Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 211 The Emperor of Terror in the Factory (Update 1)

Today, the sky is clear and an exhibition is held here. The highly anticipated congressman Masaru Kusuhara will give a speech for the "Second Wind City Plan" here.

The exhibition site can be said to be very lively. People from all walks of life in Wind City, police, and even Shotaro are here.

However, compared with the lively exhibition, Shotaro yawned:

"Ha... That guy..."

He has not slept well these days. He has been searching for news about Tsukikage Nobuhiko, but he has found nothing. Even his intelligence channels - the intelligence house and Little Christmas, who have the most thorough understanding of Wind City, have no clues.

What's more outrageous is that even with the name of Tsukikage Nobuhiko, Philip gave an incredible result.

"I can only search for the scene after he came to Wind City, but the strange thing is that the part about him getting the drive and the moon god memory is blocked for some reason."

This is the first time this has happened, but there are more strange things.

"Also, regarding the information about Tsukikage Nobuhiko, I can only search for the things that happened after he came to Fuuto, and the things before that are locked and cannot be opened at all."

"Is this a situation?"

"This is the first time I've encountered this, but I checked and it theoretically exists. Although the Earth Library records everything that happened on Earth, some things cannot be revealed to us because of the information we have, or because certain conditions have not been met, they cannot reveal the truth to us."

"Even names are not allowed?"

"It seems to be the case now. It's interesting. I'm getting more and more interested..."

Just like that, because of the consequences of the name "Tsukikage Nobuhiko", Shotaro has not been sleeping well recently.

"Who on earth is that guy... Ha..."

I couldn't help but yawn again, and at this moment, a green slipper hit his head accurately.


"Hiss - it hurts, Akiko!"

"You are the one. This is an important commission from the congressman. Cheer up and don't let down at the critical moment!"

Akiko said to Shotaro angrily.

Looking at her, Shotaro was helpless. Suddenly, his eyes swept across the opposite side and a familiar figure came into view.

It was Nobuhiko!

Yes, Nobuhiko was wearing a white suit at this moment. He exuded an elegant temperament from the inside out, like a nobleman in the upper class, and perfectly integrated with the atmosphere of the exhibition.

"This guy...Ashuko, stay here!"

After hurriedly telling him, Shotaro immediately ran forward and questioned Nobuhiko:

"Hey, Tsukikage!"


Nobuhiko seemed to be thinking about something and was a little distracted. After seeing that it was Shotaro, a smile appeared on his face:

"Hey, isn't this Mr. Detective?"

"What are you doing here? Are you going to attack Councillor Kusuhara?"

"Although I like fighting, I'm not so bored that I would attack a powerless woman. It's just that there is something here that interests me."

"Interesting place?"

Shotaro was confused, but he still chose to ask the biggest question in his heart:

"Who are you? And where are you from?"

"Oh...did you notice it? Really powerful investigative ability. Although as a detective, it seems like a half-baked one, but it is really good at collecting intelligence. Did you really collect it? It can't be your weird partner, right?"

Nobuhiko asked with a puzzled look.

But that tone made Shotaro furious:

"What half-baked? I'm a pure hard-boiled detective! Don't change the subject. Who are you?"

"Me? I'm the knight's brother, and also the knight's nemesis."

Nobuhiko said this with deep meaning.

Shotaro frowned and was about to continue asking, but Nobuhiko suddenly spoke:

"Are you still in the mood to talk to me? Your client has been targeted."


Shotaro looked subconsciously and saw that everything was normal at the exhibition. Councillor Masaru Kusuhara and his daughter Asuka were giving speeches on the stage.

"What are you kidding--"


Before he could finish his words, a bullet suddenly hit the banner on the top of the booth, causing chaos at the venue.

"Friendly reminder, the murderer is a dopant. Good luck to you, Mr. Detective."


Listening to Nobuhiko's words, Shotaro became more and more angry, but the situation was urgent and he had no time to think. He immediately put on the belt and called his partner to complete the transformation, while Nobuhiko turned and left the venue.

