This was exactly what Lan Guanghong wanted, so after Toda left, he smiled and went back to their residence with Kiba and Yuka.

When they returned to the residential building belonging to SB Club, it was already late.

Leaning against the window, Yuka looked up at the gloomy sky, thinking of her own equally gloomy fate, and couldn't help sobbing softly.

This sound attracted Kiba's attention, and he turned his head to look out the window.

"Forget about the words of consolation. She won't listen to anything now. It's best to let her vent alone."

Thinking that what Lan Guanghong said made sense, Kiba turned around and said to him who was looking around in the room: "Mr. Nagano, what do you think of Mr. Toda's words?"

"Lan Guanghong."


"Lan Guanghong, this is my name." Lan Guanghong checked the house and confirmed that there were no hidden devices such as eavesdropping and cameras. Then he jumped to sit opposite Kiba and asked: "Yongzhi, what do you think of Toda's words?"

"Me?" He was silent for a while, and suddenly shook his head and said: "I can't do it."

"I can't kill innocent humans for that kind of thing!"

When he said this firmly, he was ready to quarrel with Lan Guanghong.

Because just now in SB Club, the other party's performance after resurrection was very extreme, and he was even excited about no longer being a human being, without any confusion or hesitation.

This kind of person is definitely a dangerous element who always thinks about revenge on society, and he must agree with Toda's war theory.

"Well said, I think so too." Lan Guanghong clapped his hands in agreement.

"Eh?" Kiba looked up in surprise: "But didn't you say in the company..."

"That was what Nagano Daiko said, what does it have to do with me, Lan Guanghong?"

Kiba: ...

"Well~ In my opinion, Ophiino is no different from humans, they need to eat and rest, and they can get injured and die." Lan Guanghong stared at Kiba with deep eyes, and continued: "So, my way of judging is to look at the heart."


"Yes, some people are human even if their posture has changed, as long as they still have a human heart. On the contrary, if they regard human life as worthless because they have gained powerful power, then even if that guy still has a human appearance, he is a monster in human skin."

"Is that so." After listening to Lan Guanghong's narration, Kiba put down his heart that had been hanging, and a smile appeared on his face.

- Great, he is not the dangerous person imagined, but a like-minded companion.

"Well, let's eat and rest." Lan Guanghong rubbed his stomach and asked Muba in confusion: "Aren't you hungry?"

Muba, who was reminded, remembered that it was almost night and they hadn't eaten dinner yet. He was really hungry now.

"Oh~ It seems that I'm hungry." Lan Guanghong clapped his hands and stood up, showing a confident smile.

"It's getting late, so I'll just make a simple bowl of noodles for you."

... Ten minutes later, Muba looked at the bowl full of abalone, shark's fin and sea cucumber in front of him, and was speechless.

He looked up at Lan Guanghong, his eyes full of surprise, "This is what you call simple noodles"

"Well, there are a lot of ingredients in the refrigerator, and I accidentally made it a bit rich."

Putting the other two bowls of noodles on the table, Lan Guanghong tapped the chopsticks and shouted out the window: "Yuhua-chan, it's time to eat."

"Thank you, I'm not hungry, you guys..."

"Hey~ Don't be polite." Pushing Yuhua, who was already feeling sad, to sit down at the table, Lan Guanghong handed the chopsticks to her and said with a smile: "Come, try it."

Smelling the tempting aroma from the bowl, Yuhua, who was already hungry, couldn't help swallowing her saliva.

"Then I won't be polite."


Seeing Yuhua eating deliciously, Lan Guanghong and Kiba smiled at each other.



The next day.

At the agreed time, Kiba and Yuhua came to the cafe where Toda was.

Seeing that someone was missing, Toda asked in confusion: "Where is Nagano?"

"Uh, Nagano left early in the morning, saying he had to do some personal things."

Yesterday, Lan Guanghong specifically told them not to reveal his real name in front of the people in SB Club for the time being. The two people who had a great affection for him agreed without hesitation.

So, the name they mentioned here is still "Nagano Daigu".

"Then wait for him for a while." Toda waved and said, "Boss, take the order."

The coffee came up, from boiling hot to warm, but Lan Guanghong still didn't show up.

Toda said impatiently: "Forget it, I'll teach you today, our Aofei..."

Beep beep...

The phone suddenly rang, Toda took it out and saw that the contact person column showed Lan Guanghong.

After pressing the answer button, he put the phone to his ear and before he could say "Hello", he heard a loud cry from the other end of the phone: "Senior!"

"Help, there's a black monster trying to kill me!"

Toda was startled, and the image of Faiz in black armor immediately appeared in his mind.

"Where are you? I'll be there soon!"

After hearing the address given by Lan Guanghong, Toda left a message to Kiba and Yuka: "Convert all the people here", and then rushed out of the cafe without hesitation.

