Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 101 The Killing Begins! (The second update will be coming soon)

Chapter 101 The killing begins! (Second update, more to come later)

In the flash of light, all the Groungi except Rose Girl returned to their original forms.

They did not choose to leave from the door, but rushed straight to the window. They knew very well that if they were in a narrow corridor, their advantage would be greatly weakened. On the contrary, outside, their physical fitness and reflexes beyond ordinary people's imagination would be The threat of nerve-breaking bombs is greatly reduced.

So, they did it in unison.

But obviously, there was one thing they didn't expect - in order to deal with them, the police mobilized almost all their police forces. The head of the Metropolitan Police Department served as the commander-in-chief. Police from all over Tokyo cooperated fully, and even deployed elite troops from all over the country. Just to ensure the success of this operation.

Therefore, when the Gurungi rushed to the window, what greeted them were the muzzles of guns that had been prepared.


On the top of another building, a group of policemen held sniper rifles and pointed at the window and pulled the trigger. They were not the only ones - centered on the building where Gurungi gathered, hundreds of policemen held sniper rifles and surrounded the windows of the building. The horror of the state apparatus is revealed at this moment.

The nerve-breaking bullets shattered the windows with ease and sped towards the Gurungis.


Porcupine Grunge, the weakest in terms of physical strength, was unable to dodge and was hit in the front by a bullet. He instantly lost the ability to move and was immediately killed by a series of nerve-breaking bullets.

The other three people reacted very quickly. They immediately fell to the ground and found a blind spot to avoid the police's attack.

"Damn it, did Lindo take the initiative to attack?"

Buffalo Gurungi roared angrily, feeling very aggrieved that he could only defend passively and not be able to counterattack.

However, Rose Girl, who was leaning against the corner, smiled:

"Lin Duo has changed a long time ago. As I said before, I'm afraid Kikilu will also change."

Her words were ignored now.

It's just that simple firearms can't completely stop the Go Group. As soon as they reacted, they each performed their own unique skills.

Scorpion Grunki pulled out a pendant, turned it into a steel claw and placed it on her hand. The blood flowed through the claw along the blood groove, and then she slashed across the floor.


The thick floor was instantly corroded and a big hole was formed.

"I won't forgive them!"

Scorpion Gurungi jumped down, and the others also showed their magical powers. Some used sharp swords to cut the ceiling, and some directly smashed it with hammers.

After a while, the room suddenly became empty.

When Sakurai led people to rush into the room, looking at the room where only the body of the porcupine Gurungi was left, he immediately notified various departments.

They had expected this a long time ago. This area was completely blocked by the police, whether it was on the streets, rooftops or sewers. Each checkpoint was guarded by dedicated personnel armed with nerve-breaking bombs.

What the Gurungis face is a huge web of anger and hatred carefully studied and controlled by the police! It's almost impossible to break free.

Before Shark Grunki could react after just jumping into the sewer, his eyes were dazzled by the incandescent light. Then, several police officers opened fire together, emptying three magazines in an instant.

In the end, Shark Gurungi had no choice but to hate the northwest.

On the other side, the vulture Gurungi did not evacuate from the land after escaping. Instead, he stretched his wings and flew into the sky. His super speed instantly dodged the bullets that came one after another, and disappeared into the clouds without a trace.


Sakurai scolded angrily, there was no way he could hit in this situation.

Do we have to watch him escape?

At this moment, a reassuring voice sounded:

"Mr. Sakurai, please lend me your gun."


Hearing this voice, Sakurai breathed a sigh of relief instinctively, turned around quickly, and handed the pistol to the red super ancient warrior.

Kuuga took the pistol, took a deep breath, and turned green. This was not over yet, the golden electric light flashed, and the Sublimated Pegasus appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing the curious expressions of the other team members, Sakurai quickly made a shushing gesture without even daring to breathe.

His powerful perceptual ability, which was dozens of times more powerful than the super-perception in Pegasus form, reached its extreme at this moment. In an instant, he discovered the vulture Gurungi hidden in the clouds.

Without hesitation, the Ascension Pegasus Crossbow was aimed in the direction of the vulture Gurungi. At this moment, the wind became Kuuga's weapon.


Several projectiles were fired one after another, sinking into the clouds on the horizon at an extraordinary speed.

Immediately afterwards——

——The dazzling explosion lit up the entire sky.

Grungki the Vulture - Destroyed Confirmed!


Sakurai couldn't help but clap her hands in praise.

Kuga also changed back to his red all-powerful form, returned the pistol to Sakurai, turned around and rushed to the street on the other side. He had already noticed that there was a Gurungi absconding from that direction.

However, when Kuuga rushed to catch up with the opponent, he found that the situation at the scene was somewhat beyond his expectation - a silver-red warrior who looked exactly like himself blocked the Scorpion Grungki.

"Fudaime, come together!"

"Mr. Ichijo?"

Kuuga was very surprised, but without hesitation, he launched an almighty flying kick straight towards the Scorpion Gurungi.

The battle continues here, while on the other side, the team led by Sugita and Shadow Moon find the source of the smell.

"Is this the place? There's such a strong smell of blood..."

Sugita said solemnly, looking at the inconspicuous little room in front of him.

They could smell such a strong smell even when they were outside, as if they were in a slaughterhouse, not to mention the situation inside.

Yingyue flicked his eyes, and his perspective ability was immediately activated, allowing him to see the situation inside clearly.

"Don't worry, it's safe inside."

He calmed the restless hearts of the police officers, but the next sentence made them feel anxious again:

"But the situation is quite tragic, be mentally prepared."


How tragic?

With such doubts, Sugita followed Yingyue into the room, and suddenly, the smell of blood hit him like a bat in a cave.

When they saw the situation at the scene clearly, the police officers present all changed their faces, and even Sugita couldn't help feeling a little nauseous:

"This is..."

In the dim room, only a small electric light flickered with a faint light.

There was only one body at the scene. An old man lay peacefully on the workbench, but his legs were cut in half on the floor not far away.

The bright red blood stained the carpet, and the air was filled with a disgusting smell.

Sugita played an excellent role as a policeman, ordered his subordinates to be alert around, and then put on white gloves and went forward to check carefully.

After a while, he found several special things.

"Is this... a tool?"

Sugita looked at the things on the table in confusion - things that looked like pliers, hammers, etc., but seemed to be artifacts from ancient times.

"It seems that this is a craftsman who made game tools for Gurongi."

Yingyue made the right judgment.

Sugita nodded slightly, but then he asked the key question:

"If it's a craftsman - who killed him? And why did he kill him?"

As soon as he said this, the light next to him suddenly dimmed.

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