So what did you bring me here to do? Scared me.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Qiao looked at the lost belt and smiled like an idiot.

Although he only lost one day, Qiao felt as if he had lost seven whole days, and his life was very painful.

Now I'm fine, the belt is finally back in my hands, and I can eat and rest with peace of mind again.

call out!

Yellow light bombs exploded in front of him. Qiao was startled and quickly hid behind the wall, and saw the appearance of the intruder through the reflection of the glass on the opposite side.

The same black bottom armor and belt, yellow photon blood flows to the whole body along the double channels.

"Another Faiz!"

Surprised, Qiao's hands were not slow at all, he took out the belt and put it on his waist.


After the transformation, Qiao leaned forward to get closer to the opponent, but as soon as he exposed his body, his chest was hit by a bullet.


The damage was not high, it just stopped his charge, as if it was intentional.

The other party unhurriedly adjusted the collar-like armor neck guard, and then raised his finger provocatively at him.


Well, that's intentional.

Qiao couldn't bear this anger, so he rushed forward and shook off the gangster's punch.

This time the opponent didn't shoot again, he just stood there waiting for Qiao's fist to hit him in the face.

Unfortunately, at the moment when the attack was about to hit, the opponent suddenly raised his head slightly to avoid the fist, and then rebounded suddenly, followed by a swift counterattack.

Not to be outdone, Qiao wanted to fight, but the opponent's well-organized series of attacks quickly stunned him.


With a rising dragon punch, Faiz flew up and fell to the ground to cancel his transformation.

"Hmm..." Qiao reluctantly raised his head, trying to see clearly who the opponent who had released his transformation was.

Unfortunately, he couldn't see the other person's face in the end. He only saw the other person taking out a tissue and wiping his left hand.

——Do it skillfully and rush to the street.

Lan Guanghong's attack was very measured, and luckily he was not injured. He was just beaten to the point of being knocked out of breath, and he would wake up soon.

He ran to a nearby high place, and while watching Qiao avoid being picked up by others, he dialed Miss SB's number.


"Hello, Mr. Nagano, what's the matter..."

Before the other party could finish speaking, Lan Guanghong howled miserably: "Sister Secretary, I was robbed!"

Miss SB:? ? ?

"Hey, what's going on? Speak slowly."

"Ugh, actually I was tossing and turning and couldn't sleep today, so I decided to kill a few more troublesome guys. As a result, I was riding a motorcycle and singing songs on the road, and suddenly I was robbed!"

"The opponent was a guy who looked very similar to Faiz, but the photon blood on his body was yellow. I couldn't beat him and he was knocked unconscious. When he woke up, Faiz's belt was gone."

"I'm sorry for the president's trust and the company's cultivation!"

"What? Kaixa showed up?"

"Yes, this is the video sent by Nagano." Ms. SB turned on the computer and played the video to the president Murakami Kyoko to watch it again.

There is no doubt that the one on the screen who beat Faiz to the point of being unable to fight back was Kaixa.

"That old fox!"

Murakami cursed in his heart, but calmly ordered on his face: "Call Nagano back first and arrange other work for him."

"When things have reached this level, it is no longer something that ordinary Aoife Enoch can handle." Murakami straightened his collar, a cold light flashing in his eyes.

"It's time for them to take action."

They refer to the strongest combat power hidden in SB Club, the Lucky Clover.

As the name suggests, Lucky Clover is composed of four elite Aoife Enoch. The current four members are Kageyama Saeko (lobster), Takuma Itsuro (centipede), J (crocodile), and Kitazaki (western dragon).

Except for Kitazaki who is too powerful and cannot be controlled, the other members will more or less obey the president's instructions.

It didn't take long for the three permanent members to receive a summons from Murakami.

In the bar named Clover, Saeko smiled evilly after receiving the message.

"It seems that the new president is a little overwhelmed."

In the library, a seemingly gentle man closed the book.

"Hopefully it won't be too boring."

In a certain gym, after seeing the summons, J suddenly closed his cell phone and started pumping iron at a faster speed.

Boom, boom, boom!

The discus, which exceeded the limits of ordinary people, hit the ground continuously, making a huge noise, which was directly transmitted to Kiba's hut.

Blue light red:......

"Grandma, I finally slept on the bed, but some bastard kept making noise there!"

Lifting the quilt, Lan Guanghong walked out angrily.

Kiba, who was preparing dinner ingredients, was shocked and quickly grabbed his hand and shouted: "Wait, you can't go out!"

"Yongji, don't stop me, I have to teach this guy a lesson today."

