Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 213 Sonosaki Ryubei's plan (Update 1)

Nobuhiko chose to stay at Sonosaki's house temporarily, and followed the maids towards his room without any psychological burden.

After seeing him leave, Wakana couldn't bear it anymore and asked aloud:

"Father, why would you betroth me to that kind of person?"

"Oh, don't you want to? Is there something you don't like about him?"


Wakana was speechless. It wasn't that she had a secret love or something, but that Nobuhiko's conditions were indeed very good as a marriage partner. Since the Sonosaki family had no shortage of money, his strong strength became a guarantee, and he even dared to marry him. Sonosaki Ryuhei's head-to-head confrontation is in stark contrast to Kirihiko.

The only thing that needs to be considered is the mysterious origin of the other party, but for this point, since Sonosaki Ryuhei chose Nobuhiko, he will definitely take responsibility.

However, Wakana doesn't want to hand over her future to a man who has no emotional basis, but she also knows that it is a bit naive to say this here.

"At least it's too sudden."

"Wakana, you are old too, stop acting like a child."

Sonosaki Saeko spoke at this time, and she was very happy to add insult to injury if she could give Wakana some trouble:

"As a member of the Sonosaki family, you should always put the interests of the family first. You should know this."

"I don't need you to dictate my affairs! You might as well take care of yourself. If that tower is really built, you will have to think about whether you are worthy of Sonosaki's surname!"

As soon as Saeko said something, Wakana's already a little excited attitude suddenly turned upside down, and she left without saying this.

Looking at the direction she was leaving, Sonosaki Ryuhei shook his head helplessly and said:

"He is indeed still a child."

Then he looked at Saeko, and then said to Kirihiko:

"You go to rest first, Kirihiko, and recover from your injuries during this period."

"Yes, father-in-law."

Kirihiko could tell that the father and daughter wanted to talk privately, so he resigned wisely.

When only the father and daughter were left in the restaurant, Saeko spoke:

"Father, please forgive me for being frank. That man, Nobuhiko Tsukage, is not suitable for Wakana. No, it should be said that he is not suitable at all to be the son-in-law of the Sonosaki family."


"His origins are too mysterious. During this period, I launched all the relationship investigations, but found nothing about his origins. These hidden dangers may become a huge bomb."

Saeko said seriously.

Even when she was injured, she still did not give up her work, and her excellent work ability was evident.

After hearing this, Sonosaki Ryuhei could not comment, but said another thing:

"Zezi, do you know the recent actions of Consortium x?"


Saeko is a little strange. Consortium


Sonosaki Ryuhei smiled slightly, and then said with some emotion:

“Obviously we invented the memory, but unknowingly, our funders were already ahead of us in some aspects.”

"······I am so sorry."

Saeko thought the other person was blaming herself, so she quickly apologized.

Sonosaki Ryuhei waved his hand:

"The museum is indeed inferior to Consortium ”

"You're joking, that kind of thing can't happen."

"Not necessarily. Other competitors are eyeing us. Whether it's super soldiers or switches, they are all greedy for our share. If we don't make a breakthrough, I'm afraid we will become the next Never."

Never is the Immortal Soldier. It was a project that competed with Museum Memory, but later lost investment due to failure in the competition.

"That kind of thing is absolutely impossible to allow. Just by chance, the appearance of Tsukikage Nobuhiko gave me another idea - as long as the adaptability is high, you can enter the realm of gods with ordinary memory."

Speaking of this, Sonosaki Ryubei showed confidence on his face:

"The versatility of memory is absolutely unmatched by them. Although there are limitations, their limitations are greater. Therefore, I want to prove this to Consortium X - only memory is the most worthy of investment. s future!"

"But, there is no need for marriage..."

"Mr. Wakana wants to get married. Moreover, Tsukikage Nobuhiko has been completely attracted by the power of memory. As long as we can satisfy his desires, it will be a trump card in our hands."

