Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 170 Ozawa Sumiko: WC, sublimated? ! (Update 1)

"Ozawa Sumiko, I'm already here."

"Well, be careful, Mr. Ichijo. The opponent is an unknown who has the ability to teleport and has the ability to discharge electricity. However, currently he is weak in melee combat. Please be careful. I am calculating the opponent's movement trajectory."


The voice in the communication channel was also heard by Si Longer. He looked at Ozawa Sumiko in surprise, and the latter had no intention of hiding it and said directly:

"Mr. Ichijou had applied to be a G-Team supporter a long time ago, so I contacted him."

"What on earth is..."

"Are you still in the mood to care about this? Hojo needs help now. This is the sea."

Ozawa Sumiko's words awakened Si Ryuji, who immediately turned around and rushed out of the G truck to rescue his men.

On the other side, Kaoru Ichijo has already made contact with Lord Jellyfish.

He held the same type of GM-01 "Scorpio" pistol as the G3, and aimed at the Lord Jellyfish and shot repeatedly. However, just like Toru Hojo, before the bullet hit, the Lord Jellyfish teleported and disappeared.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Kaoru Ichijo immediately rolled away and evacuated the place. The next second, raging thunder and lightning fell from the sky and landed on his original location.

"Mr. Ichijo, the target's movement trajectory cannot be calculated. However, if the G1's perception ability is maximized, it can barely sense the opponent's position. The whole process takes 0.2 seconds."


After hearing this, Ichijo Kaoru did not feel nervous because of the unpredictability. Instead, he took a deep breath and said to Ozawa Sumiko:

"Please, Miss Ozawa."

"Understood, then...6 o'clock direction!"

Upon hearing Ozawa Sumiko's voice, Kaoru Ichijo turned around and fired without hesitation. His honed shooting skills came into play at this moment.

Dazzling sparks bloomed from Lord Jellyfish's body, but at the same time, the lightning strike it summoned also hit G1's body hard.

Obviously, G1, as the original work, cannot be compared with G3 in terms of defense. The lightning that the latter can easily withstand is already a lot of damage to G1.

As the wearer, Kaoru Ichijo suddenly felt half of his body numb.

"Mr. Ichijo, are you okay?"

Seeing the data displayed on the computer, Ozawa Sumiko said anxiously.

However, what sounded in the communication channel was a calm and calm voice:

"It's okay, please continue."

Taking a deep breath, Kaoru Ichijo took out the GG-02 \u003cSalamander\u003e grenade launcher. In fact, after receiving Kaoru Ichijo's request, Ozawa Sumiko immediately equipped G1 with the same grenade launcher as G3. equipment.

At least in terms of firepower output, G1 is not inferior to G3 at all.

"Phew, is this how he feels?"

Feeling the pain of the electric shock, Kaoru Ichijo could not help but think of that sunny face.

The adventurous young man took the initiative to receive the electric shock in order to protect everyone's smiles.

Now that he has fallen, at least as a policeman, I have to protect everyone's smiles on his behalf!

Thinking of this, Kaoru Ichijo worked hard to support himself and moved half of his paralyzed body.

"Mr. Ichijo, eleven o'clock direction!"

Turn around quickly and pull the trigger.

Almost at the same time, another lightning strike hit Kaoru Ichijo's hand, and the GG-02 \u003cSalamander\u003e grenade launcher in his hand fell to the ground, but fortunately, the fired grenade still hit the opponent head-on.


The explosion exploded on Lord Jellyfish's body, sending him flying dozens of meters.

However, this fatal blow did not end the opponent's life.


Ignoring the paralysis in his body, Ichijo Kaoru pointed his gun at the Jellyfish Master and pulled the trigger repeatedly. The seriously injured Jellyfish Master seemed to be aroused with ferocity. Unable to teleport, it raised its right hand and aimed at a weapon. Kaoru unleashed lightning bolts one after another.

Sparks exploded on the two of them, and the original chase instantly turned into a tug-of-war. The two sides were competing for their vitality to see who would fall under the other's attack.

They all dropped all defenses.

"Ms. Ozawa, the armor damage of G1 exceeds 50%, we can't continue!"

A panicked voice sounded from the tail room.

Ozawa Sumiko also knows this. However, both sides in this battle can no longer break away and can only fight to the death.

"Mr. Ichijo, you must hold on!"

Ozawa Sumiko could only cheer up like this.

However, this would not work. Kaoru Ichijo knew that there were not many bullets left in the gun in his hand, and in such dense lightning, changing the magazine was just a luxury.

There is only one way!

Just like that, under the gaze of everyone, Kaoru Ichijo moved. He pulled the trigger and rushed towards Lord Jellyfish. He wanted to close the distance before the bullets ran out, and then use melee combat to deal with him!

The sudden change in fighting style made Lord Jellyfish panic, and he summoned lightning regardless of his seriously injured body.

However, the high temperature of the lightning could not compare with Kaoru Ichijo's fiery heart. He ignored the numbness coming from his body and rushed straight towards Lord Jellyfish, while counting the bullets in his mind.

Ten, nine, eight, seven...Three, two, one!

At the moment of zeroing, the pistol was thrown away without hesitation, and he immediately pulled out the guard accelerator from his waist. This weapon, which was put away at the beginning of the battle, became his only weapon at this moment.

The pain doesn't matter, just hold on.

This is how it is when fighting with unconfirmed life forms. He has already adapted to it, and he didn't even notice that the lightning of the Jellyfish Master was quietly absorbed by G1.

However, although he didn't notice it, the tail room who was closely watching the status of G1 saw it clearly.

"Ms. Ozawa, the energy value of the G1 armor is constantly increasing!"

"What? Could it be that..."

Sumiko Ozawa widened her eyes and said in disbelief:

"Impossible, humans can't bear that state at all."

"Ms. Ozawa, what's going on?"

Hiroki Makoto keenly caught the abnormality and asked hurriedly.

And Ozawa Sumiko did not keep the secret, she explained in a shocked tone:

"When I made G1, I referred to the unconfirmed life form No. 4. There is information showing that he later enhanced his abilities due to the power of electric current. The current G1 is very similar to that state. Of course, the structure of the unconfirmed life form No. 4 and G1 is completely different, but the characteristic of enhancing abilities due to excessive current may be the same.

But it is impossible. The G1 strengthened by electric current is not something that ordinary people can bear. Why would Mr. Ichijo..."

Yes, as the creator of G1, Ozawa Sumiko knows everything about G1, so she feels out of control.

Because what Ichijo Kaoru is doing now has exceeded the limit of human beings.

However, as the person involved, Ichijo Kaoru has no feeling. He rushed to the other party despite the attack of the Jellyfish Venerable, and then his baton was also wrapped with a trace of electric current, and he smashed it at the Jellyfish Venerable.


The full force of the strengthened G1 knocked the Jellyfish Venerable dozens of meters away.

However, Xun Ichijo felt something was wrong—it was not the feeling of being hit in the flesh, but the clanging sound of steel colliding.

Looking up, as expected—Jellyfish Venerable had a white breastplate on his chest.

"That's G3? When?"

Ozawa Sumiko widened her eyes.

It's tentacles!

The dense tentacles on Jellyfish Venerable had captured the G3 armor scattered on the ground and turned it into its own armor.

As everyone was in doubt, it suddenly combined all the G3 armor on itself.

In an instant, lightning flashed, and the human-made armor turned into the Venerable's weapon!

G1 and G3, man-made armor that also mixed with the power of the Venerable, became enemies at this moment.

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