"Wait!" Kiba immediately chased after him, but saw Toda's car speeding away, and regretfully failed to catch up.

He called Lan Guanghong again, but there was only a busy tone on the other end.

From Orphino's perspective, Toda is simply a perfect companion, and he will really help when there is something going on.

Unfortunately, Lan Guanghong is actually a human, so the better the opponent is, the sooner he should deal with him.

"Very good, the first target has taken the bait."

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and his smile gradually became evil and crazy.

He dialed another number.

After the call was connected, he also shouted in a terrified voice without waiting for the other party to speak: "Keitaro, help!"

On the phone, Keitaro was surprised and said: "Eh? What happened?"

"Orphino is still chasing me, damn it!"

"Hurry up and call Qiao to save me!"

Chapter 132 The plan is successful

After hanging up the call, Lan Guanghong smiled triumphantly.

The plan is successful~

Before calling, he calculated the distance between the two sides and compared the map. It was not easy to come up with such a deserted place that both of them could reach almost.

Next, it was a matter of patient waiting.

Finally, he adjusted the camera again, and Lan Guanghong closed his eyes to rest until a few minutes later, when the sounds of a motorcycle and a commercial vehicle sounded at the same time.

"Here they come!"

Suddenly opening his eyes, Lan Guanghong turned over and turned into a mechanical knight in seconds.

- Second-hand preparation, if the two sides directly passed by each other, he would blow up Toda and force a fight.

But now it seems that it is not necessary.

The sharp-eyed Toda immediately spotted the oncoming Mobile Pegasus and the familiar figure riding on the car.

"It's Faiz, damn, has Da Gu been killed?!"

Mistaking Qiao for the end of the battle and preparing to leave, the angry Toda slammed the steering wheel and parked the car in front of the Mobile Pegasus.

Qiao quickly braked and stopped. Just as he was about to curse, he saw gray and white stripes on Toda's face when he got off the car.

"Ophino!" Qiao was startled and quickly got out of the car and opened the suitcase on the back seat.

Beep, beep, beep-beep-beep.

[Standing BY]

Holding his phone high, Qiao shouted: "henshin", inserted the phone into his belt and pulled it off.

[Complete! ]

Red photon blood flowed throughout his body, and then the black and silver armor unfolded.

Kamen Rider Faiz, a grand appearance!

Shaking his hands, the knight took the initiative to meet Orphino...

The battle did not last long. The squid Orphino transformed by Toda was not a match for Faiz, not to mention that his weapon was broken by the blue light and red yesterday, and his combat power was greatly reduced.

After being beaten by Qiao's rogue boxing, the squid Orph was finally pierced through the body by the crimson electric drill, and the mark of? appeared on his body.

However, he still managed to restore his human appearance and drove away.

Confidently facing the enemy, Qiao turned his head when he heard the engine sound, but found that the other party had run away:?


Hearing the familiar voice, Qiao came to his senses and looked at the person who came.

I saw Lan Guanghong waving and running towards him.

Qiao: ...

"Tsk, you're fine."

"Of course, I'm immortal!" Knowing Qiao's cold-outward and warm-hearted personality, Lan Guanghong pretended not to hear the disdain in his words and naturally got on the mobile Pegasus.


"Hey, what are you doing?"

"What? Of course I'm going back." Lan Guanghong looked at Qiao in surprise, waved his hand and shouted, "Why are you still standing there? Let's go."

Qiao: ? ? ?


Kikuchi Laundry.

"Oh, Keitaro's house is actually a laundry? That's great."

In the living room, Lan Guanghong, holding a cup of hot tea, pretended to have just found out, exclaimed.

The praised Keitaro nodded like a chicken pecking at rice: "Yeah, Guanghong, you are indeed good at seeing things."

Qiao, who felt ridiculed for some reason, frowned and interrupted the two people's flattery: "Enough, why are you being hunted by Orphino?"

"Qiao!" Zhenli glanced at him dissatisfiedly: "Guanghong is not a criminal, and he was hunted just now. You should be more polite."

"No, it's okay." After drinking a sip of tea, Lan Guanghong took a deep breath with a solemn expression and explained: "This is related to my separation from you the day before yesterday. In fact, I was standing at the door of SB Club that day and suddenly felt danger."


The three looked at each other and felt a little incredible.

"It's true. I have practiced martial arts since I was a child, and I have a very accurate sense of danger." He vaguely passed this point over and continued: "So, I became suspicious of SB Club, and after you left, I found a way to sneak in."

As he said, he took out the ID card of SB Club from his pocket and inserted it on his chest.

"Eh? You became an employee of Smart Brain, how did you do that?" Keitaro asked curiously, "I remember that company's entry standards are very high, right?"

Lan Guanghong nodded, "Yes, they need people like me."

The three giants of the laundry shop: ...

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