Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 262 T's Bloody Queen (Update 1)

"This memory is..."

Looking at the changed memory in her hand, Saeko's eyes showed obvious shock. She could feel a completely different feeling from the previous taboo.

"I have had an idea before. Can I pick out some of the memories from the two memories and then recombine them into a new concept? This concept was successful not long ago, but in terms of practical application, you are the first one."

Nobuhiko said very calmly, and then he continued:

"Want to try? This kind of memory may be more dangerous than Nazca, which is famous for its mystery and instability. You may die?"

"Of course, this is also my little value."

Saying that, Saeko took out the drive, placed it on her abdomen, and activated the memory without hesitation.


A different light than before enveloped Saeko's body, this time the light was as bright red as blood.

In the blink of an eye, Saeko transformed into a new posture - a golden crown like thorns standing on top of her head. The eyeballs originally located on the legs came to the center of the crown, and the right half of her face seemed to be wearing a forest-white mask. The daunting, red neck is surrounded by a circle of silver chains.

The legs that were originally together have separated and turned into a black and red dress. Under the skirt are slender legs. A weapon that looked like a sword and a scepter fell into his hand. At the top of the scepter was a terrifying skull.

"How does it feel?"

"Well, it's surprisingly good. It's better to say...I feel stronger than ever before."

The increase in memory matching will also make people feel happy from the bottom of their hearts.

Although there is no specific measurement, Nobuhiko believes that the new taboo memory is at least ten percentage points more compatible with Saeko than before.

"And, I can feel that I already have new strength..."

In an instant, a scarlet liquid that looked like blood flowed out of her body, dripping down the black and red skirt and onto the ground, spreading towards the surroundings.

Seeing this familiar attack method, Nobuhiko raised his eyebrows slightly.

An attack similar to fear? But is it because of fear or admiration?

But no matter what, she needs to wake up.


The golden moonlight erupted all over Yoshihiko's body. Different from the gentleness that eliminated the power of terror, the golden moonlight was full of aggression, instantly clearing away all the blood and knocking Saeko to the ground.

"Are you awake?"

Looking at Taboo lying on the ground, Nobuhiko said calmly.

Saeko also realized that what he just did was too offensive, so he immediately canceled the transformation:

"Sorry, I can't help but indulge in your power."

"You stay here for the next few days to get used to the power of the memory. I will have a task for you in a while. Don't let me down."


Saeko nodded, and seeing that Nobuhiko had nothing else to do, he turned and walked upstairs.

After she leaves, Bithum suddenly appears next to Nobuhiko.

"Lord Shadow Moon, there is no need to pay so much attention to that woman, right?"

Bihum asked doubtfully. In her opinion, even if she obtained a new memory, it would be difficult for Saeko's combat effectiveness to match that of the three great priests. In this case, giving her a new memory could be said to be unnecessary.

Faced with her question, Nobuhiko didn't explain too much, he just said:

"She's useful to me."

Yes, Saeko's character will be the icing on the cake for his plans.

However, thinking of Saeko's current situation, Nobuhiko still warned:

"Help me keep an eye on her. As long as she doesn't cause trouble and doesn't go out, she can do whatever she wants."

After that, Nobuhiko also walked towards the bedroom, and Bihume's eyes flashed with doubts, but because it was Nobuhiko's order, he didn't say much.

Nobuhiko did not rest when he returned to the bedroom. After reviewing his next plan, he turned on the TV in the room.

But what caught my eye were two familiar faces.

"Welcome to today's Fengdu Idol. The two challengers this time are twin girls from Fengdunan Middle School!"

"what's the situation?"

Looking at Silina and Zelena singing on the stage, Nobuhiko looked confused.


In the research facility of Fengdu, Consortium

"It's finally finished, T2 memory."

"According to the instructions of the headquarters, the acceleration has been completed. Do I need to apply it to the next battle?"

The attendant next to him asked aloud.

But Jiatoushun shook his head:

"No, the T2 memory is a major secret of the group. If you stay here, it will easily cause conflict with the museum. In the next battle, Utopia is enough."

Considering that Fengdu was the birthplace of memory and the largest testing ground, after accepting the T2 memory, they arranged the research location here - Consortium X has more than one research facility in Fengdu.

However, for safety reasons, the museum is not aware of this matter. Once Ryuhei Sonosaki learns that the T2 memory is in Fengdu, it is difficult to guarantee that he will not have other thoughts.

After all, the eternity in T2 memory is the absolute king of memory. With such a big killer by his side, Sonosaki Ryubei might not even be able to sleep well.

"Tomorrow you will return to the headquarters with the memory and leave the rest to me. By the way, how is the situation with Wan Dengxueshi?"

"There is a message coming back, but he seems to be very afraid of Tsukikage Nobuhiko and is not willing to take action."

"Order them to take action. They are not qualified to bargain with Consortium X. Tell them that if they disobey the order, they will bear the consequences."



However, it was not the same intention after all. In Lifeng City, Wan Dengxueshi frowned and fell into deep thought when faced with the order from Consortium X.

"Mr. Wan Deng, are you still thinking about Consortium X's order?"

A boy who looked to be only eleven or twelve years old appeared next to him. Although he looked young, his temperament gave people a feeling that he was different from his peers.

"Well, it stands to reason that Consortium He knows almost nothing, but he seems to know everything about us, not to mention that there are other factors to consider.”

"Kamen Rider?"

"Yes, you have also seen it. Both w and Accel have been strengthened. Accel is okay, but the power of w is simply a natural nemesis for memory users. With our special characteristics, the first battle may It will not be affected, but as long as we stay in the outside world for a little longer, w will definitely be able to find our weaknesses and break them down."

The words of Wan Dengxue Shi were a little solemn and helpless:

"But it's a pity that the price of resisting Consortium

"She said she was going for a walk."

"Well... if we mobilize all the road doping agents, I estimate that there will be a big war soon.

Waiter Wan Dengxue looked at the sky in Fengdu and murmured.

However, just as all forces were actively preparing for war, an unexpected force broke into Fengdu.

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