Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 105 Wudai: I keep my word! (Second update)

Sublimation of power above omnipotence will produce a huge explosion with a radius of three kilometers.

This is even more true for Amazing Omnipotence. Although with the growth of power, Kuuga is also very good at manipulating power, and can even release the explosion in the sky, thereby reducing the damage to the surroundings.

But even so, releasing special skills in the city, especially when there are police fighting not far away, is absolutely extremely dangerous.

However, Kuuga has no time to care about these. The power of the rhinoceros beetle Gurongi is beyond his expectations. There is no chance to take it to other places for explosion. In this case, he can only fight hard!

In this way, the kicks of the two fighters hit each other at the same time, and tens of tons of huge power burst out and were exerted without reservation.


The bodies of the rhinoceros beetle Gurongi and Kuuga fell from the sky and hit the ground heavily. For a while, dust flew.

Kuuga only felt that his body was hit by a shell, and unspeakable pain surged in his body. On the other side, the rhinoceros beetle Gurongi was already lying on the ground, and his life or death was unknown.


However, just when Kuuga had this thought, the hand of the Rhinoceros Beetle Gurongi moved, and then, under Kuuga's shocked gaze, he tried to stand up.

Then, two seal characters appeared on his chest, and golden cracks spread around the seal characters.



The cracks did not spread to the belt, and even did not invade the flesh. The breastplate on the Rhinoceros Beetle Gurongi shattered, blocking this fatal blow for him.

"If it were the original me, I would definitely die, Kuuga, you are more interesting than the last guy, but the power you invented can also be used by us."

The Rhinoceros Beetle Gurongi said slowly, and then he walked towards Kuuga step by step.


Lightning exploded in the sky, like the end of the world.

The golden demon warrior kept approaching Lindo's warriors, and the surging lightning wrapped around his body, making him look even more hideous.

Finally, he approached Kuuga, stretched out his hand to lock Kuuga's throat, and then lifted him up with one hand.

Kuuga, who was already seriously injured, tried to struggle, but it was useless. Daguba's golden eyes looked directly at Kuuga's red eyes.

"I am the only one who can advance to the White and Dark Game!"

Rhinoceros Beetle Gurongi issued his victory declaration.

However, when he heard the word "game", Kuuga's body froze, and his mind emerged with scenes from the past:

The police who were slaughtered in the police station;

The scientific expedition team sleeping in the ancient tomb;

People crying because of the death of their loved ones;

And, the promise made in the burning church...

The rhinoceros beetle was about to end Kuuga's life, but at this moment, Kuuga raised his hand and locked his wrist.

"Death struggle!"

Rhinoceros Beetle Gurongi didn't care, but his face changed immediately - Kuuga's hand locked his right hand tightly like an iron clamp, and the terrifying power even made Rhinoceros Beetle Gurongi feel pain, and he couldn't help but let go of Kuuga.

Seeing this, it did not hesitate and swung its left hand to hit Kuuga's head, but it was not surprising that it was caught by Kuuga's other hand.

Rhinoceros Beetle Gurongi noticed that Kuuga in front of him seemed to have undergone some unexpected changes.


"1574 people, these are the people who died because of your game."

Kuuga's voice was crying at this moment.

He knew the number of deaths so far, and now, Rhinoceros Beetle Gurongi's declaration became the spark that ignited his anger.

"I never want to see anyone cry because of you again!"

Just like that night in the church, Kuuga, no, Godai shouted from the heart.

At this moment, Godai put aside all his worries and used the ultimate power in Yamadam.

Under the gaze of Rhinoceros Beetle Gurongi, golden lines like blood vessels spread from the waist to the whole body, and sharp armor that did not match Kuuga's previous posture appeared on the body.

When the Holy Spring dries up, the dreadful warrior will appear like thunder, and the sun will be buried by darkness!

Kuuga·Ultimate Form——!

"This, this figure is... Daguba?!"

Rhinoceros Beetle Gurongi widened his eyes, looking at the four tentacles on Kuuga's head, and felt extremely shocked.

Then, he felt a pain in his abdomen, and the whole person was knocked to the ground heavily.


Blood was spilled, and the power that Rhinoceros Beetle Gurongi was proud of was completely worthless in the Ultimate Form.

"So that's how it is, you have become Daguba..."

Looking at the pair of red eyes as always, Rhinoceros Beetle Gurongi spoke.

However, the current Kuuga ignored him, just raised his right hand and pointed it at him.


Flames appeared on Rhinoceros Beetle Gurongi's body out of thin air, and the supernatural power called supernatural anger was displayed by Kuuga.

Under the gaze of a pair of red eyes, the body of the Rhinoceros Beetle Gurongi quickly turned into ashes.

After doing all this, Kuga turned around and looked at the location of Daguba and Shadow Moon, but he did not leave immediately. He had not forgotten that there was still a Gurongi that had not been dealt with.

Inside the building, Buffalo Gurongi has become a more sturdy and strong body, swinging the hammer in his hand with great power, while Kaoru Ichijo, who is wearing the G1 system, is unable to fight back and can only dodge continuously. The moment he was pulled into this room, his pistol was knocked to the ground.


Buffalo Gurongi roared, as if he wanted to vent all the frustration of being surrounded by Lindo during this period. Ichijo dodged left and right, but was hit head-on once.

After just one time, the chest armor was hit hard and a mark was left. Kaoru Ichijo couldn't help but scream in pain.

Enokida Hikaru's voice echoed in his ears:

"The battery is only 27% left, Ichijo, I have notified people, hold on for a while!"

If he leaves the armor now, he might really die.

However, after dodging left and right, Kaoru Ichijo has been forced into a desperate situation. On the other side, Sugita is rushing to the building to support Kaoru Ichijo.

But it was too late. When he just reached the roof of the opposite building, Buffalo Gurongi had already caught Kaoru Ichijo. He stepped on the G1 armor and said to Kaoru Ichijo:

"You are not Kuuga!"

Immediately, Buffalo Gurongi swung the sledgehammer and was about to smash it down.

At the critical moment, Kaoru Ichijo immediately pressed the button of his belt.


Accompanied by a prompt sound, the armor instantly bounced off, Buffalo Gurongi lost his center of gravity and stepped back a few steps. Kaoru Ichijo took the opportunity to rush out of the armor.

"Don't try to escape!"

Buffalo Gurongi aimed at Kaoru Ichijo and was about to throw the hammer. At the critical moment, a bullet suddenly hit Buffalo Gurongi's hammer, interrupting his attack.


Buffalo Gurongi rolled almost without thinking, avoiding the sniper from the roof of the opposite building.

But when he stood up again, he was greeted by Kaoru Ichijo who was pointing a gun at him.


The crisp sound of gunfire rang out in the snowy night.

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