Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 40 Will Ghost at Night

In the cell, Kotaro was holding his stomach and struggling in pain.

The moment he was caught by the police, he suddenly felt as if something had entered his stomach, but it was only a momentary feeling, and he even thought it was an illusion.

But who would have thought that just now, his stomach suddenly turned upside down, and severe pain came from his stomach, like a needle prick.

"No, there is something in my stomach..."

Kotaro struggled to stand up, endured the severe pain and turned into RX, then broke through the wall of the cell and came out.

At this moment, it was late at night, and the moonlight shone from the sky on the street. RX walked alone and finally knelt on the ground.

Just at this moment, a voice sounded in his stomach:

"It's uncomfortable, RX!"

"Who are you?"

"I am Will Ghost of the Monster Demon Clan, born as the pioneer to kill you and Shadow Moon."


As soon as the voice fell, another sharp pain came from the abdomen, as if a steel fork pierced RX's internal organs.

RX, who had never fallen in the face of various attacks from Cressis, seemed helpless in the face of attacks from the inside and could only struggle on the ground.

"Hahaha, it's almost time to send you to another world. Let me see, the heart, it should be here."

RX's abdomen, Will Ghost poked left and right with the steel fork, and finally, aimed at the beating heart and stabbed it with all his strength.


RX let out a painful wail and collapsed to the ground, motionless.

Looking at the heart that had completely stopped beating, Will Ghost did not hesitate and jumped out of RX's abdomen and kicked RX, but the other party did not move.

"Hahahaha, Lord Mary Baron, I, Will Gui, have solved RX!"

"Well done, Will Gui, I will ask General Jagu for credit for you."

In the night, Mary Baron's figure slowly emerged, and behind her, there were a group of Chap soldiers following. Looking at RX who had completely lost his life in front of her, her eyes flashed with excitement.

"RX, as a reward for all the time, let me cut off your head myself!"

As she said, Mary Baron took off the gold leaf on her hat, intending to cut off the head of the Son of the Sun as a trophy, but at this moment, the roar of the engine suddenly sounded under the night sky.


Before Mary Baron could react, a green light suddenly came from a distance, directly dispersing Mary Baron's team and knocking Will Gui away fiercely.


Yingyue braked suddenly and stopped beside RX. Looking at the silent RX in front of him, Yingyue did not check his condition, but looked at Mary Barron first:

"Mary Barron, it's you again!"

"Yingyue? It just so happens that your brother has been completely killed by us!"

Mary Barron staggered to his feet, looking at Yingyue in front of him, he was not surprised, but smugly mocked:

"We have studied RX's power. As the son of the sun, he can get the energy of the sun to heal his wounds during the day, but now it is night, and he has no chance of resurrection after being killed. Yingyue, the next one is you!"

However, looking at Mary Barron's smug expression, Yingyue was not moved.

He knew too well the value of the Showa Wall Hanging. Not to mention that RX could be killed at night, the Emperor Stone itself has a resurrection function, not to mention that RX has plenty of ways to deal with the despicable means of Will Ghost.

As expected, as soon as Mary Barron finished speaking, RX's voice rang out:

"I'm not dead, Mary Barron!"


Under Mary Barron's horrified eyes, RX stood up intact.

And Will Ghost, the instigator, found it even harder to accept. He questioned:

"I clearly pierced your heart, RX!"

"The moment you attacked, I turned into a bio-knight and became immune to your attack, Mary Barron. You are the mastermind who hacked into the Metropolitan Police Department's computer and framed me and so many people to go to jail!"

As RX said, the reaction ability of the cyborg can allow Kotaro to complete the instantaneous transformation, even so fast that ordinary people can't detect it with the naked eye.

At the beginning, he used this trick to deceive the white ghost who loved to eat bananas, and now he used the same trick to solve Will Ghost. Both of them happened to be monsters and demons under Mary Barron's command. It was indeed a fate.

And Mary Barron calmed down. She looked at RX and Yingyue and snorted:

"So that's it, RX, are you planning to take the opportunity to sneak into my base? It's useless. The technology of Chrysis is not something that the earthlings can resist. You will carry this wanted order and hide from the capture of humans forever!"

After that, Mary Barron made a move instantly. A flash of lightning flashed, and a huge smoke enveloped them. Yingyue reacted quickly and counterattacked almost at the same time, but she was one step behind. Mary Barron disappeared in front of them.

It can be seen that she had already prepared to evacuate.

This move is indeed quite vicious. Nowadays, a considerable part of the information of the Metropolitan Police Department is processed by computers. According to Mary Barron, this situation may occur if it is not resolved.

"Nobuhiko, what should we do next?"

"Don't worry, the Chrysis computer of the amazing locust is enough to find the source of the signal, and we can follow the clues and find them."

Shadow Moon gave him a reassuring gesture, then came to the Surprised Locust and started operating.

At the same time, in a base outside Tokyo, Mary Baron, Will Ghost and others returned here.

As soon as I came back, a familiar voice sounded:

"Is the plan going well? Mary Baron."

"It went very smoothly. Although it failed to kill RX, it still attracted Shadow Moon to Earth as planned."

Mary Baron nodded, looking at General Jagu in front of her and said.

Not only General Jagu, but also the two captains and Dasmada are in this base at the moment. It is hard to imagine that the entire command of the Clesis Invasion Corps has come to this unattended base.

"It's okay. It's not that easy to kill RX. Follow the original plan. Mary Baron, I'm looking forward to your performance."

General Jia Gu smiled slightly, then turned to look at the two captains:

"You too must do your best to assist Mary Baron. I don't want to see anyone holding back any more."

"Yes" x2

Seeing the two men lowering their heads, General Jagu nodded and then disappeared into the base. Dasmada turned around and left without saying anything.

Suddenly, only three captains were left in the base.

Gadison looked at Mary Baron with some dissatisfaction:

"You are really amazing, Mary Baron. You actually made us all your subordinates."

"This is the general's order, but frankly speaking, it's great to have your help. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to deal with two knights by myself. Gadison, are you sure they will come?"

"Of course, the Chrysis computer is the best tool. Shadow Moon must have tasted the benefits during this period. He will definitely be here."

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