Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 333 So how did you all survive? (Second update)

Once Shadow Moon and Rx joined the fight, the situation was completely reversed.

"Double Imperial Stone Flash!" x2

The power of the Emperor Stone, which shines brightly at the same time as the sun and the moon, directly enveloped the whole place, and its large range instantly controlled all the monsters. Then RX turned into a mechanical knight, and Shadow Moon turned into a priest of the earth.

The attacks of destructive light bombs and elemental power instantly covered the entire field, and defeated many monsters with just one blow.

But this is not over yet, a steady stream of Xiuka troops rushed up from all directions - this is the core of the Xiuka Republic after all, and most of the troops are gathered here.

However, the people around him no longer despaired, because they saw that the warrior named Kamen Rider fought tooth and nail to protect mankind.

The cheers and cheers were like a wave rising one after another.

And amidst the cheers of the people, knights who should have been eliminated long ago appeared again.


On the towering rockery, knights with twenty-six secrets appeared.


With the help of the hook-lock arm, Distron's cybernetic fell from the sky and defeated the enemy with several consecutive kicks.

Their appearance marks the return of the Kamen Riders. Showa Knights from v3 to J, Heisei Knights from Kuuga to W, they all gather here, and even the evil knights who once fought with them are also at this moment. stood up.

At this moment, they only have one name - Kamen Rider!

Red dragons and bats shuttle through the mirrors, while guitars and percussion sticks chime among evil spirits.

The destroyer traveling through the world appears in the shadow, and the detective hiding in the wind becomes one again.

"Although I have been prepared for a long time, how did each of these people survive?"

Shadow Moon casually crushed Gadison's head and looked at the knights who suddenly appeared, and said with some confusion.

To be honest, this part was really exciting when I was watching the movie, but when I was immersed in it, I always felt a little confused... Especially, Ying Yue inexplicably noticed that there were some inexplicable things in this world. Things have changed.

"Hey, Nobuhiko, you seem to have done something big again."

Decadent casually defeated all the surrounding repairmen with his cartridge gun, and then came to Shadow Moon and RX. Looking at the chaotic scene around him, he said with emotion:

"It's a bigger scene than what I did that time."

That's right, most of the knights in the decade were the main knights, which was a bit worse than the gathering of all the knights in the past forty years this time.

"You haven't been changed by time, have you?"

"Don't worry, as long as everyone still has my memory, I will continue to be resurrected."

Decan wiped his sword casually and said proudly.

Then, he seemed to have thought of something and asked casually:

"By the way, have you seen Xiaoye recently?"

"Huh? Long time no see, what's up?"

"I don't know what she's been doing lately. It's so mysterious. I thought she would tell you."

"You are her brother, right? I was just the temporary housekeeper before."

Nobuhiko was a little speechless. He looked at Decade and couldn't help but murmur in his heart - it seemed that even if they reconciled, Kado Yashi's qualifications as an older brother seemed to be a little worse.

As if aware of Nobuhiko's thoughts, the corners of Kadoya's mouth twitched under the mask.

He wanted to care, but there was nothing he could do about his sister when she grew up and had her own plans, and the most important thing was...he couldn't beat her.

Thinking of the result of the last battle against Dark Decade, Kado Yashi couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

"Anyway, if you meet Xiaoye, please take more care of her, please."

Kado Yashi quickly asked Nobuhiko to please.

"emm...this sense of déjà vu..."

Shadow Moon shook her head, temporarily putting aside her thoughts, and then looked at the battlefield again:

"Anyway, let's get rid of these guys quickly."

"Okay, by the way... I remember you said you wanted the Fortress of Chrysis? Did you get your wish this time?"

"Well, someone has been sent there."

Shadow Moon nodded.

At the same time, in the Fortress of Chrysis, Metzler and the transformed Silina and Zelena broke in. Because they wanted to watch the execution, only a group of Chaos were left in the Fortress of Chrysis. Common soldiers, facing the attack of three people, this group of Chapu soldiers had almost no resistance, and they were all reduced to ashes under the light arrows of the long bow of mercy.

"I didn't expect it to go so smoothly, Yueying, no, Lord Qiuyue, has he set his sights on this base? To be honest, the aesthetics are just average."

Metzl followed the two of them, looking at the rather gloomy Fortress of Clesis, and said with some disgust.

However, Silina looked back at her:

"If you talk too much, I don't mind punishing you on behalf of the master."

"Hey, you're such an unlovable little sister, let's go."

Metzl casually threw a few coins into his head and summoned several devil fish Devouring Monsters to help the two attack. When facing the soldiers, the Devouring Monsters were obviously a very efficient method.

Under Metzler's command, the huge Clesis Fortress was cleared in just a few minutes, and then the three of them walked all the way to the control room.

"So, can you drive it?"

Looking at a bunch of Showa science fiction-style control buttons in front of him, Metzl looked at Silina and Zelena, with a little amusement on his face.

"The master has considered this, so he gave us this."

Speaking of this, Silina took out a small golden box that looked like a USB flash drive.

Seeing this thing, Metzl frowned slightly:

"What is this?"

"Gaia Memory."

Speaking of this, Silina pressed the switch without hesitation.


A cold prompt sounded in the control room.

Zelena waved her hand, and the amazing locusts emerged out of thin air, and the Chrysis computer above kept flashing light.

At the same time, the battles on the earth also came to an end one after another.

On the one hand, the Shocker Republic was retreating against its former opponents, and Kuga flexibly used various forms to completely defeat the Gurongi including the Wolf King.

Agito took out the Shining King Sword and killed the Water God again.

The same was true for other organizations, such as Orphino, Mirror Beast, etc.

On the other side of the battlefield, Shocker Greedy fought with the two knights again.

"Double Knight Kick!"

The culprit who changed history, Shocker Greedy, was also defeated by the combined attack skills of the two knights, and only a few main cadres of the Shocker Republic were left.

At this moment, the real ruler of the Shocker Republic, the Shocker Chief, also appeared in front of the knights.

"Let's fight quickly and decisively."


The reunited Shadow Moon and RX stood side by side again, and then the two drew their weapons without hesitation.

"Satan Sword——!"

"Rotating Light Sword——!"

Facing the joint efforts of the two, the Shocker Chief also suddenly removed his hood, revealing his terrifying face like a devil!

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