Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 247 See You Again, I Hope for Light (Update 1)

Amanokawa, this city is named after Amanokawa High School.

The school's chairman, Imoko Hikari, is the real uncrowned king in Amanokawa, just like Sonosaki Ryubei in Fuuto. Amanokawa High School also attracts countless parents because of its superior faculty and super high admission rate.

Today, Nobuhiko came to the door of Amanokawa High School with a suitcase. A slim and beautiful female teacher has been waiting here for a long time.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Tsukikage. I am Sonoda Sarana, a teacher at Amanokawa High School. Imoko Hikari sent me to greet you."

Sonoda Sarana seemed to have seen Nobuhiko's photo in advance. She recognized him as soon as she met him. She immediately smiled and greeted him, and subconsciously glanced at the suitcase in his hand.


It seems that he was developed into a constellation apostle by Imoko Hikari since his student days, and he was also the first zodiac cadre eliminated by the protagonists of the original work.

Recalling the other party's information in his mind, Nobuhiko's face was calm and he smiled and said:

"Thank you very much."

"No, please follow me. I think the chairman is waiting for you."

After the courtesy, Sonoda Sarana took Nobuhiko straight to the chairman's office. It can be seen that Sonoda Sarana is very popular in the school. In addition, there is a young man named Nobuhiko who has never seen him next to her. Many students miss Yu very much. Nobuhiko even noticed that at the door of the classroom not far away, a man in overalls was looking at this side in disbelief.

"Teacher Sonoda seems to be very popular among students."

"You are joking."

"No, in fact, my two family members may also come here to study next year. With a teacher like Sonoda, their campus life will be unforgettable."

"Thank you for your compliment. In fact, there are many excellent teachers in Amanokawa, and I am not worth mentioning. We are here, please come in."

Sonoda Sarana still maintained proper etiquette and took Nobuhiko to the outside of the chairman's office. After announcing, Nobuhiko walked into the office.

"See you again, Yueying-kun. I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Seeing Nobuhiko coming, I Wang Guangming, who was sitting on the chair, smiled.

At this moment, he gave Nobuhiko a slightly different feeling from when he was in Tokyo. Perhaps, this was because he was in his own kingdom.

"I'm also looking forward to this meeting. Please forgive me. I've been delayed for some time recently on the memory."

"Hahaha, please sit down. I don't think you will disappoint me this time."

I Wang Guangming narrowed his eyes.

He naturally knew that Nobuhiko's purpose of coming here was definitely not simple. After all, the invitation at the X facility of the consortium was mostly polite. After many days, the other party suddenly contacted him. What was the reason?

However, it was probably because he had something to ask of him.

While he was looking forward to it, Nobuhiko put the suitcase in front of I Wang Guangming very simply, opened the box, and revealed the things inside - a memory and a bracelet.

That memory was the star memory.

"Mr. Wang, how do you feel about this memory?"

Nobuhiko took out the memory and showed it to Wang Guangming.

"Hmm? This memory... is not right, this feeling..."

Wang Guangming frowned. Unlike last time, after seeing the star memory this time, he felt an inexplicable desire in his heart.

"Star memory, but I adjusted it a little."


"The concept of star is too broad, so I re-selected the earth memory. Now this memory may be more appropriately called a constellation."

"Constellation... You have a really big appetite. Do you want to control the entire starry sky with a memory?"

Wang Guangming stared at Nobuhiko, as if he wanted to see something from him.

However, Xinyan smiled slightly:

"Dreams should always be bigger, what if they come true?"

"It's a pity that Gaia memory won't give you this kind of time?"

"It's the next one's turn."

As he said, Xinyan picked up the bracelet:

"The new generation of earth drive can perfectly filter the toxins in the memory, and will not cause any impact on the human body. Similarly, the development restrictions on the memory are not that great."

Then, he pushed the bracelet and memory forward and handed them to the other party:

"This is the gift I brought to you. I believe that with your strength, you can maximize the power of the memory."

"This gift is not very good. Are you going to use me as an experimental subject? Yueyingjun."

My face became dangerous as I looked at the light.

As an apostle switch, he actually kept a distance from the danger of the memory. Even if such a memory was very suitable for him, he would not choose the other party if there was not enough benefit.

"Whether to send it or not is my business, and whether to use it or not is of course your business. In fact, I admire you very much, Mr. Wang."


"Gaia memory is something that relies on the memory of the earth to give people power, and the constellation switch is the power of the universe. One represents the earth, and the other represents the endless starry sky. From this point of view, the potential of the constellation switch even exceeds the memory. After all, the earth itself is an inconspicuous star in the endless starry sky. It can develop to this level on its own, which really makes me admire it."

Nobuhiko said with great admiration.

Of course, there is one thing he hasn't said yet. In the tokusatsu world, the earth is generally the center of the world.

"So I really want to witness how far you can go, and the power of this memory can be your best partner. You have spent nearly twenty years developing less than half of the Zodiac." Palace, do you have to wait another twenty years?"

"...Forget it, although I stay away from memories, I have to say that you gave me a great gift."

After hearing Nobuhiko's words, I hope Guangming's expression softened slightly.

The Constellation Apostle Switch was indeed the thing he was most proud of. Nobuhiko's words reached his heart. Then, he stood up and said with a smile:

"But I don't like to owe favors. What do you want, Tsukiyage-kun?"

"Two of my family members may apply for Tianzhichuan in the next semester. They are not very adaptable to human society. They may cause some problems by then. As the chairman of the board, please bear with me."

"Hahaha, Mr. Yueying is joking. School is a place for teaching and educating people. Regarding students' problems, it is also the teacher's responsibility to help students adapt to society. By the way, is this all you need?"

Hearing the words "not adapted to human society", I Wang Guangming's heart moved, but there was no flaw on his face.

"That's all. Oh, by the way, I would like to invest in the council. Unfortunately, you probably don't agree."

"No, I'm not that stingy. As long as there are like-minded people, I certainly welcome them, but..."

Having said this, I looked at Guangming with a playful smile on his face:

"... Mr. Sonosaki might not be able to sleep if he joins Amanokawa like this."

"He must have suffered from insomnia."


"In short, the future of the museum depends on his attitude towards me."

Nobuhiko said very casually.

The light wind and light clouds made me even more surprised when I looked at Guangming.

But in a flash he understood.

It seems that the interior of the museum is not made of iron.

Tsukikage Nobuhiko, this guy is too dangerous, but...if he really has a plan for Amanokawa, he can't be prevented even if he is not allowed to join.

After a brief thought, I Wang Guangming made a decision. He stretched out his hand to Nobuhiko:

"If you have the confidence to become the owner of the museum, then - you are welcome to join, Yueying-kun."

ps: The second update will be later

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