Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 204 The fateful encounter between L, Locust and Moon Goddess (Update 1)

Even now, W's leather case is very explosive. With the middle as the dividing line, the half green and half black combination seems to be separated from the middle. In fact, it is true. Separation is normal in W dramas.

Before time travel, when Nobuhiko first saw this guy's photo on Baidu Encyclopedia, he thought he was a villain.

Now... I can only say that W's leather sheath, in Nobuhiko's eyes, except for the fangs, is the type that moves really well.

"I've wanted to fight you for a long time!"

Nobuhiko thought of Shadow Moon who was beaten away by a stick in the movie version, and said something casually, and then went straight forward to fight with the opponent.

The legs kicked out rapidly, and the various kicking methods almost appeared like afterimages.

"So fast!"

Shotaro sighed, immediately retreated quickly, and then accurately swung his right fist.


The whirlwind wrapped around his right fist showed its power, causing Nobuhiko's kick to deviate from the track.

"Wind pressure? The power of the strong wind...but that doesn't matter!"

After adapting for a while, Nobuhiko continued to increase his strength, instantly breaking through the wind pressure and colliding with the opponent.


This time, Nobuhiko clearly felt that W's power was superior to Nazca. No wonder, according to the plot timeline, his brother-in-law had just obtained Nazca not long ago, while W had been fighting for at least a year.

The w duo were even more surprised by it.

"Such a strong kick, worthy of a locust, Shotaro, we can't keep up with his strength."

"In that case, use weapons to make up for it!"

Shotaro made an immediate decision, immediately retreated, and then skillfully pulled out a silver memory to replace the ace on the left.


Gale metal form——!

A memory that enhances body hardness and attacks with a fighter-like physique, and also comes with a Metal Shaft. iron rod as a weapon.

w swung the iron rod, and the power of the strong wind was added to the iron rod, waving out a wide range of wind pressure. In terms of power, it was stronger than the ace of the strong wind!

"Articulating limbs again."

Nobuhiko complained, but he broke off the remaining arthropod without hesitation, swung it suddenly, and rushed forward with the arthropod sword in hand to confront him head-on.


The power of the Imperial Stone was running rapidly in his body. Nobuhiko kept moving in his hands without dodging, and swung his arthropod sword to hit the opponent hard.

The collision between the arthropod sword and the iron rod caused countless sparks to burst out.

The powerful force caught W off guard and made him retreat continuously.

"Damn it, isn't it enough? In that case, let me give you a hot shot!"

After saying that, Shotaro took out another red memory.


The memory that brings high heat and strong fighting instinct gives the weapon in its transformed form a fire effect. In a sense, it can be said to be a perfect match with Steel, which has a fighter's memory.

The green wind turns into red heat, and combined with the silver metal, the color scheme is easily reminiscent of the James Bondi next door.

w continued to swing the iron rod, and waves of arrogance came towards his face.

Nobuhiko subconsciously wanted to dodge, but a strange feeling arose in his heart. He immediately confronted him head-on without dodging.


The collision between the arthropod sword and the iron rod erupted with scorching flames, covering the two figures. Nobuhiko took a few steps back. It could be seen that he was still somewhat powerless in the face of W's strongest power combination.

But what happened next surprised the W duo - Nobuhiko was enveloped in arrogance without any discomfort.

"How can this be?"

"Locusts, locusts...I know, he may have developed the ability of locusts to withstand high temperatures and droughts."

As the strongest brain, Philip immediately thought of something, and his voice was a little surprised:

"You can actually develop the locust memory to such an extent that you can even endure the blazing heat?"

"Damn it, wouldn't such words be ineffective against him?"

"Not necessarily. Locusts themselves are only resistant to high temperatures and droughts, not flames. They can still be destroyed by using Maximum Drive."

Philip gave the method immediately, and Shotaro's execution was as high as ever. He immediately pulled out the metal memory and inserted it into the sure-kill slot on the iron rod.

Metal! Maximum Drive!