"I don't care who you teach a lesson to, but at least you should change your clothes!"

Hearing this, Lan Guanghong looked down.

Hmm~ Pajamas, macho fan...oh no, magenta.

Handsome's face turned red, he quickly found some serious clothes to change into, and walked out angrily.

Following the sound, Lan Guanghong quickly found the source of the noise pollution, which was the gym on the next floor.

"Wait a minute, our place is only open to members." The muscular front desk girl politely blocked the blue light and red, bowed and said: "I'm sorry, please leave."

Lan Guanghong crossed her arms and frowned, "Then what if I have to go in?"

"I'm sorry, Leo, someone is causing trouble!"


A man in a black vest opened the curtain and walked out. Judging from the fact that his exposed arms were full of streamlined and well-proportioned muscles, he was still an expert.

After the person walked out completely, Lan Guanghong moved his gaze to the person's face and was stunned on the spot.

Such a familiar face!

This appearance evoked blue-red memory fragments. He closed his eyes and thought for a while, then suddenly opened his eyes and shouted in surprise: "Jingyun! Is it you Jingyun!"


At this time, the front desk urged: "Leo, it's time to work."

Unexpectedly, Leo glanced at her and cursed unceremoniously: "Get out!"

Ignoring the purple complexion at the front desk, he turned sideways to make way for the passage: "Please follow me this way."

——Leo’s reason for bringing him in is simple. This gym is exclusively for Orpheus Enoch.

And his special ability sensed that the physical strength of the person in front of him was far beyond that of ordinary people, and even he felt extremely dangerous. This could not be an ordinary human being.

Therefore, Blu-ray Red is already their member, so of course you can enter.

As title.

I was not prepared for the sudden drop in temperature. Everyone was freezing. I will update my equipment tomorrow.

The two missing chapters today will be added tomorrow in the fourth update.

One hundred words, one hundred words, one hundred words, one hundred words, one hundred words, one hundred words, one hundred words, one hundred words, one hundred words, one hundred words, one hundred words, one hundred words, one hundred words, one hundred words, one hundred words, one hundred One hundred words, one hundred words.

Chapter 141 The Curse of Dreams

What is the dream?

Qian Qiao is hard to understand, whether it is the young man obsessed with music or the truth.

Because she was beaten up by a passing knight, Qiao, who was already in a bad mood, returned home and saw that Mari hadn't even cooked. Instead, she was concentrating on playing with her hair. She also said that it was her dream to be a hairdresser. Something like that, I was furious at that time.

"It's really unbearable! These and other people keep talking about their dreams. Is it so great to have a dream?"

..."It's amazing to have the courage to pursue your dreams."

Leaning against the window, Haitang turned his head and looked at the scenery outside, his eyes shining with light that seemed like joy and relief.

When he was in school just now, he met a junior who admired him, and Kaidou also saw his past self in this junior.

His extremely high talent, his heartfelt emotions when playing, and even the mistakes he made are exactly the same as he was in the past.

I couldn't help but give this junior some pointers. After leaving school, Kaitang completely let go.

He got rid of the people who would destroy his dreams and found someone who could play in his place.

Already, there is nothing worth remembering


"You are a hero."

Recalling what the man who called himself senior said to him, the corners of Kaitang's lips curled up unconsciously.

A hero? It seems pretty good.

Looking at Kaidou who suddenly giggled, Kiba, who was holding a spatula and wearing an apron, asked Yuka in confusion: "What did you do today? Why does Kaidou seem to be a different person?"

"Well, there are many, many~" She couldn't explain clearly for a while, so Yuihua simply changed the topic and asked: "Speaking of which, where is Brother Guanghong?"

"Huh?" The elements noticed, and Kiba's brows furrowed even more tightly: "Brother Guanghong?"

When did your relationship become so good?

We obviously met first, but you don't even want to call me Yongji brother.

Yuhua blinked her big innocent eyes, as if there was anything wrong with calling her that?

"Ahem, he thought the gym was disturbing his sleep, so he went to find them, eh?" Kiba turned to look out the window: "Why is the sound getting louder and louder?"

In the gym.



"Oh yesir!"


Throwing the barbell on the ground, J, one of the four-leaf clovers, raised his hands helplessly and surrendered, saying that he couldn't stand it anymore.

Seeing this, Lan Guanghong also put down the barbell, with a winner's smile on his face.

"Oh, awesome!" Leo clapped and praised Lan Guanghong's strong physical fitness.

He originally thought he had overestimated the strength of this new face, but unexpectedly he underestimated it. Even the members of the Lucky Clover could not match him in their human state.

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