Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 236 Fangs Incident and Jiang Caoqian (Second Update)

After Christmas Eve, everything became faster, as if the previous accumulation suddenly exploded.

Nobuhiko told Sonosaki Ryubei about the Manto Snow Attendant. Of course, he didn’t tell everything, but only said that he had encountered a mysterious dopant. After all, the noise in that battle was not small. The police noticed too.

After hearing this, Sonosaki Ryuhei was somewhat interested in this and said he would investigate it. Then he changed the subject and introduced a person to Nobuhiko:

"This is Akira Isaka, whom we talked about before. Like you, he is also a genius in the field of memory. Isaka, Tsukikage-kun, you don't need any introduction, right?"

"Well, I have admired the name for a long time. I once defeated the Kamen Rider head-on."

Isaka Mikuruo is a man who impresses you at first glance. Judging from his appearance, holding a civilized stick, wearing a suit and a top hat, he is undoubtedly a gentleman, but who would have thought that this gentleman would do it for himself? Desire caused countless people to die from lightning strikes, freezing, drowning and other reasons.

There is no doubt that this guy is a devil at heart.

"You are very complimentary. I look forward to your excellent performance on the memory."

"Me too. If possible, I would like to take a look at your Luna memory."

"I'm also looking forward to your weather memory."

The two of them just exchanged polite words back and forth.

Sonosaki Ryuhei smiled when he saw this, stepped forward and said:

"What kind of sparks will the two geniuses collide with? As the founder of memory, I am also looking forward to it. Okay, no need to be polite here, Dr. Isaka, the laboratory is ready for you."

"Oh, how about the experimental subject?"

"Those with high physical fitness may not be enough, but ordinary experimental subjects can have as many as they need."

"Thank you very much. I will respond to this expectation."

As he said this, Isaka Mikuru subconsciously licked the corner of his mouth and showed a perverted smile.

In response, Nobuhiko frowned slightly.

Different from the original drama, Isaka, who joined forces with the museum in advance, may become even crazier with more powerful resources.

"Then Nobuhiko, take him to the research institute."


"Father, let me take them there. It just so happens that we need to go to the research institute to do something."

Sonosaki Saeko suddenly came to Sonosaki Ryubei and said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, Sonosaki Ryuhei was slightly startled, and then he seemed to notice something, nodded with interest and said:

"Then leave it to you, Zizi, don't neglect our distinguished guest."

A few minutes later, the car set off from Sonosaki's house. Sonosaki Yueko took on the role of driver herself. She did not forget to talk to Nobuhiko and Isaka along the way, showing her good qualities.

Nobuhiko noticed the importance she attached to him and Isaka Mikuruo.

Did Kirihiko fall in love with someone else before he died?

It doesn't seem right, so there is no need for her to have such a warm attitude towards herself. It is more likely that the information she gave her stimulated her, so she is eager to develop her own power.

However, in the end, I still chose the wrong path. You need to be strong to make iron. Cooperating with someone like Isaka Fumiuro is tantamount to seeking the skin of a tiger. What's more, it is unknown whether Isaka Fumiuro can defeat Mick.

"Miss, I heard something. The museum's memory development project seems to have stalled recently. Did something happen?"

"Ah, this... don't worry, it will be solved soon."

Hearing this, Sonosaki Saeko showed a confident smile and said casually.

As soon as these words came out, Nobuhiko reacted immediately.

Is Fang Memory coming?

However, he was not worried. It was not that he looked down on Saeko. Saeko's combat power could not even defeat W's basic form. He could only rely on tactics to make up for it. However, there was also the unexpected factor of fangs.

In this way, the three people came to the research institute with their own concerns.

In the following period, Isaka Mikuru showed unparalleled interest in research and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the laboratory.

But the interesting thing is that he didn't cause any harm.

Of course, it's not that he is soft-hearted. In fact, all his research is to strengthen his own abilities. However, the experimental subjects in the current research institute do not have anything that he likes.

It's no wonder that since he obtained the memory, he has devoured countless memories, and there are very few that can satisfy his existence.

Therefore, what he did in the laboratory was to consult the museum's past data and the concept of dual memory drives recently proposed by Nobuhiko.

Nobuhiko originally thought that he would not be interested in drives because he was focused on devouring memories, but now it seems that he was wrong.

Time passed quietly like this. During this period, Saeko's plan to capture Philip failed just like the original work. W, who once again used the fang memory, showed extraordinary combat power. Almost all of Saeko's men were killed. If it weren't for Kiri Hiko has developed super speed to go to the rescue, and Saeko himself will most likely reveal where he is.

"Then my brother-in-law will leave next... It's a pity. What is this, an infatuated man betraying a woman who loves her?"

Nobuhiko complained silently and then disappeared.

Originally, he thought that he would fall into an extremely peaceful state in the recent period, but what he didn't expect was that immediately afterwards, the memory-related incidents affected him, no, it should be said that it was the people around him. ·····

Akane Esao is the daughter of the owner of Fengdu Barber Shop. She goes to the local middle school in Fengdu. In the eyes of her relatives and friends, she is a well-behaved and sensible girl. In school, she is also a seed athlete in the track and field department.

But recently, Akane Eso has fallen into trouble.

"Why can't we break through..."

The time for the competition is getting closer and closer, but Akane Eso has been unable to break her own record.

That's all, but...

"Why are those two always so fast?"

A foreign transfer student who transferred to the third grade in the middle showed amazing strength the moment she joined the track and field club. She ranked first in every test, but was always just a little faster than her.

It seemed like I could catch up with him if I tried hard, but I couldn't catch up.

This situation made Jiang Caoqian's mood worse and worse, until one day, she saw someone on the way home.

She was a beautiful woman, wearing a hat with a veil and an exquisite dress, as if she were a lady walking out of TV.

Then, the woman handed Jiang Caoqian a memory:

"This can make you run faster."

She was originally wary of strangers, but when she heard this sentence, the worries of the past few days overwhelmed her reason. She hesitantly took the memory, and at this moment, she completely stepped into the world called In the abyss of memory.

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