An exciting prompt sounded, and blazing flames instantly wrapped around both ends of the iron rod. W waved the iron rod at Nobuhiko brazenly.

"Metal Branding!" x2

As the two shouted in unison, the blazing flames rushed towards Nobuhiko like a wave. As Philip said, even drought-resistant locusts could not withstand this blow.

However, Nobuhiko did not need to resist.

"Have you forgotten that locusts are proud of their jumping ability?"

The relaxed voice sounded in W's ears, and the two of them were startled and turned their heads suddenly - Nobuhiko had already fallen behind him, and then suddenly waved the arthropod sword.


Sparks bloomed in W's chest, but due to the strong defensive power of the hot metal, the blow did not cause any damage. W reacted immediately and struck with a stick.

But - the shot was empty. Nobuhiko did not choose to resist forcefully. Instead, he used the excellent jumping ability of the Locust Memory to use his speed to deal with it.

The masked woman who was watching Nobuhiko's performance was also a little surprised at this moment:

"You can fight like this with this guy. How compatible are you with the locust?"

Nobuhiko's fighting power was too outstanding. If she hadn't known the opponent's physical condition, the masked woman might have immediately found the opponent.

At this time, the situation on the field changed again. Seeing that he couldn't hit the opponent, W changed the memory without hesitation.

Luna (Moon Goddess)——!

Trigger (Trigger)——!

Inserting two memories, one yellow and one blue, into the belt, W changed into the Luna Trigger form with gold on the right and blue on the left.

The Luna, who hosts the power of fantasy, can let the trigger fire tracking bullets that change the trajectory, which is also the best match.

However, the moment Nobuhiko saw the Luna memory, a desire suddenly rose in his heart.

"This feeling is..."

The green eyes stared at the Luna memory on the right, while W had already raised the trigger of the pistol and pointed it at Nobuhiko:

"Now let's see where you can escape!"


Golden bullets rushed towards Nobuhiko with unpredictable trajectories. Even dodging was useless. The tracking effect of Luna was reflected at this moment.

However, Nobuhiko, who had been dodging before, did not dodge or evade. He rushed towards W with the arthropod sword. Along the way, the golden bullets and arthropod sword burst out dazzling sparks. Those that could not be intercepted were directly resisted. The sudden change in combat style made Shotaro subconsciously replace the memory.


Before this, Nobuhiko's left hand had touched the right side of the drive-the part with the Luna memory inserted.

In an instant, the Luna memory suddenly burst out with lightning, and then the lightning instantly spread to the right half of W.

"What's going on?"

"Strange, Luna is resisting me..."

Before he finished speaking, W automatically canceled his transformation, and Shotaro looked at his hands, confused.

The masked woman who saw this scene took a step forward in surprise, and couldn't help but exclaimed:

"The fateful encounter between Gaia memory and the user?! Is this guy compatible with Luna to this extent?"

At this moment, the masked woman made up her mind that no matter whether the other party had the physique she needed, she would never let go of Nobuhiko's fighting power.

"It seems that this memory is more suitable for me than you."

Nobuhiko pulled out the Luna memory, looked at it carefully, and understood the reason for this phenomenon in his heart.

Shadow Moon, Shadow Moon RX, Moon God, no matter from which aspect, and Luna (Luna) memory are simply the best match.

But it's a pity that this Luna is a pure memory and cannot be used without a driver, and he didn't intend to steal the protagonist's accessories.

Suddenly, Nobuhiko stretched out his hand and held down Shotaro's left hand that was about to use Joker, and said casually:

"At such a close distance, you are so arrogant to transform in front of the enemy. It seems that you are also a half-baked person."

"You guy——!"

"Give it back to you."

Nobuhiko casually put the Moon Goddess into his pocket, then canceled the transformation, and said to the angry Shotaro with a smile:

"I also had a lot of fun this time. I hope you can give me a new surprise next time. Goodbye, Kamen Rider."

After that, he drove the motorcycle away without caring about Shotaro's answer.

Shotaro was left standing there alone, doubting his life.

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