Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 310 Xin Yan: Emm, come to think of it, Ying Yue hasn’t fought with the Captain yet (Update 1

"Everyone, use the Guardian Shock Cannon!"

"We're coming too, let's play havoc!"

At the end of the fight, both sides used real fire. The Star Guardian combined their weapons into the Star Guardian Impact Cannon, and the Quick One also inserted the Linker's Key into the weapon and launched his ultimate move.

Guardian explosion——!

Final Wave——!

The forces gathered by both sides collided together, and to both sides' disbelief, the stunts of both sides were evenly matched.

The energy gathered to the extreme, and then exploded suddenly.

Terrifying energy fluctuations spread towards the surroundings, instantly blowing away all the members of the two teams.

The battle was forced to end.

But the flash people hiding in the dark frowned.

"Jean, it's true that pirates can't protect the earth."

After a moment of silence, Flash Lan Peng'an spoke up.

They all heard the words of the Pirates, and it was unacceptable to them that the power to protect the earth was only seen as a tool to find treasure.

But Glitter Louie has a different opinion:

"But if that's the case, Kuruga won't agree with them. And I've heard that there are several teams that have entrusted their great power to them."

"That's true."

Shana also nodded and said.

Flash Green Day looked at Jean and asked aloud;

"What's your plan? Gene?"

Gene fell into silence at the moment, looking at the direction in which the flashing man left, seeming to be thinking about something.

Suddenly, the communicator sounded - it was Mark who sent the communication.

"Jean, the radar has detected very special energy fluctuations outside the earth. This may be helpful to you."

"Special energy fluctuations?"

"Well, it seems to be very similar to the cosmic rays recorded in the Secret Team files."

Mark's voice made the five flashers change their expressions.

However, Nobuhiko was a little confused. He only learned the name of the Secret Sentai Fifth Company after watching One Piece. After all, the first generation of the Sentai was too old and he had not made up for it.

Jean didn't show off and explained directly:

"The enemy that the predecessors of the Fifth Company once defeated - President Black Cross, gained great power by absorbing some kind of cosmic rays."

"In other words, this is probably related to the Black Cross President?"

Nobuhiko suddenly recalled that the boss in the movie version was called the Black Cross King, and he also admitted that he was the enemy defeated by the secret team. It seemed that this was the plot.

Gene continued to ask Mark:

"Mark, where is the ray?"

"It's strange. There were no satellites or asteroids where it last disappeared. It seemed to be just a void. I've sent you the location."

"I understand, Mark, tell Kuruga about this too. I'm afraid the earth is being targeted again."

After saying that, Jean hung up the communication, then looked at Nobuhiko and said aloud:

"Sorry, Nobuhiko, can I ask you one more thing?"

"There's no need to be so polite between us. Let me guess...you want to get the Linker Key back?"

"Well, I feel a little sorry for them, but now the earth needs our power."

Gene nodded and admitted simply.

Nobuhiko was not surprised. The Pirates Team did not have any plans to protect the earth in the early stage. The change in their mentality was caused little by little. For this reason, it is natural that some of the team's seniors do not trust them.

However, it has something to do with the fact that these people are all tsunderes. After all, they were tsunderes who fought tooth and nail to protect the earth, but they were still able to attribute the cause to curry rice.

"I know, but I feel like they're actually pretty good."

Nobuhiko finally said this.

He did not refuse. As long as Jean realizes the true nature of the pirate team, he will probably hand over the company key and great power to him without hesitation.

But then again, although Shadow Moon, as the villain in the original play, often appeared in the same theatrical version as Hao Kuaihong, it seems that the two never really fought.

So...this is a first of its kind.

Thinking this, Nobuhiko looked up at the sky, where a red pirate ship was slowly passing through the sky.

At the same time, on the other side, the Star Guardians who had just lost a battle with the Pirate Team also looked towards the sky.


In the high-speed sailing ship, the high-speed sailor who had just experienced a battle returned to the cabin.

Marbellas immediately came to the treasure box containing the Linker's key, searched carefully, and finally found the target.

"This should be the Star Guardian Knight."

Marbellas held the connector key in his hand and murmured.

And Hao Kuai Lan Qiao next to him suddenly realized:

"It turns out to be the one that was recently recovered. No wonder I have no impression of it."

Some time ago, Hao Kuai Zhe had a fight with Basque who suddenly came to the door. After many twists and turns, the final result was that Hao Kuai Zhe got the company keys of fifteen additional warriors, including the Star Guardian Knight.

"I've never used it before. Are you using this as bait?"

Hao Kuai Huang Luka touched his chin and suggested aloud.

But Haokuai Ludong, nicknamed Doctor, raised objections:

"Can't it be resolved peacefully?"

"That's what I thought too. I feel like they seem to have other difficulties."

Hao Kuai Fan Aim also spoke up.

As a subjugated princess on the planet of France and America, her confident and elegant temperament seems to be incompatible with the word "pirate".

Just then, a strange voice suddenly sounded:

"After all, in their eyes, you only regard this power as a treasure hunting tool, while they regard this power as an important reliance for protecting the earth."

As soon as these words came out, the five people subconsciously turned back-on the stairs leading to the deck, a man in a silver suit walked down by himself.

The moment they saw him, the five people instantly became alert.

Mabelas asked:

"Who are you?"

"Akizuki Nobuhiko, just Flashman's partner."

"Flashman? Are you here to steal the Ranger Key again?"

The doctor reacted and hurried forward to hold the treasure chest containing the Ranger Key in his arms.

And Mabelas said impatiently:

"I don't care who's partner you are, get out of my ship immediately!"

"Is this really okay? You haven't got Flashman's great power yet, right? If you let me leave like this, you may miss a great power."

Nobuhiko said jokingly.

Sure enough, when this was said, the five Gokaizhe reacted differently. Joe looked at Mabelas and asked:

"What should we do, Mabelas."

"Interesting, tell me."

After thinking for a moment, Mabelas asked, but his eyes were still alert.

"It's very simple. Flashman now needs his original power to do something. I hope you can give me the Ranger Key. If I can get their approval, Flashman's great power will be obtained naturally."

Nobuhiko waved his hand and walked down the stairs while explaining frankly.

Then he carefully looked at the interior of the pirate ship.

As the base of the Red Pirates, this pirate ship also perfectly fits the theme, with the interior mainly in red.

I suddenly want a mobile base, too. Do you want to try to grab the Giant Horse Battleship?

No, according to Shadow Moon's style, the Chrysis battleship seems to be more suitable. It seems that Gokaiger also has a theatrical version, and both battleships appear...

Thinking of a mess of thoughts in his mind, Nobuhiko looked at Mabelas:

"So, what are you going to do?"

"I refuse!"

Mabelas smiled slightly and said straightforwardly:

"The Ranger Key is a must for us to realize our wishes, and we will not give it to anyone. As for the great power, as pirates, we will get it ourselves, and we don't need charity from others!"

"What a pity... Then, the negotiations broke down."

Nobuhiko shook his head regretfully, and suddenly, he put his hands on his waist in an instant.


The blue light shone throughout the venue, and the five Gokaigers took out their transformation devices almost at the same time.

"Gokai Transform--!"

When the light dissipated, all six people present completed their transformation.

"Are you going to fight if you can't argue?"

Mabelas took out the Gokai Saber and taunted.

But Nobuhiko was not affected at all:

"I don't deny it."

Then, his right hand tightly grasped the belt:

"Shadow Flash!"

ps: The second update will be later.

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