Towards the end

of the month, the United Nations General Assembly officially came to an end, which means that the Superhero Registration Act has entered the deadline.

If the registration agreement proposed in the bill is not signed before the end of the month, then all vigilante acts will be considered illegal.

And if the agreement is signed, it means that the superheroes will need to be uniformly dispatched and will not be able to act on their own.

The Act is not uniformly implemented by the United Nations, but is implemented at the national level, by Governments within the limits provided for in the Act.

Tony's troubles are over, at least no longer have to attend hearings large and small. These days, he has been tracking the clues of the imitation master with Cody.

Originally, it was thought that Cody killed the only imitation master. But according to the tracking and screening of Zea and Yake, it was found that there were at least 5 different types of imitation masters all over the world, including the imitation master killed by Cody.

Their superpowers come from different heroes, so this also makes them kaleidoscopic.

And it is suspected that these imitation masters directly or indirectly created, similar to the provocative discord that occurred between the Avengers, has occurred more than once.

There are many superheroes in the world, but they are not all related to each other, but some people choose the righteous side or become "anti-heroes".

Therefore, some contradictions between superheroes are actually very easy to intensify and provoke.

And within the Avengers, in addition to the question of Baki, all that remains is about whether to sign an agreement in the end.

The world is different, the events are different, because the reality is completely different from some plots in the movie, so the Avengers inside, the current state, more like Tony alone, stands on the opposite side of everyone.

But the reason why Tony relaxed about this bill is that he took the responsibility for the Ultron crisis entirely on himself.

But the Avengers should have been one, and he himself signed it, representing only the division of the Avengers.

In fact, there is no such external reason, and Bucky's internal reason also puts the Avengers in jeopardy.

As for Cody, it is naturally impossible for Cody to sign this agreement, but he will not stand against Tony.

It's a big deal that he will use Hibiki to act in the future, who makes everyone now recognize, the Kamen Rider's logo is a different belt. Hibiki is the least obvious Kamen Rider of the belt element, so you don't need to play drums. Let Kamen Rider disappear directly.

Of course, he still has Yak, and there are so many villains, one a day, a year without a heavy sample, even if the relevant departments want to investigate, they can't trace it. There are always more solutions than difficulties.


"My name is T'Challa, the current King of Wakanda, and the guardian of the superhero Black Panther, the guardian of this continent, I agree with all the provisions of the Superhero Registration Act and register my identity!"

Since the accident at the United Nations General Assembly, Wakanda has been active in everyone's field of vision from time to time, but anyone who has seen the news is familiar with the country.

It's just that no one expected that in such a backward country, there would be a "superhero", and this superhero was also a king.

In everyone's sight, T'Challa's purple spread on his body, and soon, an all-black panther suit was attached to him.

This scene, the feeling is not weaker than the shock when Tony Stark announced in front of the world that he was Iron Man.

The audience just in front of the screen, thinking that the surprise was over, saw the panther raise his arms, and with his movements, a transparent film separated from behind him, and then faded from both sides.

As everyone's eyes widened, a magnificent and luxurious future city full of science and technology appeared in front of them.

There are spaceships in the sky, buildings in the distance are shining, and on the ground, behind T'Challa, there are neat blocks of different colors, each representing a tribe in Wakanda.

Naturally, the middle is Wakanda's most representative women's royal guard! They all held spears and were heroic.

"This is the real Wakanda, and from today on, Wakanda will accept friendly and reciprocal exchanges from all countries." In addition, I announce that the arrest warrant for Bucky Barnes, the winter soldier, has been lifted and that the murderer is someone else. "

In just a few minutes, the world received so much information that for a moment I didn't know which one to start shocking.

As Black Panther revealed his identity, one after another, some heroes in other parts of the world also signed an agreement, and on the last day of the deadline, Tony disappeared for two hours, and after that, he packed up all the things he put in Cody's house and drove away without looking back.

He signed it anyway.

Before leaving, Tony left a letter to Cody, which was written randomly on a piece of cardboard with a pen, the main content was to tell Cody that public is public, private is private, he will still be a good partner in business, but in the future, I am afraid that they will no longer be able to fight together.

And finally, he decided to give up the steel suit.

The new Ark core emits a gentle light and is placed under the cardboard, which is a prop that Tony uses to directly transform into Iron Man.

Cody never knew that Tony signed the agreement with the intention of quitting completely.

The 0 point pointer quietly crossed, and all the unregistered superheroes in the world were completely "illegal".


At noon, a woman with a graceful figure walked through the street. As she advanced, the center of her palm, a trace of barely visible substance, spread.

These substances, when they meet the human body, will quickly attach to them, and soon, all the people here will be spared. But the woman just glanced at this place expressionlessly and left.

The alarm sounded again, this is the alarm that Zeya detected the relevant incident, and sounded. The same thing, I don't know how many times this has happened today.

With the comprehensive "illegalization", nowadays, it is no longer realistic to think of going out to investigate at will.

But thanks to Coulson, they confirmed that the substance left by the woman in the video surveillance was a substance called Terrigan crystal.

Not long after the woman left, at the next intersection, his figure had changed into a completely different man.

But they all do the same thing.

A middle-aged uncle, did not die in these substances, and at the same time there were some changes in the body, the man took advantage of the middle-aged uncle to be in a coma, his fingertips stretched out his claws, cut the chest of the middle-aged uncle, and the filamentous substance stretched out from the mouth to absorb the blood.

Soon, a dried corpse was left on the ground, and the man seemed to have changed a little.

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