Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 276 As a villain, it is natural for me to manipulate the good guys (Update 1)

Luna! Maximum Drive!

Eternal! Maximum Drive!

Two beeps sounded, and then, all the blue flames on Nobuhiko's body, which represented the strongest power of the T2 memory, condensed on the hunting bow and turned into a small blue ball of light.

Although it looked very inconspicuous, no one present dared to ignore this blow.

Sonosaki Ryubei stood up and tried his best to recall the terrifying dragon beasts that had been shot to the ground before. Surrounding him, a dazzling light burst out from the dragon beasts' mouths. Sonosaki Ryubei planned to fight to the death!

The four-headed dragon beasts exhaled shuddering dragon breath, but unfortunately, facing the dual combination of the Moon God and Eternity, the ultimate fear seemed extremely small.


The ball of light shot out, and then instantly expanded into a huge spiral with a diameter of more than six meters, overwhelmingly breaking the desperate attack of Sonosaki Ryubei, and instantly enveloped the bodies of Sonosaki Ryubei and Mick.


Wakana, who was trying his best to resist the cooperation between Bihuum and Saeko, saw this and hurriedly wanted to come to the rescue, but this revealed a flaw. Bihuum took the opportunity to launch flames and instantly knocked him to the ground.

However, Saeko on the side did not make a last-ditch attack, because her attention was also attracted by Nobuhiko's attack:


The same goes for Shotaro and others. The astonishing power of Nobuhiko's attack frightened them, while Philip couldn't help but worry about his father. Although Sonosaki Ryubei only regarded him as a tool, Philip still didn't want him to die. Die like this.


The terrifying blue flame exploded in the courtyard, and the powerful impact forced others to take a few steps back. Unexpectedly, although the blue flame brought a terrifying impact, it did not cause any damage to the surrounding things. s damage.

When the flames dissipated, what appeared in front of everyone was Sonosaki Ryubei and Mick, who had released their transformation and collapsed on the ground. Their memories were not destroyed, but seemed to be alive. Returned to Nobuhiko's hands.

"Phew, the last piece of the puzzle is completed."

Nobuhiko looked at the memory in his hand, nodded with satisfaction, and then put it away.

"Why, why don't you kill me?"

Sonosaki Ryuhei tried hard to support his body, but unfortunately, after leaving the memory, he was just an old man who was nearly seventy years old.

"Whether it was your initiative or not, you did provide me with a lot of help at the beginning. Also, as an enemy of Kamen Rider, I also want you to see the moment when Gaia's impact is completed."

"You actually know about the Gaia impact... Do you want to attack Wakana?"

"To be precise, most of my goals in sneaking into the museum were for Miss Wakana, no, I should say she is the miko of the earth."

Nobuhiko said, turning to look at Wakana.

At this moment, Wakana's body couldn't stop trembling. Having obtained the ultimate power, she was keenly aware of the essence of Nobuhiko.

It is an object that humans have sacrificed to fulfill their wishes since ancient times.

As a witch of the earth, she couldn't resist at all.

Just like Shotaro facing Sonosaki Ryubei in the original play, no, it should be stronger than that. Shotaro is because of the fear rooted in his heart, and Wakana is because of the fear of the gods in the original time.

"No, stop joking!"

Wakana roared angrily, trying to steady his body, then raised his hands, and a huge ball of light came out of his hands so fast that even Bihume couldn't react.

"Lord Shadow Moon!"


The ball of light exploded on Nobuhiko's body, but just like when they first met, it didn't cause any damage and was all absorbed by Nobuhiko.

"I'm fine, Bihume, but you haven't even been able to catch the sacrifice for so long. Has it been that you've been dead for so long that your body has become sluggish?

"terribly sorry!"

After hearing Nobuhiko's words, Bihume apologized in fear.

Nobuhiko shook his head, raised his hand, and several thin threads came out, instantly wrapping around Wakana's body.

There was no time to react. With a flash of light, Wakana lost control of her body.

"This, this is..."

