Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 380 Why do you think I brought RX here? (Update 2)

The monsters reappeared in the cave like a tide. As Amadeam said, the flame cross represents the common origin of the knight's enemies and friends. He who controls the cross naturally controls the monsters in this world.

"There are so many?"

After deflecting the light bullet of King Ophiino with his backhand, the Bio Knight frowned.

Although he had anticipated the situation of being surrounded, the number of Amadeam's men was still beyond his expectations.

And Amadeam had come to the flame cross at this moment, laughing:

"It's useless. There are as many monsters as you want. In this world, many humans will become monsters at the right age. In other words, this world is also the source of monsters. Unless all humans in this world are killed, monsters will continue to be born!"


Amadeam's words shocked the Bio Knight, but the most important thing now is to get rid of these guys.


Shadow Moon instantly teleported to the side of Bio Knight, then raised his staff, and the blue shadow light condensed on the staff. With the blessing of the Earth Stone, the power was increased several times and swept across the field.


In an instant, most of the monsters turned into ashes in front of Shadow Moon.

"Sure enough, no matter how strong the enemy is, they will become miscellaneous soldiers after mass production."

Thinking so, Shadow Moon looked at the position of the flame cross. In the short time just now, Amadem had done what he wanted to do-several tentacles stretched out from the flame cross, locking the best of each group of monsters and absorbing their power.

"Will you absorb the monster's power first?"

Yingyue understood the other party's idea, and a tentacle instantly popped out from the flame cross and pierced into Amadam's body. Feeling the pain that went straight into his bones, he also made a ferocious voice at this moment:

"That's right! Although it's a bit risky, there is no other way. If I am destroyed by you, I can't take revenge on that guy! I must, I must take revenge on that guy!"

"Who sealed you in the first place?"

Looking at his ferocious appearance, Yingyue asked curiously.

In the special episode, Amadam is described as a magician who made a mistake and was sealed in the magic gem, but how he was sealed in was not mentioned.

If it is outside the play, this factor can be explained as the production team does not want to explain, but if it is placed in the play, it is very interesting.

"Want to know? Oh, by the way, you have the Philosopher's Stone. That guy has also been looking for the Ultimate Magic Stone. I didn't expect it to be in your hands."

Amadam seemed to have thought of something and sneered:

"He will find you because his goal is the whole world! However, the premise is that you can survive here!"

Instantly, colorful light bloomed on Amadam's body, which represented the power of different monsters, Orphino, Mirror Beast, Dark Power, etc. The dazzling light illuminated the entire cave, and the terrifying power made the whole world shake.

Amadam made a painful sound, and then a pair of huge bat wings were spread out from behind, and he jumped into the sky.


The top of the cave was pierced, and Amadam's figure instantly rushed into the sky. Seeing this scene, Shadow Moon and Bio Knight followed closely.

The sky of this world is also different - an illusory earth appears in the sky, rising and setting like the moon and the sun, and when the earth rises to the top of the sky, it can break the seal and go to the real world by special means.

And this method must get the Knight Ring, which is why Amadam is so painstaking and even takes the risk of taking the power of the monster into his body.

"Hahahaha, hahahahaha..."

The voice began to become crazy. Although the power of the monster and the knight comes from the same source, there is still a difference after all. Otherwise, why would they be called monsters? The power of most monsters is more uncontrollable than that of Kamen Rider. Now, Amadam's consciousness has begun to blur during this period of time.


The blood-colored moon emerged from the sky, dyeing everything around it with a layer of weird red.

The weird power spread to the surroundings, and many of the monsters at the scene covered their heads in pain and turned into powder in the red light.

This is the power of the Vampire Queen.

Not only that, gray tentacles emerged from his body and shot towards Shadow Moon and RX, intending to absorb the life force of Shadow Moon and Bio Knight - the absorption power of Orphino.

Now, Amadam, who has gathered the power of all the monsters in the Heisei era, even has the power to change the world.

"Hahaha, look at my invincible figure, I am simply a god!"

Immersed in his own power, Amadam couldn't help but sigh.

But these familiar words fell into Shadow Moon's ears, making him look up:

"Are they all runaway gods?"

Boom boom!

The earth was breaking, the lava was churning, and it looked like a scene of the end of the world.

Frankly speaking, in this special world, Amadam is indeed a very strong enemy, but Shadow Moon also thought of this, so he brought RX here for safety.



Without much communication, they could almost understand each other's intentions with just a glance. Shadow Moon turned back to RX form, and Bio Knight turned into liquid and merged into his body.

In an instant, the two emperor stones merged again.

The blue and red light spread to the surroundings, and wherever it went, everything destroyed by Amadeum was restored as if time was reversed.

"What kind of power is this?"

Under the extremely dangerous atmosphere, Amadeum's already chaotic brain suddenly woke up, looking at the figure suspended in the air - the silver armor had turned red.

The power called the King of Creation appeared in this special world.

"Let's fight quickly and decisively."

"Don't joke!"

Amadeum roared, and the power of the monsters faced by the thirteen Kamen Riders condensed in his body, turning into an extremely terrifying black and red light bullet.

This power was too huge, so huge that the surrounding space began to break.

But what's interesting is that in the sky, a light grid resembling a honeycomb slowly emerged, which seemed to imply that this world was Amadam's prison cell.

Amadam ignored all this, he roared, and poured all his strength into this attack.

Like a falling meteor, the black and red light bullet rushed towards Shadow Moon with a breath of destruction.

But Shadow Moon jumped up, without any resistance, and rushed straight towards Amadam.


The warrior named King of Creation pierced through Amadam's all-out attack with his body, but the attack energy did not even dissipate, and was quietly wiped out by the power of the King of Creation. Then, Shadow Moon rushed to him in front of Amadam's unbelievable eyes, and the Satan Sword chopped him down.


Amadam's body was split in half, and then slowly dissipated. This weirdo who withstood the kicks of fourteen final form knights came to an end.

The battle was over, but what Yingyue had to do was not over yet. He did not split up, but returned to the cave as soon as possible and looked at the flaming cross in front of him.

"What do you want to do?"

"Well... I want to do something for this world, but I don't know how to do it..."

Looking at the flaming cross in front of him, Yingyue fell into deep thought.

However, at this moment, the flaming cross seemed to have some sense - the entire huge stone pillar slowly rose, revealing the part buried at the bottom of the ground - as if it was symmetrical with the colorful gems in the upper half, the lower half was also full of gems, but in the middle, there was a clear dividing line.

"Could it be that this is the Showa Knight?"

Looking at the flaming cross in front of him, Yingyue had a bold guess in his heart.

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