Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 182: Hmm, finally it has a bit of a villain vibe (1st update)

Chapter 182 Hmm... finally looks like a villain (first update)

The silver warrior appeared in front of G4, and the surrounding Ant Lords retreated when they saw it, as if they were meeting their superiors.

And this scene was naturally seen by Risa Fukami and others in the base.

"Shadow Moon? Did it actually become part of Unknown's group? Sure enough, these guys are not trustworthy."

Risa Fukami stared at the silver warrior on the screen, but the corners of her mouth slightly raised and she said:

"Let you be the touchstone of G4, attack!"

After receiving the order, G4 did not hesitate and punched hard, hitting Shadow Moon's chest with tons of punch force, but——

——Not moving at all.

For the current Shadow Moon, an attack of this level cannot break through the defense at all. In the surprised look of the dresser, his emerald eyes slightly raised, and he raised his hand in the face of G4's disbelieving look.


There was no time to even use his prediction ability. G4 was knocked to the ground directly, and dazzling sparks bloomed from his body.

"Twenty percent chest armor damage!"

Eye-catching numbers appeared on the base computer.

Shadow Moon has a preliminary understanding of the strength of G4 - Yajituo's current earth form is stronger. With prediction and all equipment, it is speculated that it can be compared with the three-in-one. However, only now, Yajituo is in It has gone through many evolutions throughout the show, and I'm afraid that in the later stages, G4's strength will no longer be enough.

While thinking about it, Shadow Moon released his perception to the entire base, accurately locking all movements - the Ant Lord invaded the base through various channels, but they also faithfully carried out the order and did not attack Sakaki Aki.

After knowing the situation, Shadow Moon waved his hand and looked at G4 in front of him, already making up his mind.

Before Yajita and Gills come, you should play with me first.

In this way, Shadow Moon walked towards G4 step by step.

Suddenly, the sound of whirring propellers came from the sky - a helicopter came over G4, and the personnel in the cabin dropped a quadruple missile cannon, which was G4's strongest weapon.

G4 struggled to get up and used the missile to connect the operating device to the armor, then pointed at Shadow Moon and pressed the launch button.


Four huge missiles rushed toward Shadow Moon with dazzling tail flames, and hit Shadow Moon, the hope of everyone in the base.


A violent explosion engulfed Shadow Moon's figure.

However, the next second, everyone's eyes widened - Shadow Moon's body just walked out of the flames, with no trace on the silver armor, and G4's strongest attack had no effect on him.

Click - click - click -

The crisp sound was like a drum beat, hitting the hearts of Fukami Risa and the others.

"How can this be?"

Risa Fukami roared in disbelief.

The weapon she was proud of didn't even cause any harm to the opponent. Such a blow was huge, but no matter how hard she couldn't believe it, it couldn't change the fact.

"I've finished swinging the three-axe, it's my turn."

Yingyue said indifferently, to be honest, he has been feeling a little depressed recently because of the Black God incident, and he happened to meet the G4 group of death-seeking guys, so he took the opportunity to vent his emotions.


Dazzling sparks shot out, and Shadow Moon deliberately controlled the force, otherwise he was afraid that he would destroy it with a knight's punch.

However, this kind of power is not something that G4 can resist. The proud prediction ability cannot play any role at this moment, because Shadow Moon’s shooting speed has completely surpassed his reaction nerves. Even if he predicts in advance, he cannot dodge.

In this way, G4 directly became a living target, unable to resist Shadow Moon's fighting skills.

After this situation lasted for about three minutes, the rapid roar of the engine suddenly sounded, and then, the sound of a shot piercing the air came from behind.

Without looking back, Shadow Moon raised her hand and pinched it, easily catching the speeding grenade in her hand.


The explosion sounded, but Shadow Moon's body was still intact.

He casually threw G4 on the ground and turned to look behind him - G3-X was pointing a grenade launcher at Shadow Moon. When he saw Shadow Moon's appearance, he was shocked:

"Is it you? Why are you here?"

Hikawa Makoto was confused. He couldn't understand that Shadow Moon, who had rescued him before, would stand next to unknown and be hostile to him.

At this moment, Yajituo and Gills also arrived at the battlefield and were shocked to see the scene.

Fortunately for Gills, Nobuhiko had told him before and was mentally prepared, and Yajituo was really confused about Nobuhiko's behavior.

"We are all here, let's begin, knights."

Shadow Moon looked at the three Kamen Riders and said calmly.


Gills was surprised by this unfamiliar name, but he was more concerned about Shadow Moon's reason for doing this:

"What are you doing all this for?"

"It's very simple. I am on the side of unknown. When I first join the company, I have to make some achievements. That's all I need to understand."

Shadow Moon said very casually.

Yajituo looked at the base that had become hell around him, clenched his fists, and asked angrily:

"Because of this? What do you think of human life?!"

"Human lives? Are you still in the mood to care about these human lives? There are probably many more human lives involved in making that set of armor than in this base!"

Shadow Moon said coldly. He stretched out his hands, and the two swords of shadow fell into his hands. He pointed at the three knights from a distance and said:

"You can't live without fighting. If you want to save them, come and defeat me!"

After saying that, Yingyue suddenly swung his sword, and the red sword light suddenly shot out, and a violent explosion exploded around the three knights. Before they could react, Yingyue rushed up like the wind, raised his hand and forced Ya back with a sword. Jituo, with bloody sword light surrounding him, knocked Gills and Yajituo to the ground with just one blow.

Seeing this, G3-X on the side raised his machine gun and was about to shoot, but his actions had already been sensed by Shadow Moon. Facing the barrage of GX-05 \u003cThree-Headed Dog\u003e, Shadow Moon refused to dodge and held on. A hail of bullets rushed forward and kicked him to the ground.

When G3-X stood up again, several Ant Lords had already stepped forward to surround him, forcing him to have no time to deal with Shadow Moon.

This is what Shadow Moon wants. G3-X's own defense is too low. He is afraid that he will accidentally lose its combat effectiveness. At this time, it is better to let him deal with the soldiers.

After doing all this, Shadow Moon turned to look at Gills and Yajituo. The two of them stood up reluctantly, with wounds on their chests.

"Can you still stand up? It's interesting, let me see how long you can hold on."

With that said, Shadow Moon raised her hand and shot out a shadow ray. A violent explosion engulfed Gills and Yajituo, and their screams echoed throughout the battlefield.

However, when the flames dissipated, what appeared in front of Shadow Moon was Yajituo in burning form!


Seeing the other party's appearance, Shadow Moon felt happy. Next, it was up to see if Yajituo could evolve to shine in this battle.

However, this task must be left to others to complete.

Thinking of this, Shadow Moon's mind moved and she looked at Queen Ant Venerable.

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