"After all, clay dolls are also a type of puppets, so using a Puppeteer can still work wonders. As for the ultimate, I have one here too."

Nobuhiko used the power of the puppet master's memory. With a slight movement of his fingers, Wakana involuntarily canceled the transformation. Bihume saw this and took the opportunity to step forward and take away the clay doll memory.


At this moment, a shout rang out, accompanied by several light bombs with different postures.


The hanging belt behind Nobuhiko automatically raised, blocking all attacks.

However, this action also interrupted his manipulation of Wakana.

Looking at the three Kamen Riders standing in front of him, Nobuhiko sighed:

"Let me ask you this, aren't you trying to save your enemies?"

"Congratulations, you got it."

Shotaro said:

"Although the museum has made the city cry, it does not mean that they can become the existence that other conspirators can do whatever they want. Their sins, and your sins, we will count together!"

"Nobuhiko Tsukikage, as another darkness hidden in the museum, is also an absolutely unforgivable existence."

Phillip's voice also sounded.


Accompanied by the loud chirping of birds, the extreme memory rushed over with Philip's body. In the light of the earth, w changed into its extreme form.


Accel did not hesitate, inserted the memory enhancement adapter into the memory, and completed the transformation in the golden light.

Skull also pulled out the memory and inserted it into his pistol.

Skull! Maximum Drive!

The three knights went all out at this moment.

Seeing that familiar light, Sonosaki Ryuhei was stunned. He did not expect that this would be the scene in the end.

"Come here..."

"Here comes..."

Wakana, who was caught by Saeko, looked at the figure blocking him and murmured.

Even Saeko, her left hand holding the sword was trembling slightly.

However, looking at the three knights standing in front of him, Nobuhiko made an unexpected move - he returned his belt, pulled out the memory, and canceled the transformation.

This move made the three of them stunned.

Shotaro said:

"Hey, you don't want to surrender, do you?"

"You know it's not true if you think about it. I use memory to fight just to show respect to the founder of memory. Do you still remember what I said to you at the beginning? Mr. Detective?"


"I am the knight's brother, and also the knight's old enemy - so I have to fight the Kamen Rider in his original form, but before that, Mr. Detective, haven't you ever thought about it - why does your master will revive this thing.”

The simple words instantly made the hairs on Shotaro's body stand up.

A frightening thought suddenly arose in him, and he subconsciously looked to his side - Skull's eyes showed a strange green color, and the melin gun in the opponent's hand was already pointed at Terui Ryuu.

"Careful, Terui!"

Shotaro shouted, about to step forward to stop him, but at this moment, Skull suddenly turned the gun head and pressed it against W's chest.

boom--! !

Several lethal bullets were released at zero range, and the terrifying power was enough to knock back even those in extreme form.


Accel also reacted immediately, raised his sword and aimed at Skull's right hand and struck it down without hesitation. However, at this moment, cyan lightning struck from the side.

The speed of that lightning was so fast that even Accel in boost mode couldn't react.


With just one shot, Accel was knocked to the ground and fell to the ground.

"Don't forget there is me."

A blue light emerged from Nobuhiko's body, and then, under the gaze of everyone, he transformed into the form of Shadow Moon before he evolved.

"Let me introduce myself—Creation King Shadow Moon, the man destined to rule mankind and destroy all knights!"

Shadow Moon raised the Satan Sword high and declared to everyone.

"What a joke!"

After hearing Shadow Moon's words, Shotaro resisted Skull's attack and roared:

"Get uncle back to his original state, you bastard!"

"Oh, is it really possible? You know that he is dead. Thanks to me, you can have this joy of reunion. Mr. Detective, you should thank me."

"Shut up, life is not for you to play around with!"

"Then just kill him. With your power, it will be easy."

Shadow Moon challenged Shotaro's nerves time and time again, and his bad behavior even surpassed the concept of an old enemy.

However, all this was seen by the consortium X in the villa.

Director Maria narrowed her eyes:

"Can even the dead be resurrected? The Creator King Shadow Moon... is indeed a more worthy partner than the museum..."

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