Taking out the card case, Cody turned and entered the world in the mirror and headed to Stark Industries again.

The entire Stark industrial range, under the delay area arranged by Cody using the Time King belt and the Odin card box, fills Tony's technological equipment little by little. This is preparation for a possible future war.

Most of the equipment is made by Tony and Ant-Man together, after all, the Ant-Man here has a different name, but his identity is an outstanding scientist like Old Ant-Man, not the "thief" in Cody's world.

Out of a certain mentality that Cody doesn't know what it is, this time from the beginning to now, Cody did not come up with any Kamen Rider-related technology and provided it to Tony.

Now Tony's Mark suit is equipped with Jarvis, but this Jarvis is only a half-intelligent. His abilities are rather limited. However, in terms of the technology of the Mark suit, Tony has used nanotechnology to replace some of the armor, which looks much more advanced.

In addition, this Tony seems to be a mech maniac, and he has made a mech suit for everyone, including one that the Hulk can wear.

After the female Hulk's power was completely restored, she and Black Widow drove the spaceship to find Banner's traces. The birth of the female Hulk was the use of Banner's serum, so there has always been some less obvious induction between her and Banner.

Daredevil and Iron Fist, led by the swordsman, the former Mandarin's subordinate, seem to have gone to search for Mandarin's collection.

Cody came this time for only one purpose, he wanted Tony to experiment with whether those advanced detection equipment could see him when he was in a ghost state.

Speaking of which, Cody is still very helpless, these belts should be freely controlled by themselves, and they decide which one to change.

But now, there are more and more belts that are not under their control. For a moment, Cody felt that these uncontrolled belts were actually his own shackles.

Originally, as long as Cody transformed into Ex-aid, upgraded and fought monsters, he could digitize, travel unimpeded in the network, and the current, and no one could find him, but now, he still needs to risk this risk of being discovered.

After learning Cody's intentions, Tony agreed without hesitation, he has always been quite interested in the armor of the person in front of him, but due to the magical power displayed by this person, Tony has never dared to propose. Now take the initiative to send it to the door, Tony naturally agreed with his mouth, how to say, this is also a research opportunity.

The radar technology that S.H.I.E.L.D. is now using is carved up from Stark Industries, so no one knows better than Tony about the capabilities and advantages and disadvantages of this technology.

Following Cody to a laboratory, Cody walked in alone.

The machine in this laboratory was previously used for radar testing, and this is a full-coverage reflective environment, if Cody can be completely invisible here, then in the face of an open radar environment, Cody will be in no man's land.

Seeing the gesture given by Tony, Cody nodded, and a halo appeared on his body, and in less than a second, it was completely invisible to the naked eye.

On the screen in front of Tony, where Cody is, it seems to have a humanoid black hole, constantly spiraling, absorbing the waves emitted by the radar.

It seems that the so-called ghost state does not really become something else, but puts Cody in a special state that merges and transcends optical invisibility.

Tony shook his head toward the "empty" room, indicating that he could still see it.

Seeing this, Cody began to trigger the power in his belt, and gradually, Cody felt that his body was separated from the "sense of solidity" and began to become light and fluttering, similar to the feeling of detachment he felt when he first entered hell.

Outside the lab, on Tony's screen, the rotation speed of the human vortex gradually slowed down until it completely calmed down.

Tony was surprised, first made an OK gesture, and then let Cody move around freely.

There was no movement on the screen until Cody walked into the area where the radar waves were most concentrated, and the picture rippled a little.

It wasn't until Tony gave a gesture to terminate that Cody broke away from his ghost state.


"Very good, only near the launch area of the radar wave, it will reveal a little, you just need to stay away from the radar core."

"Phew." Cody breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now, when he absorbed the power of the soul gem and made his ghost state more thorough, Cody's heart has been "banging", because Cody always has a feeling that he is going to be devoured by the soul gem, and I don't know if this is an illusion.

If under such circumstances, Cody still can't achieve complete stealth, then Cody thinks, he won't toss, throw away all the plans, and directly attack a wave, but he is a man who kicked the second temple, a base, not easy.

In the middle of the night, Cody successfully sneaked into the S.H.I.E.L.D. base, carrying with him, as well as the special shielding device Tony gave him, the electromagnetic pulse weapon, which can paralyze the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. base, everything that relies on energy or electricity, for a minute.

This thing is used "in case it is not needed", because this device can only paralyze the inside of the base, but not the radar. And the radar covers the entire base inside and outside, and if Cody uses it, it will be completely exposed. Once exposed, Cody could only pray that he was fast enough.

Coming to the core area of the base again, this time Cody finally saw clearly what was that that made him look in the mirror world, and there was a vacuum.

The entire building is covered with a thick layer of black substance, and there is also a fine and dense gravel-like substance.

At this time, an experimenter walked over, and under Cody's eyes, the experimenter's body was evenly sprayed with the same substance as the wall from head to toe by a jet machine sticking out of the wall, and then the body approached and was absorbed by the wall.

After the other person came out, the black substance on the body was left on the wall, and the whole person was clean.

Cody approached the wall, his hand touched it, he couldn't pass through it directly like a normal wall,

etc., this is....

If it weren't for the armor, you could definitely see Cody's jaw-dropping expression.

The black substances on the wall were not strange materials at all, but symbiotes like venom, and the moment Cody touched them, he heard the painful wail in their hearts.

The gritty things mixed in their bodies are actually the things used to control them.

But, leave the symbiote alone, this... How do I get in?

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