Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 372 White Mage and Shadow Moon (Second Update)

"You have the qualifications to become a magician, come with me."

The voice of the white magician resounded in Nozama Tomoko's ears, as if it were the snake that tempted Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden, stimulating Nozama Tomoko's mood.

And he didn't just speak. He raised his hand and a golden magic circle spread out beside him. He reached into it and took out a driver with the same shape as his belt and a magic ring:

"Use this and you can become a real magician!"

The emergence of real magic proved that what the other party said was true, and Yuko Nozama couldn't help but hold her breath, and took a few steps forward, intending to take over the belt.

She wants to be a magician, a witch.

However, at this moment, a chill suddenly rose in her heart. It was the intuition that had played the most important role countless times in her life over the past ten years——

--very dangerous!

This man is dangerous!

In more than ten years of life, Nozama Tomoko has never been so scared as at this moment.

Her legs stopped and she took an uncontrollable step back.

"·······don't want!"


The White Mage caught this action and frowned slightly under his mask. Originally, according to his plan, after the Sabbat was held, the large number of phantoms born would continue to make Gate despair, and then screen out those with magician qualifications.

And Nozama Tomoko was an existence outside of his plan. Because of this, after he came to this city, he inquired about the other party's situation a little bit, and also learned a little bit about Nozama Tomoko's special features.

However, he did not expect that the other party's intuition would reach this level.

"It's such a pity. It would be such a waste if you just give up your qualifications."

As he spoke, the white mage took off a ring from the belt on his waist and put it on his left hand. Then, he reached out and put it on his belt.

Bind now!

The prompt sounded, and several golden magic arrays suddenly appeared around Nozama Tomoko. Several chains suddenly shot out, locking Nozama Tomoko.

"Woo... let me go! Let me go! No!"

Nozama Tomoko struggled hard, but was unable to do anything. She could only watch the white magician approaching her step by step.

At the critical moment, several water arrows fell from the sky, instantly breaking the chains that bound Nozama Tomoko. Metzl dragged the water down and blocked Nozama Tomoko.


The white mage reacted quickly and immediately switched the ring.

Explosion Now!

The moment the beep sounded, a huge explosion exploded around Mezel.


After doing all this, the White Mage did not relax his vigilance and continued to observe the current situation with tense nerves.

Sure enough, the flames of the explosion dissipated, revealing the intact figures of Mezel and Nozama Tomoko - a blue magic circle appeared in front of them, firmly protecting them.

"Cause an explosion out of thin air? Both the activation time and power are very good. You are indeed very strong, white magician."

The magic circle disappeared, and crisp footsteps came from far and near. The approaching footsteps seemed to hit the white magician.

However, the White Mage did not panic like the enemies who had heard this series of footsteps before. Instead, he calmly looked at the source of the sound - Shadow Moon appeared at the scene at some point.

"Who are you·······"

"Should I call you Dimuzou? Or should I call you Wiseman?"

Shadow Moon got straight to the point and directly called out the other person's two identities.

At this moment, the expression on White Mage's mask changed instantly, but he did not answer. He remained calm in the face of this shocking fact, and then said:

"who are you?"

"Shadow Moon, let's just call her her teacher."

Shadow Moon took a few steps, blocked Mezel and Nozama Tomoko behind, and continued:

"Trying to take away my students in broad daylight is a bit too arrogant."

"It seems I was a little reckless today."

There may be a conflict in Amanokawa, and the White Mage is actually prepared. After all, this is the territory where I hope to see the light. Nozama Tomoko is a student of Amagawa High School, and he is also prepared to fight the Constellation Apostle.

But...what's going on with Shadow Moon?

However, I seem to have heard the name Shadow Moon somewhere...

Having had contact with Consortium

Although magicians are precious, fighting against an opponent of Shadow Moon's level is not worth the gain. If too much magic is wasted, it will affect the original plan.

Thinking of this, the white mage quickly put on the ring and planned to leave.

But at this moment, Yingyue seemed to speak unintentionally:

"Ring magic, I heard that there is a magic stone called the ultimate magic stone - the Philosopher's Stone. I wonder if the sage who can make the magic stone can make this kind of magic stone?"

"You know a lot."

The White Mage's hand stopped, and the biggest secret of the Philosopher's Stone was revealed, making him more afraid of Shadow Moon.

However, Shadow Moon's next words completely changed his expression:

"I heard that the ultimate magic stone can achieve the power of resurrection from the dead. To be honest, this ultimate is somewhat unworthy of its name. From the information I have, there are many ways to achieve the effect of the Philosopher's Stone."

"········what do you want?"

The White Mage is not a fool. His identity has been found out by the other party. Even Shadow Moon knows the existence and efficacy of the Philosopher's Stone. He must have something to say to himself when he specifically said this.

And Shadow Moon looked around:

"This is not a good place to talk."

"Okay, come on."

"Metzl, please wait here with Nozama-san."


After explaining, Shadow Moon came to the White Mage, who put on a ring.

Teleport Now!

The huge magic circle instantly expanded, encompassing the figures of Shadow Moon and White Mage. In the blink of an eye, the two disappeared, leaving only Mezel and the shocked Nozama Tomoko.

This place seemed to be a ruins, with Shadow Moon and White Mage appearing among the trees.

"No one will disturb you here, you can speak freely."

The white mage spoke first.

However, Shadow Moon was not in a hurry to explain. Instead, he stretched out his hand, and the exit from the space of the dead opened, and the soul of a strange spider slowly emerged.

Seeing this scene, the white magician was stunned for a moment, and then, as if he guessed what Nobuhiko wanted to do, his muscles subconsciously tightened.

Could it be...

I saw the golden light released from Shadow Moon's hand, and in that light, the Golgom spider monster with only a soul was instantly resurrected!

"I prefer to let my performance speak for itself."

Shadow Moon said calmly.


Seeing this scene, the White Mage could no longer remain calm. He couldn't help but stepped forward and looked carefully at the newly resurrected spider monster. He truly felt the majestic vitality.

Resurrected indeed.

This is an undisputed fact!

The White Mage took a deep breath, took a few trembling steps back, took the initiative to cancel the transformation, turned into Flute Music, and asked Shadow Moon:

"what do you want?"

"What can you give?"


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