Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 151 Yingyue: So, I was touched by the evil eye? (Second update)

"You know me?"

Yingyue was even more surprised. Why did Heishen know the title of "Century King" accurately?

Suddenly, his mind appeared the words that Xieyan said when he and RX fought against Xieyan:

"······The master of light power at the same level as the power of darkness was defeated by me because he looked down on me..."

Thinking of this, Yingyue's mind flashed with inspiration, and he seemed to understand the attitude of Heishen towards him.

Sure enough, next, Heishen spoke:

"A long time ago, the previous century king defeated the light that I hated, and not long ago, your battle with the polluted child made me awaken briefly, so I helped you."


Hearing this, Yingyue couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in his heart.

So he inherited the light of Xieyan? But the problem is that Xieyan was blown up by himself and RX not long ago.

Helplessly, Yingyue changed the subject and asked Heishen:

"The polluted children, do you mean Daguba?"

"Well, I didn't expect that during my sleep, in addition to light, many children also gained other powers that they could not touch. Unfortunately, after being polluted, they are no longer my children."

Heishen's face showed a trace of grief, and his eyes were full of compassion.

Such an expression on a seven or eight-year-old boy made people feel a little weird.

But Yingyue's focus was on another aspect:

"Then... is Kuuga also polluted?"

When he said this, Yingyue's whole body was tense.

After all, the whole Agito TV can be seen as a story of children rebelling against their parents with strong control desires. Heishen regarded humans who awakened the power of light as existences that need to be erased.

Now, Kuuga, who was transformed by the fifth generation, is the same power as Gurongi. In this case, will Heishen regard him as an enemy?

Yingyue's heart was extremely nervous, even the decisive battle with Daguba was not like this.

After all, Daguba was still within his reach, but Black God was different. As a true god, if he wanted to attack the Five Generations, he would probably not be able to deal with it even if he attacked with all his strength.

Unless... he could become a true Creator King and then he would be able to fight.

Under the gaze of Yingyue, Black God smiled and said slowly:

"That child is very special. He is resisting pollution with his own consciousness. I'm afraid it won't be long before he becomes my child again."


Hearing this, Yingyue was a little confused.

Resisting pollution? Could it be that the Five Generations were resisting the Yamadam Spirit Stone?

While Yingyue was thinking, Black God slowly walked up and stared at Yingyue. Under the gaze of the Eye of God, Yingyue felt a little creepy.

Suddenly, Heishen smiled and said:

"Are you willing to be my child?"


Yingyue couldn't keep up with the other party's thinking, but she reacted in a blink of an eye:

"I am a human."

"Even if you were born in different worlds, you still have the same posture, the same structure, and the same blood as my children, but can you really be called a human now?"

The smile on Heishen's face disappeared, replaced by anger.

Yingyue understood that this was not anger at herself, but anger at her identity as a cyborg.

Perhaps this identity reminded Heishen of the scene when the seeds of light power were sown all over mankind.

Thinking of this, Yingyue's mind moved, and she lifted the transformation at will, and the green light converged, turning into the appearance of Nobuhiko.

He looked at Kurokami, opened his hands, and said frankly:

"It is really hard to say how the concept of human beings is defined, but in my eyes, even as a cyborg, I am still a human being. I can breathe, I can think, and I can communicate with you like this. Or do you think that the human body is more important than the soul? Just because the body has changed, it is no longer your child?"

"That's right."

Unexpectedly, Kurokami said calmly:

"Children who have mastered powers that do not belong to them will step into the forbidden realm, they will kill each other, will be arrogant, and even want to resist fate..."

Hearing this, Nobuhiko felt cold in his heart.

Kuroshin's attitude towards humans is like that of a disobedient pet of humans.

Is this the so-called god?

"You have suffered a lot because of this body, I can help you turn back into a human."

"Indeed, I have experienced a lot of cruel things, but I don't want to escape from it all, because to me, it is my experience."

Yes, the memory of Hara Nobuhiko has been clearly reflected in his mind and has become a part of him.

That's why he could clearly feel that Hara Nobuhiko felt guilty about Kotaro, and for this reason, he fought desperately.

So, if all this is abandoned, then his fighting for so long seems to become a joke.

"That's a pity."

Kurogami's face sank, and his figure flashed and disappeared in front of Nobuhiko.

Nobuhiko looked around in confusion, but did not find any figure of the other party.

Suddenly, the surrounding scene changed, and when Nobuhiko came to his senses, he had returned to the suburbs.

The power of God seems to be so terrifying that even now he seems to have no power to resist.


I originally thought that rejecting God would lead to a battle, but why would the Black God give up?

Just as Nobuhiko was thinking, suddenly - a violent explosion rose in the distant sky - that was the battlefield belonging to Kuuga.


Immediately, Nobuhiko turned into Shadow Moon and rushed towards Kuuga.

On the other side, Kuuga, in the amazing omnipotent form, landed steadily. The residual heat on his legs had not yet dissipated, and the asphalt road showed signs of melting.

After confirming the death of the White-haired Crow Reverend, Kuuga immediately went to check on the conditions of Ichijo Kaoru and Oda.

Fortunately, the conditions of the two have improved significantly, their breathing has stabilized, and their blue-black skin is slowly recovering at a visible rate.

Seeing this scene, Kuga couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and turned to the police officers and said:

"Send them to the hospital."


The frightened police immediately took action and drove the police car to send the two to the hospital as quickly as possible.

Looking at the direction they left, Kuga lifted the transformation and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.


Godai turned his head and looked - Yingyue was walking towards this side from a distance, with a green light flashing on his body, and turned into Nobuhiko's posture.

"Mr. Qiuyue, it's all right now."

As he said, Godai gave Nobuhiko a thumbs up.

"The last battle is over."

"The last battle..."

Hearing this, Nobuhiko's face did not change, but he felt a little distressed for the young man in front of him - the battle of Gurongi was over, but the battle between the Venerable and Agito was about to begin. At that time, he would not hesitate to fight to protect mankind, even if - against God.

"Anyway, let's leave first. By the way, where is Rose?"

"She was handed over to the police officer before. They confirmed that she was completely unconscious and took her to the Metropolitan Police Department."

Godai explained, and then he turned around and was about to leave.

But at this moment, he suddenly saw - on the road not far away, a young man in black was smiling at him.

ps: The background of writing the evil eye is used here. As for the problem of different world views...it seems that there is no problem for the Century King or God to travel through several parallel universes.

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