He came here just to find a suitable place to observe the terrain.

The land selected by Kusuhara Masaru's Second Wind City Plan was owned by a man named Yingcun. On the surface, Yingcun was just a second-generation ancestor with a bad reputation, but in fact, he had already connected with the museum-becoming a contractor for the final processing of the memory.

The memory factory was located underground on that piece of land, working day and night.

Nobuhiko's goal was here. The memory sent to the factory was actually ready for use, but it had not been processed in the final stage.

The chaotic movement behind him became more and more distant. Within a few minutes, Nobuhiko arrived at the land on the other side of the river and easily found the entrance to the underground factory.

However, as soon as he reached the door, he frowned.

It was so quiet that the movement of the factory could be faintly heard even on the surface. Now that it was at the door, there was no sound at all, as if work had stopped.

Only working night shifts?

It seemed unlikely. Nobuhiko already had a guess in his mind, but his expression remained unchanged and he opened the door.

What comes into view is a dense collection of machines, and you can even see many memories with unfinished shell processing on the workbench.

However, there is no worker in sight here - only an old man with extraordinary temperament sitting on a chair, holding a gray cat in his arms.

"Can't the ordinary products satisfy your appetite? Come directly to the factory. Your clothes are not what you wear here."

The old man was of course Sonosaki Ryubei. His seemingly casual words put heavy pressure on people. Then he slowly raised his head and looked at Nobuhiko. Then, the invisible power of fear rushed towards Nobuhiko instantly.

Using the memory for a long time has also affected him. He plans to plant the seeds of fear in Nobuhiko, so that Nobuhiko will not be his opponent at all.

However, the moment that spiritual power rushed into Nobuhiko's body, it disappeared like a mud cow entering the sea.

"Sorry, I'm just too obsessed with this USB flash drive."

"That's not a USB flash drive, it's the key to human evolution."

Sonosaki Ryubei frowned and corrected, seeming to be very dissatisfied with the name USB flash drive.

And Nobuhiko didn’t care:

"Well, I know, because I was the one who experienced it. So, the big shots of the organization are waiting for me here. Are they planning to deal with me?"

"Not surprised at all."

"If you don't have this kind of strength, I will be disappointed with the future of memory."

Nobuhiko said very relaxedly, completely unable to predict that he was about to face an unknown and powerful enemy.

Sonosaki Ryubei also stood up at this time, put the cat on the seat, and then took out a silver drive and golden memory:

"Since you have said so, then you should be aware of it. There will always be a price to pay for hurting people in our family."

"Well, I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of power you will show me."

Nobuhiko put on the driver without hesitation.

Terror (fear)——!

Luna (Moon Goddess)——!

At this moment, in the small factory, the fear of the abyss and the silvery moon god faced each other head-on.

Gulu Gulu·······

Purple-black energy spreads like liquid on the ground indoors, and silky black mist fills the entire factory space. This is the iconic ability of the fear memory - the deadly quagmire, which has the functions of teleportation, fear erosion, swallowing enemies, and defense. multiple uses.

Facing the deadly quagmire that spread like a tide, Nobuhiko didn't flinch at all. Instead, he took a step forward, and his body suddenly burst into glory - streaks of golden light, with Nobuhiko as the center, formed a small area, the deadly quagmire. The moment it collided with the realm, it was like ice and snow meeting red-hot iron, evaporating instantly and making a sizzling sound.

"Oh, the power of purification? Your compatibility with that memory is even better than that of a locust."

Sonosaki Ryubei admired.

However, Nobuhiko smiled slightly, took the initiative to remove the light, and walked towards Sonosaki Ryubei without making any defense.

ps: What I set here is Sonosaki Fumin. Due to the permissions of the Sonosaki family, Philip cannot search the conversation between her and Nobuhiko, and the information that Nobuhiko is locked is actually the function of the Imperial Stone.

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