Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 14 Bio Knight: So you just forgot about me?

"This sword is..."

"The Monster Lightning Sword! Even the mechanical knight with the strongest defense can't defend him. This is a weapon specifically targeted at RX."

Persia just proudly introduced that he was very confident in this sword.

As a noble, he has gathered many precious resources and terrifying weapons forged with technology, which is also one of the reasons for his success in this battle.

"Monster Lightning Sword?"

Gadison looked at the sword and murmured, feeling the terrifying power from the sword.

At this moment, a strange man who looked like a turtle came to the two of them:

"Lord Persigan, the last bride has been found, and Gaynor Mantis is chasing her, but..."

"But what? Gaina Yingam?"

"That bride belongs to Kotaro!"

Gaina Yinjiam said quickly.

Hearing this, Bosigang and Gadison were startled, but then Bosigang laughed:

"I see, Kotaro can only do these little tricks, let me go and see."

With that said, he and Gaina Yingam headed towards Kotaro's position. Upon seeing this, Gadison followed.

When they arrived at their destination, sure enough, Gainer Mantis had fallen into the siege of Kotaro and Xia Zhiqiao. Persia's guess was correct. This was indeed Kotaro's plan.

Kotaro's girlfriend Shiratori Reiko is also a Scorpio, so she followed Kasumigao's plan and faked a marriage with Reiko, and then asked Kasumigao to pretend to be a bride to attract the weirdo. The plan has been going well so far. The two drove the car to attract the weirdo. Arrive in this remote valley.

However, what Kotaro didn't expect was that Bosigang's IQ was even higher than his.

Instead of backing up Gaynor Mantis, he made a beeline for the abandoned car.


The shell of the car fell apart instantly, and the next second, Reiko Shiratori's horrified scream sounded:


"Huh, it's true."

Persia just sheathed his sword and said calmly, then stepped forward and grabbed Shiratori Reiko who was trying to escape. He ignored the opponent's struggle and directly carried her up.

"Let me go, let me go!"

"Shut up and become His Majesty's bride."

Persia just mocked, but he did not return immediately. Instead, he came to the top of the mountain, looked at Kotaro who was fighting in the valley, and shouted:

"Kotaro, I took your bride away!"


Seeing the astonished expression on Kotaro's face, Persia felt relieved for a while. During this period, he was angry at being suppressed by General Jagu and suffered several defeats in the battle between Shadow Moon and RX. He finally let out a deep breath at this moment. .

"If you want to save your woman, come quickly. If it's too late, she will become a sacrifice to His Majesty Emperor Clesis, hahahaha——"

With that said, Bosigang, Gananyingam and Gadison disappeared in front of Kotaro.

Kotaro had no time to stop him. The moment he caught Kotaro's clone, Gaynor Mantis also got rid of Kasumi no Kyo and retreated immediately.


"Qiao, we have to save Reiko!"

Seeing his girlfriend being taken away by the enemy, the son of the sun was in a state of confusion and lost control.

Seeing this, Xia Zhiqiao quickly grabbed Kotaro:

"Calm down, brother. If you act rashly, even you will be defeated by them. Stay calm!"

Just as Kotaro was about to speak, suddenly, the familiar roar of a motorcycle came from the distance. The two turned their heads and saw that Nobuhiko was driving the Amazing Locust here.

"Nobuhiko, you are here too!"

Kotaro stepped forward quickly, but Nobuhiko's face looked very ugly. He took off his helmet, his face full of uncontrollable anger:

"Kotaro, Persia Gang and the monster monsters attacked Uncle Sahara and the others."

"What?! How are uncle, aunt and others? And, where are Mao and Xiaotong?!"

Hearing this, Kotaro was completely confused. He grabbed Nobuhiko's shoulders and asked tremblingly. The force was so strong that Nobuhiko felt pain.

"Calm down first, Kotaro, Mao and Xiaotong are fine, but uncle needs to rest for a while. They threatened auntie not to have contact with us and want to torture us psychologically."

Although Nobuhiko was also very angry, he still comforted Kotaro:

"Don't worry, as long as we are fine, Clesis will not dare to really kill uncle and the others. The top priority is not to let Persia Gang's conspiracy succeed!"

As Nobuhiko said, although the Cresis Empire did have the ability to kill the Sawara family, they did not dare to do so. The reason was that Nobuhiko and Kotaro would explode once the two candidates for the Creation King no longer had anything to worry about. Its power is unimaginable. It is precisely because of this that the Chrysis Empire took action.

After listening to Nobuhiko's words, Kotaro closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and forced himself to calm down:

"I understand, Nobuhiko, let's go and deal with Bosugang and the others together, by the way, Joe."

Kotaro turned around and took Xia Zhiqiao's hands, and asked:

"Uncle and auntie, I'll leave it to you. I'm worried about their safety, please!"

"Leave it to me, brother, you must also pay attention to safety!"


Then, Kotaro looked in the direction that Persia had just left. The Son of the Sun's eyes were already filled with angry flames.

"Persian Gang! He did such a despicable thing, it's unforgivable!"

On the other side, on the mountain near the sea, several special metal pillars were deeply inserted into the ground, forming a special shape, like some kind of formation.

In the circle of metal pillars, five slender and graceful brides dressed in holy white dresses stood with their eyes closed.

They were originally enjoying the happiest moment in their lives, but were ruthlessly abducted here by Bosgang and were about to become sacrifices.

With the countdown, they were about to leave the earth and go to the alien space called the Monster World.

Around them, Bosgang, Gadison, Gaina Mantis and Gaina Yingam stood side by side, waiting for the arrival of the two candidates for the King of Creation.

Not long after, the rapid roar of the motorcycle sounded, and Gadison looked up at the first time. He was very familiar with the motorcycle he made by himself.

As expected, a green light rushed like a cannonball and rushed straight towards the four of them.

"Get out of the way!"

The four of them did not choose to meet them, and dodged the opponent's attack at the first time.

The motorcycle landed smoothly, and Yingyue and RX jumped off the motorcycle, facing the two captains and the two strongest fighters.

"Finally here, RX! Yingyue! I will repay you for the last time!"

The moment he saw them, Bosgang suddenly pulled out the monster lightning sword, and the glittering light on the blade made the scarred face even more terrifying.

However, compared to his anger, RX and Yingyue were even worse!

"Bosgang, what you did is unforgivable! I am the son of the sun, Kamen Rider Black RX!"

"Prince of Shadow, Yingyue!"

The roll call is over, and the battle officially begins!

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