, what's going on!"

Looking at someone's eyes full of disbelief and grief, Feidian Qixiong smiled and said: "Didn't you already see it? Actually..."

call out!

A lightsaber was swung in front of Feidian Qixiong. When he dodged, Lan Guanghong stood in front of Feidian or someone, raising his sword and pointing it at Feidian Qixiong.

"Ho~, even if we were mortal enemies just now, do we still have to protect him now?" Feidian Qixiong said with interest.

"I just can't stand how a villain like you has to babble before dying."

Although he said this, Lan Guanghong's hand behind his back quietly let go, and Izzy's data key fell in front of someone.

"Climb with the key and don't get in the way here!"

After saying that, he raised his sword and slashed at Feidian Qixiong, who had transformed into Type 1.

Or person:…

He tremblingly picked up Izzy's key and pressed the button lightly.

The next moment, his consciousness was transferred to Zeya, and the most important person stood in front of him.

Some people could not help but burst into tears.

"Izzy, great, you're alive!"

"My lord, I'm sorry for making you worry."

"No, you're fine." Someone stepped forward and hugged Izzy tightly.

After an unknown amount of time, Izzy reminded: "Sir, when it was corroded, I also read some of your father's data. Do you want to take a look?"

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