"Cody, that Adam, seems to be waking up."

Cody had just returned home, learned the news, and hurried to the secret laboratory.

In this separate underground laboratory, in addition to the golden cocoon placed in Adam, there are only some strange biological research equipment brought back by Cody from the alien.

As it turned out, Cody seemed to have been pitted by alien profiteers, and after Banner's research, except for a fully automatic operating table that could attach any severed limb in a matter of minutes, and an alien version of the "X-ray" that had no radiation and could display color images.

Other equipment functions, the earth has basically all of them, at most the speed of operation exceeds the earth machine a lot, the size is smaller, the function is more concentrated.

But the price of each alien machine is enough for Cody to buy these devices on Earth.

In the "X-ray" machine display, Adam inside the cocoon, his eyeballs are turning in an extremely regular way.

You know, when ordinary people fall asleep, their eyes are actually rolling, especially when dreaming, or entering deep sleep. So, the next time you pretend to sleep, please don't forget this ~ ●v●~

And Adam, on the contrary, he is not sleeping, like humans, but more like meditation, so he sleeps quietly, and the brain waves tend to nothing. After Cody brought it back, Adam has been in this state ever since.

And now, with the very regular rotation of his eyes, the detection of Adam's brain waves is becoming more and more active.

"How long has he been like this?"

"It suddenly appeared about half an hour ago, and we checked his body, and the attack mark you left on his body also disappeared completely half an hour ago. If according to the normal human brain wave activity level, there are about ten minutes or so, he should wake up. Are there special quarantine measures to be taken?

"No, if he really starts attacking, nothing will be useful, when he uses his ability, he will use energy such as cosmic radiation as a source, so you focus on monitoring these energies."


Banner listened and walked out.

Cody looked around, there were reflective surfaces everywhere, if he showed any aggression, Cody could send him into the mirror world first, without cosmic rays as energy, he couldn't jump.

After waiting for a long time, just like Banner said, in the picture, Adam in the cocoon opened his eyes, and then the golden cocoon around him began to slowly withdraw Adam's body. A few seconds later, the person lying in front of Cody changed from a golden cocoon to a golden-skinned man.

Adam tilted his head, Furui Wubo's eyes turned to Cody, and asked calmly,

"Where is this?"

"My home, Earth."

"Is Ayesha dead?"

"No, she fled after being pulled down from the position of High Priest by your Council of Elders."


Cody looked at this Adam and felt a little strange, a person's personality is indifferent, Cody can understand, but that Ayesha is your mother, but Adam doesn't seem to care at all, moreover, Cody can stand in front of him, as an enemy who defeated him twice, Adam seems not hostile at all, this is not indifference, this is simply no emotion.

"Can I go out for a walk? Or are you going to imprison me?

"Uh... Of course, there is no need to be imprisoned, as long as you do nothing to harm other people, you can go out and walk.

After listening to Cody's words, Adam sat up and nodded.

Following Cody outside, bathed in the sun, faintly, Cody seemed to see the slightly curvature of the corners of his mouth.

Adam didn't stay outside for long, and after an hour, he was back in the lab, cocooned.

Doesn't it mean that after each mortal danger, Adam will become stronger? But now how did this become a cocoon again?

Adam in the cocoon went into a state similar to slumber again.

And this went on for days, and Adam would be awake for one to two hours a day, and then spend all his time basking in the sun in the yard and then retracting into his cocoon.

Originally, he thought that he was like Superman, and the solar energy restored his strength, but later found out that he was simply basking in the sun.

At this time, Cody and Tony had already begun the first step of artificial Kamen Rider.

Although it is an artificial Kamen Rider, the technological armor is enough, and Cody does not intend to engage in Showa's transformation of people. Those in the new Amazon are even less likely.

If thoroughness is pursued, Cody still has a bunch of villain forces to use, and even the efficiency of cell coins is much higher than transformation.

In Cody's vision, the baseline is the G3 level. But after fusing several Kamen Rider technologies, the armor will definitely not be as bloated as the G3, but closer to the team next door. At the same time, on this basis, various functions are added.

What must be had and what should be chosen, Cody and Tony have all been discussing this aspect these days.

Cody has not made much progress here, but one day after Adam finished basking in the sun as usual, he did not go back to sleep in a golden cocoon, but asked someone to call Cody.

"Do you want the stone in my heart?"

"I do have some interest in it, but isn't that something very important to you?"

Adam shook his head,

"That's superfluous. What Ayesha didn't know was that my body was chosen as a container for something. This stone exists to ensure that my body becomes more and more fit.


chuckled, "You know, what that is?"

Adam shook his head

, "Whenever that person called Thanos comes to Ayesha, Ayesha's eyes will glow black and become a complete stranger. During their conversation, I heard a single word. "

There is no need to be sure, nine times out of ten it is the power of the goblins.

"Well, if you decide, I can help you take it out immediately."

"Right now."


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