Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 177 The Beginning of G4 (Second Update)

In the small room, Aki Sakaki, who was wearing prison uniform, was leaning against the wall, looking out the window in a daze.

It stands to reason that killing, especially killing a police officer, is a felony in any country. However, thanks to the island country's legal system and the special nature of her identity, her trial was slowed down.

Because of the special status of Aki Sakaki, the prison also equipped her with a single cell.

"As expected, you are still afraid of me."

Aki Sakaki murmured, and she subconsciously touched her white neck. On it, the crescent-shaped crest stayed quietly, as if it were a simple tattoo.

Even though her abilities have been suppressed, she can still feel other people's fear and... spying on her.

It doesn't matter, she did kill someone, consider it her punishment.

Just as she was thinking this, the door opened and a heavily armed prison guard appeared at the door.

"Aki Sakaki, someone wants to see you."


Hearing this, Sakaki Aki was a little strange, but she didn't hesitate. She got up and walked out. What made her even more strange was that the prison guard did not take her to the visiting room, but to the conference room.

In the seat in the conference room, a beautiful female officer wearing a self-defense force uniform was sitting there. It was obvious that she was the one who wanted to see Sakaki Aki. Her exquisite makeup made Sakaki Aki feel a little ashamed.

When she saw Aki Sakaki, the female officer had a kind smile on her face. After Aki Sakaki sat down, she said:

"You must be Aki Sakaki. My name is Risa Fukami. Are you interested in serving your sentence in another place?"

Fukami Risa's smile was sweet, but Sakaki Aki instinctively felt creepy. This feeling was just like the sense of crisis that emerged from the bottom of her heart when she faced the unknown.

"Is it because of my abilities? You should have understood, right? I have lost my superpowers, and it is useless even if I want to study them."

Sakaki Aki didn't want to get into too much entanglement with her, so he pointed it out directly.

Many people knew that her ability was sealed, so there was no need to waste so much time.

However, Risa Fukami's expression remained unchanged. She looked at the crescent moon crest on Sakaki Aki's neck, a hint of deep greed flashed in her eyes, and continued:

"Even if it is sealed, it is of immeasurable value. Moreover, I can also apply to the Tokyo Metropolitan Public Security Commission to commute your sentence. I have heard about your story. It is really pitiful. You don't want your good life to wither like this." Bar?"

Although the other party concealed it well, the trace of greed was noticed by Sakaki Aki. She understood the other party's meaning instantly and sighed. Sakaki Aki raised her head and looked at Fukami Risa and asked:

"Do I have a choice?"

"At present, it seems that there is indeed no, but I still prefer voluntary rather than forced."

Fukami Risa crossed her arms and leaned forward. Although there was still a smile on her face, her tone already had an undoubted meaning.

Aki Sakaki subconsciously reached out and touched his neck, but then put it down.

Maybe, this is my own punishment.

"That's up to you."

Hearing Sakaki Aki's words, Fukami Risa smiled slightly. The next second, a soldier stepped forward and covered Sakaki Aki's head with a bag.

Minutes later, a military truck drove out of the prison.

An hour later, the truck stopped at a base in the mountains. Lisa Fukami got out of the car, and the soldiers behind her escorted Aki Sakaki in.

The soldiers on guard saluted immediately after seeing Lisa Fukami. It was obvious that she had a very high status in this base.

Compared to her amiable appearance in prison, Risa Fukami has a stern expression here. Perhaps this is her true nature.

After placing Aki Sakaki in a room in the base, Risa Fukami came to the central control room of the base and asked the researchers on the side:

"How are the kids?"

"Well, everything is normal, progressing steadily."

"That's good."

Risa Fukami nodded. The children refer to the superpower children studied by the Self-Defense Force. Most of them are orphans who have lost their parents and relatives. They were adopted by the Self-Defense Force because of their superpowers and now live in another research institute.

"The next key person here is to study her."

"Understood, but..."

The researchers hesitated to speak.

Risa Fukami turned to look at him, frowning slightly.

"Isn't it appropriate to put her here? There is no superpower shielding device here. It would be terrible if the unknown finds out."

Researchers voiced their concerns.

The superpower shielding device was an invention of the Self-Defense Forces, but it has no actual combat significance. It only protects children in the institute. This base is not equipped with this device because it does not have a research mission.

"The device can be installed at any time. What's more, her superpowers have been sealed."

"Then, what we are studying is..."

"Of course it's the power that sealed her. If we can unlock this, we might have power that can surpass Yajituo!"

Looking at Aki Sakaki on the screen, Risa Fukami had a greedy look on her face.

For her, there are as many materials as there are to research superpowers, but the power that belongs to Sakaki Aki other than superpowers is her goal, and she can't wait.

What happened in the prison was quickly communicated to the Metropolitan Police.

General Matsukura frowned as he looked at the transfer order in his hand. He didn't know what price the Self-Defense Forces had paid to get the Tokyo Metropolitan Public Security Commission to issue a transfer order. Now that the situation was determined, he had no choice.

"I hope you can withstand his anger."

General Matsukura shook his head. In his opinion, the Self-Defense Forces were simply courting death, directly offending both the unknown and Shadow Moon forces.

General Matsukura didn't care about the power of superpowers. As a policeman who had experienced unconfirmed life forms, he believed more in human technology.

V1 and G3-X, which one is better?

General Matsukura fell into deep thought. The Metropolitan Police Department had limited funds and could only provide maintenance funds for one set of armor, so there had to be a trade-off, and the outcome of this trade-off would be clear in a few days.

However, what General Matsukura didn't expect was that on the day of the official test, he was given a big surprise.

"G3-X attacked V1 and caused Detective Hojo to fall into a coma, but then attacked and solved the unknown? The dresser Hikawa Makoto fell into a coma, what on earth is this..."

Looking at the report in his hand, Director Matsukura frowned.

The development of the matter was beyond his expectations, and whether this incident was a problem with the armor or the dresser became the key to the matter.

"It's really worrying."

Director Matsukura threw the report on the table and couldn't help rubbing his brows.

PS: I checked it out, and the time span of the G4 movie may be larger than expected. It took several months from the attack on the research institute at the beginning to the first appearance of G4, so the plot of G4 unfolded here. In addition, the super power shielding device is my secondary setting. Considering that the research institute in the movie was already very large before it was discovered by unknown, it seems unreasonable not to add a setting.

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