Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 300 People can be called human only if they can control their desires (Update 1)

In the hotel, Nobuhiko looked at the core coin in his hand and fell into deep thought.

He has stayed in Mengmen Town for about two weeks. Whether it is for his own ability reserve or to deal with Consortium Desire to blame.

Greedy people can use cell coins to create yummy from people with desires, and there are many different types of yummy.

For example, Kazali's growth type, Mezzer's reproduction type, each of these forms has its own advantages.

However, in Nobuhiko's opinion, the most suitable Desire Monster for his wishes is Gamel's quick-forming Desire Monster - the Desire Monster is produced using the greedy's own desires, and as soon as it is born, it can quickly become a complete form and become a A reliable warrior.

The disadvantage of this kind of Devouring Monster is that it does not increase the number of Cell Coins. Even if it is defeated, there is only one Cell Coin. For the greedy, it is a trade that is not worth the gain, which means Gamel's personality is more suitable for this.

But then again, as a human, Nobuhiko might be different if he used this method.

"Consortium X should have invented similar technology in the later period."

Nobuhiko murmured, thinking of the two quick-acting Desire Eaters in the theatrical version.

At this moment, the door of the hotel opened, and Metzl walked in very lightly carrying a cake box. It could be seen that she was in a very good mood, and it seemed that this was the case. At this moment, she exuded a more in line with the atmosphere. This body is lively for its age.

"Lord Yueying, I'm back!"

Although he was in a very cheerful mood, after seeing Nobuhiko, Metzl still did not dare to be too showy and said respectfully.

Nobuhiko looked at Mezel, then at the three core coins in his hand, and suddenly had an idea in his mind:

"Metzl, give me some cell coins."

"Huh? Yes, how much do you need?"

"It's about the size of one hand."

Hearing this, Metzl nodded, stepped forward, and stretched out his right hand.

Suddenly, the sleeve of her right coat turned into dozens of cell coins and quietly fell on the table.

Seeing this scene, Nobuhiko did not hesitate and placed the ocean core coins on top of the pile of core coins.

Metzl, who was watching from the sidelines, had some doubts in his heart. He didn't understand what Nobuhiko was doing. Under normal circumstances, it was impossible to become a greedy person with a simple core coin plus a cell coin, not to mention that she, a water-type greedy person, was still alive. .

However, she immediately understood what Nobuhiko meant.

He raised his left hand, and golden light fell from his palm, instantly covering the pile of coins. Under the light, the cell coins seemed to have life, changing their posture freely.

In just a few seconds, dozens of cell coins turned into a bracelet.

The shape of that thing is somewhat similar to Faiz's accelerating bracelet, but the position of the chip has been replaced by three coin grooves. Inside, the three core coins of the water system are quietly staying there.

"This is·······"

Metzl felt a very familiar aura from that bracelet. It was the aura of a greedy person. Even because it was her core coin, it made her feel like she was seeing another version of herself!

For a moment, Mezier felt horrified. He subconsciously took a step back and asked in surprise:

"Lord Yueying, what is this?"

"Emm, how should I put it, it can be regarded as a maker of appetite monsters. You greedy people are essentially a kind of artificial life, and I don't need the self-awareness of greedy people. I only need to exert the most basic self-consciousness of greedy people. All I need is ability, so this device allows me to gain the ability of a greedy person.”

As he spoke, Nobuhiko put on the bracelet. Although he could consider using the Emperor Stone to directly absorb the power of the coin, he did not intend to fuse alchemy-like things with the Emperor Stone for the time being. It always felt weird.

He took out the remaining cell coin, and with a thought in Nobuhiko's mind, a coin slot appeared on his forehead.

Nobuhiko didn't hesitate and threw it into his head.

In an instant, a mummy-like figure emerged from Zi Yan's body, and within a second, it transformed into a shark-type Desire Monster.

"Organize, organize, organize..."

While the Desire Monster was chanting, he entered the adjacent bedroom without stopping and tidied up the items on the bed.

The ferocious-looking Desire Monster seemed to be an extremely competent housekeeper at this moment, tidying up the bed carefully and quickly.

"Well, it's interesting. Desire is not the only thing. It just needs to be controlled."

Nobuhiko nodded with satisfaction.

He had thought about it a long time ago. Human beings cannot have only one desire. The desire of the Desire Eater is just what the host desires most at the time.

In other words, by trying to control your desires you can create something that fulfills your desires.

But now it seems...it can be said to be good news for lazy people.

However, Mezier's face next to him was a little ugly. He clenched his skirt tightly with both hands and took a few deep breaths.

It wasn't that she was afraid of Nobuhiko's ability to create the Desire Monster, but that she found that she could be replaced at any time.