"Then... what if you can't be satisfied?"


Hearing this, Sonosaki Ryubei looked at his daughter, with a mysterious smile on his face:

"Then there's no need for him to exist anymore. It's better to destroy the tools you don't want to take advantage of as soon as possible. By the way, Saeko, how do you feel about him?"

Asked suddenly, Saeko looked at his father in confusion, but continued:

"The strength is impeccable, but there are more mysteries surrounding him. He is a very dangerous guy."

"Mystery, this is what he doesn't want to show us. Don't you think it suits you? A huge mystery and a taboo that tempts people to open Pandora's box, it sounds like a good combination."

Said so much, no matter how outrageous it is, Saeko knows her father's plan. Her face is a little ugly, but she still maintains respect and said:

"But Kirihiko is working hard now."

"Kirihiko, he is indeed an excellent guy, but his limit is foreseeable."


"Think about it, Saeko."

Sonosaki Ryubei said, and then, as if he thought of something, he continued:

"It just so happens that Kirihiko is recovering from his injury now, let Nobuhiko handle this matter, and let us see his ability, what do you think?"

"Well... it's a very good decision."

Saeko said respectfully.

Afterwards, Sonosaki Ryuhei walked out of the restaurant with a smile. Looking at his departing back, Saeko couldn't help but clench her hands, her long nails piercing deep into her flesh.

Father, what am I in your eyes?

Anger and unwillingness rose in Saeko's heart.

However, she still controlled her expression. After all, she had experienced similar situations too many times since she was a child...

However, Saeko didn't know that when she turned around, Sonosaki Ryuhei's eyes flashed with a trace of solemnity.

He was not as sure about Nobuhiko as he said.

It was evening. Although he failed to accept the identity of a son-in-law, Sonosaki Ryuhei still let Nobuhiko come to the table to eat, and even sat next to Wakana.

In the eyes of many people, this was a sign that Sonosaki Ryuhei still wanted to match Wakana, including Wakana herself. The whole dinner made her feel uneasy.

Nobuhiko looked normal, and didn't even look at Wakana, concentrating on finishing the meal in front of him.

At this moment, Sonosaki Ryubei suddenly spoke:

"Tsukikage-kun, you should know that I have been trying to stop the construction of that tower."

"Yes, I know."

Nobuhiko wiped his mouth and continued:

"In addition to the underground factory, the appearance is completely inconsistent with the style of this city."

"That's easy. Because of the previous misunderstanding, I am a little short of manpower here. Can you help me solve this problem?"

"Sorry, it's a bit difficult."


Hearing this, Sonosaki Ryubei raised his eyebrows, as if he was surprised by Nobuhiko's answer.

The other three also set their eyes on him.

Nobuhiko wiped his mouth and explained:

"It's easy to stop the tower. Whether it's threats, intimidation, or dealing with the Kamen Riders that get in the way, it's not worth mentioning. But as far as I know, the factory in Eagle Village has been noticed by many people. It's beyond my ability to keep the factory intact."

"Well... there's nothing I can do about it. I have to be careful when choosing contractors in the future."

Sonosaki Ryubei glanced at Saeko and continued:

"Then solve it your way. I have only one goal, which is to never let that space base-like thing appear in this city. It should appear in the high school that likes to watch the stars."

"I understand. I'll solve it for you."

Nobuhiko nodded slightly and agreed to the task.

ps: I'm not sure whether I hope for light has accepted the investment from the consortium x, but judging from the plot, they have been collecting switches a long time ago. It's my secondary setting.

Also, Zeus' memory comes from the game, which has absolutely invincible defense and lightning that burns everything. As a result, W took out Eternity in the game and taught him a lesson. Just like the evil eye before, this is just a secondary setting element and has little connection with the original game.

In addition... English is really hard to learn. I need five hours to memorize 170 words a day, including reviewing with tapes. I really admire those gods who memorize more than 300 words a day.

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