Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 284 A Woman Seduced by Taboo (Update 1)

"Sister Saeko..."

Although he had heard the whole story from Sonosaki Fumion, Philip still found it hard to believe. He had never had a good impression of this sister.

After all, Saeko was the one who chose to erase his memory even though she knew his identity.

But who would have thought that at this moment, Saeko would take the initiative to contact them to rescue Wakana.

"Sister, why?"

Wakana also asked in confusion.

No matter from which perspective, Saeko had no motivation to rescue her.

"Are you still in the mood to care about these things now? Come on, destroy her memory quickly, I will delay for a while."

Looking at the doped bodies that had regrouped, Saeko inserted the scepter sword into the ground without hesitation. In an instant, countless blood waves flowed from her body, instantly submerging all the doped bodies.

And Kirihiko saw this scene and acted decisively, activated the flying ability, and inserted the memory into the ultimate slot on the hilt.

Nazca! Maximum Drive!

As light as a hummingbird, he shuttled through the basement, his sword blade slashed with blue light, and in the blink of an eye, he killed most of the surrounding dopants.

A few dopants with special abilities broke free from the blood sea and counterattacked Kirihiko and Saeko, but they were useless in the face of the two's joint cooperation.

"I didn't expect that we would fight side by side one day."

Kirihiko landed beside Saeko and said in a complicated tone.

This woman he loved deeply, now reunited in such a complicated posture, no wonder he was so emotional.

But Saeko's reaction to him was very indifferent:

"It's enough as a surprise before death."


"I don't plan to go back alive, that person - Tsukikage Nobuhiko will not let me go."

Saeko said silently.

At the same time, he drew out the scepter sword and fired light bullets in front of him, blocking the attack of the dopants.

She had always lived to gain the recognition of Sonozaki Ryuhei, but this goal was completely worn out by Sonozaki Ryuhei's partiality.

She hated her father and Wakana.

They were all members of the Sonozaki family, and she could give up everything for the Sonozaki family - life, love, life, etc., but Wakana always lived freely like a child who never grew up.

As time went on, her mentality became more and more distorted, and this distortion finally turned into a desire for revenge on that rainy night!

However, when she saw Wakana become a tool in Nobuhiko's hands, she was confused.

She even subconsciously did not resist when ZX wanted to rescue Wakana.

It was not until this time that she realized that what she longed for was her father's recognition of herself. As for Wakana, she was just angry. In her body, the blood of the Sonozaki family flowed, and she had the honor of the Sonozaki family!

So, after witnessing what Nobuhiko did to Wakana, she contacted her mother.

That's what happened later.

"Don't worry, we won't let you die."

"Kamen Rider? I hope so..."

While they were talking, the two of them suddenly accelerated their attack speed, even Saeko's subordinates were no exception.

Saeko knew very well that even the subordinates who were loyal to her were just a group of fence-sitters, most of whom would succumb to the winner, and the action of saving Wakana was too risky, so she didn't tell anyone - she had no one she could trust completely.

So, cutting the Gordian knot became the only result.

And their actions also bought time for W and others.

"I have read everything about the memory of the clay doll, and now I will start to discharge the memory."

"Is it okay, Philip?"

"Don't worry, although the power of Shadow Moon cannot be analyzed for the time being, it is enough to discharge the memory from the body, Sister Wakana, bear with it."

As he said, W drew out the Prism Holy Sword.

And Wakana also opened her hands, closed her eyes, and greeted W with a completely defenseless attitude.

Prism! Maximum Drive!

The power of W was revealed at this moment. As a universal memory that could perfectly execute W's tactics, the prism did not disappoint W's expectations this time.


A sword light passed through Wakana's body. The next second, the mud doll memory was forced out from the interface on the arm and was caught by W.

"Are you okay? Sister Wakana."

"Yeah, I'm fine..."

Wakana shook her head. At this moment, he felt extremely relaxed.

Shotaro also spoke excitedly at this time:

"Okay, let's get rid of them all at once, Philip."


"What's wrong?"


Philip put away the mud doll memory, and then looked at the few remaining doped bodies:

"In that case, let's get rid of them all at once!"

After that, W reinserted the prism sword into the shield, and then inserted four memories in turn.

Cyclone! Maximum Drive!

Heat! Maximum Drive!

Luna! Maximum Drive!

Joker! Maximum Drive!

"Bicker Charge Break!"

W pulled out the Prism Sword, and the four colors of light gathered on it, and then rushed straight to the battlefield.


Everywhere he went was like a dead tree and rotten wood, and each sword easily destroyed the memory of the doped body.

Except for Eternity, W in the extreme form can be said to be the strongest warrior of the memory! When he made a move, everything was settled.


Explosions rose one after another, W sheathed the sword and turned to look at the three people behind him.

At this moment, it can be said that it was a great victory. Not only Wakana, but also Saeko was safe and sound. At least Shotaro fulfilled his promise to his partner.

"Okay, Kirihiko, take them away quickly, and we will deal with Yingyue."

Shotaro instructed Kirihiko.

Now the only accident on the battlefield is Yingyue.

Wakana and Saeko did not object, and Kirihiko nodded and prepared to leave with the two sisters.

But at this moment, something strange happened - the chain on Saeko's neck suddenly glowed with a green light, and then the chain moved instantly, spreading to Saeko's whole body like a spirit snake, binding her tightly.

"This is... not good!"

Philip was shocked when he saw this scene. Although he didn't know what happened, his intuition told him that it would be troublesome if he didn't solve it quickly, so he drew his sword and cut the chain immediately.

But at this moment, a green light came from the side and instantly enveloped W and Kirihiko's bodies.


A violent explosion rose slowly. When W and Kirihiko came to their senses, Saeko had disappeared from the spot. When they turned around, Yingyue appeared behind them at some point, and his left hand locked Saeko's throat and lifted her up high.

"Sister Saeko!"

Philip was shocked.

Seeing this, Kirihiko entered the super-speed state without saying a word.

But unfortunately, after the battle with Dark Decade, Nazca's speed was nothing to him, and he fired a light bullet to hit him back.


W quickly helped him up and looked at Yingyue vigilantly.

Yingyue ignored them, just looked at Saeko and asked coldly:

"I helped you complete your revenge, is this how you repay me? Sonosaki Saeko."

"Sorry, I am such a capricious woman with no taboos, you can kill me or cut me up as you like."

Saiko seemed to have expected her own ending, and she had no intention of resisting.

Perhaps, when she decided to save Wakana, she had already expected this ending.

"In that case..."

A blue light flashed in Yingyue's eyes, and then the Satan Sword appeared on his right hand and pointed at Saeko.

Seeing this scene, Kirihiko was anxious, but he couldn't think of any solution for a while. Suddenly, his eyes swept across the exit behind him - there, Director Maria was paying attention to everything on the scene and made a decision immediately.

ps: The second update will be later.

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