As Darome said, she is just an experimental subject. If it is special, it is that she can use the power of the greedy person to create the Devouring Monster. But now, the sight of Nobuhiko easily creating the Devouring Monster makes her only special Points are no longer special.

It can be said that her future depends entirely on Nobuhiko's attitude.

This sense of unknown made her instinctively feel fear, and her state was also noticed by Nobuhiko:

"What's wrong?"

"·····Lord Yueying, you said that I am your experimental subject. When the experiment is over, how will you deal with me?"

After taking a deep breath, Metzl still asked his own question.

"Well, I haven't thought about it yet."

Nobuhiko touched his chin. He really hadn't thought about this question.

Originally, this experiment was just for Anku. As for Metzl, would he let it go naturally? Or take him in?

While he was thinking, Metzl came to Nobuhiko, knelt on one knee, and asked Nobuhiko:

"Please use me as an experiment as you like. Besides, there is ancient knowledge in my memory, which should be helpful to you."

"·····Are you so afraid of being killed by me?"

"No, I am more afraid of turning back into a greedy person. I don't want to go back to that state."

Metzl pleaded from the bottom of her heart.

She was indeed not afraid of death, but after experiencing human life, she didn't want to die before fulfilling her desires, nor did she want to go back to her original state.

In particular, when she saw her original kind, the feeling was even stronger.

I could have endured the darkness if I had never seen the light.

This sentence is the most true portrayal of Metzl's current state, and Nobuhiko's action of creating the Desire Devourer inadvertently touched the most sensitive nerve in Metzl's heart.

Looking at Metzl's appearance, Nobuhiko was about to say something, but at this moment, the Desire Devourer that he had just created suddenly let out a shrill roar.

It turned out that the Desire Devourer, who had already tidied up all the rooms, wanted to rush out of the room on his own and go to other rooms to tidy up, and even planned to destroy the door for this purpose.


Seeing this scene, Xinyan summoned the Satan Sword without hesitation and slashed it down. In an instant, only one coin was left of the Desire Devourer.

"For me, I can make as many experimental subjects as I want at any time, and desire is something that is easy to run away. Humans can control their desires, so they can be called humans. Metzler, I hope you won't run away because of desire."

Xinyan picked up the cell coin and said meaningfully.

Hearing this, Metzler quickly expressed his attitude:

"I understand, please rest assured, I will definitely control it."

"It depends on your performance."

Xinyan just threw this sentence, threw the cell coin to Metzler, and turned back to his room.

And Metzler looked at the cell coin in his hand and remained silent for a long time.


The bright sunshine fell on the courtyard of the kindergarten. Metzl smiled and played with the children in the kindergarten. At this moment, she felt extremely satisfied.

"Is this true love?"

Metzl held the child and listened to the laughter of the children in her ears. A smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Suddenly, everything was quiet and all the sounds in her ears disappeared.

Metzl subconsciously looked around. All the children disappeared, replaced by piles of pale cell coins.

"This, this is..."

"Sure enough, the greedy are greedy, and it is impossible to control their desires."

At this moment, a cold voice sounded in her ears.

Metzl subconsciously looked back and Nobuhiko holding the Satan Sword appeared in front of her.

"No, this is not, it's not me!"

"What's in your hand?"

Metzl subconsciously looked down and the child she had just held had turned into a cell coin.

"Admit it, Metzl, even if you get a human body, you and I are still the same."

Kazali appeared beside Metzl at some point and said sarcastically.

"Impossible, I am no longer a greedy person!"

Metzl's heart was filled with a huge amount of fear, and she quickly retorted.

"I should take back the body I gave you."

As he said this, Nobuhiko stretched out his left hand towards Metzl, and in an instant, golden lightning surrounded her body...


Metzl suddenly woke up, her clothes and bedding were soaked with sweat.

Is this a dream?

But why is she dreaming?

In the past eight hundred years, Metzl, as a greedy person, has never had a dream.

What does this dream mean now?

Metzl stood up, opened the curtains, looked at the dark sky outside, and made a decision.

"Absolutely, don't run away, absolutely!"

On the other side, Kazali walked on the street, constantly thinking about Metzler's words, and the expression on his face became more and more distorted:

"I must make you pay the price, Metzler, it's not that easy to realize your desires."

As he said, he looked at the water core coin in his hand, gritted his teeth and put it directly into his body.

At this moment, he had the core coins of the water, cat and gravity in his body at the same time.

Then, as if he had sensed something, he looked at the tall building not far away, and with his power, he clearly saw a woman who was busy in the laboratory:

"Try it on you first, Metzler's power..."

ps: OOO will take a break these two days to continue the story of One Piece.

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