Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 23 Kamen Rider Shadow Moon, Prince of Shadow!

Chapter 23 Prince of Shadows·Kamen Rider Shadow Moon!

What is Kamen Rider?

Even Nobuhiko, who has watched many knights, can't actually give a definition, because even the creator of the knight has never given a real definition.

It is for this reason that Nobuhiko does not think he is a knight - even the original Shadow Moon did not get the title of Kamen Rider. This title has too many things to bear, so Shadow Moon instinctively chose to refuse.

But today, he completely understood.

Kamen Rider has no real definition, He is just a symbol.

Cyborgs, super ancient warriors, students, participants in the desire competition, etc. can all be named Kamen Rider.

He didn't know what he wanted to do. After coming to this world, he had been fulfilling the entrustment of others, drifting with the flow, and his actions were a bit like Shirou Emiya, but this time, he had already had some persistence in his heart.

No matter what mess will appear later, no matter what difficult choices he may face in the future, he just wants to protect his partners now, so there is only one thing he has to do - fight!

This belief was responded by the Emperor Stone.

In an instant, the Emperor Stone shone with a thousand-foot-high light, but this light was not the usual blue color, but a pure white light!

The light spread instantly, but it had no killing power. Under this light, Yingyue's injuries were instantly healed, and then this light opened a pure white ripple in front of him.

At this moment, Yingyue clearly felt that the boundary between the two spaces of the monster world and the earth was opened.

"Amazing locusts!"

Yingyue's voice was conveyed through the pure white ripples. The next second, the silver motorcycle rushed out of the door, the plasma passport had been opened, and the whole car instantly accelerated to the extreme, turning into a blue light across the whole field - with Yingyue as the center, the Chap soldiers within a hundred meters around were cleared out, and the formation of Chrysis was completely disrupted!

"How is this possible? Did he open the passage between the Monster World and the Earth with his own power?"

Maribaron was shocked by this sudden change. She didn't understand why Yingyue, who had been drained of energy, could still use such a powerful force. She also didn't understand why Yingyue could open the passage to the Earth by herself.

Could it be that the Emperor Stone is such a terrifying thing?

In a trance, Mary Baron suddenly realized that at the beginning, in the Valley of Miracles, RX also relied on the Emperor Stone to show incredible and terrifying power again and again!

At this moment, the Yingyue in Mary Baron's eyes and the RX in her memory gradually overlapped.

"Kill him for me!"

Maribaron made up her mind that one RX was already troublesome enough, and there must not be a second one!

Under her order, the remaining Chap soldiers even gave up the encirclement and suppression of the guerrillas and concentrated their firepower on Yingyue. However, Mary Baron forgot that long before Yingyue, there was a person who could freely travel in the Monster World.


A red light rushed past, and then the roar of the engine resounded through the sky!

The red chariot rushed into the group of Chap soldiers like a tank, rushing around. For a moment, all the Chap soldiers were unable to fight back. After just a few back and forth, less than one-tenth of the Chap soldiers on the scene were left.

"That's, Lederon?!"

Marie Baron recognized the chariot, and her face turned pale instantly, because she knew that they were about to face the most terrible opponent.


Lederon stopped beside Yingyue with a drift and braked. The door opened and RX jumped out of the car.


Seeing that his brother was intact, his voice was choked. For a moment, he didn't know what to say. After a few seconds, he said:

"Great, you're okay, great..."

"The battle is not over yet, RX!"

Xinyan patted his shoulder and reminded him.

After this, RX reacted and turned to look at Mary Baron and others.

At this moment, it can be said that the situation has changed. Before, Mary Barron had the trump card of Gaidorulidor in hand, and he could win against Yingyue alone.

But now, Gaidorulidor's strongest ability has been mostly wasted, and Gainarandel has been seriously injured. It is almost impossible to face RX and Yingyue together.

Thinking of the scene of the last battle with the two, Mary Barron panicked.

Fortunately, Gainarandel is not a simple-minded warrior. He quickly sorted out his thoughts after being seriously injured. His goal is to focus on Gaidorulidor's tail-although the claws of both hands are cut off, Gaidorulidor's tail still has the same energy absorption organ.

"Maribaron, the only chance now is Gaidollidolu, let's focus all our energy on it!"

"Gaidollidolu... OK!"

Maribaron also reacted and nodded very straightforwardly. Then, the captain of the monster tribe and the Knight of the Earth joined forces and shot all their energy at Gaidollidolu.

The blue-green light instantly sank into Gaidollidolu's tail. With the blessing of this power, Gaidollidolu, who was originally severely injured, regained vitality - his broken hands also evolved into energy-emitting organs.

"Gaidollidolu, guys! Kill RX and Yingyue!"

Accompanying Mary Baron's order, the Chap soldiers and Gadurulidolu launched an attack on the two brothers together.

For a moment, violent explosions surrounded them.

However, the two figures, unafraid of all attacks, rushed out of the explosion and landed steadily on the ground.

"I am the Son of the Sun, Kamen Rider Black RX!"

Facing the enemy's encirclement, RX called out his name loudly as before, but this time, Yingyue's calling name was slightly different:

"Prince of Shadow, Kamen Rider Shadow Moon!"


Hearing this, RX subconsciously glanced at Yingyue, slightly surprised.

And Yingyue didn't say much, waved his hands, and the Shadow Sword was drawn out again, rushing straight towards Gadurulidolu, and RX followed closely.

At this moment, the enemy launched a general attack.

Guns and cannons were equally famous. Under the leadership of the strongest alien beast, the army of Cressis was like crazy, pouring firepower on the two with all their strength.

After all, they are the army in the Monster Realm, and they have no idea of ​​the horror of the two Kamen Riders joining forces.

The Sun King Stone and the Moon King Stone shine together again, and the red and blue lights shine throughout the venue at the same time.

The legions of Cressis fell down in rows like harvested wheat, and even the energy-absorbing Gadoldo Ridoldo could not resist.

It had the idea of ​​retreating, but when it turned around and looked behind it, it found that Mary Baron and Genarandel had left at some point.

ps: I saw many people speculating about the new form, well... what should I say, there must be a new form, but not now, here it just makes the protagonist bear the name of Kamen Rider and the upper limit of the gold finger. Although this gold finger seems to be inferior to the King Stone...

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