Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 390: The first step to defeating the consortium is to separate the couple (second update)

Chapter 390 The first step to defeat the consortium - forcibly breaking up the couple (second update)

It was the same test site as before, with several projection screens standing in the air.

Nobuhiko looked around and found that there were fewer consortium members around him - at least Rem Shinnagi was no longer here, and seemed to have been eliminated.

"Mr. Yueying, Consortium X agrees to cooperate with Gorgom, and we agree to all your requests."

Chairman Kiel agreed to Nobuhiko's request at the first time.

There was no way. The failure of the action against the Showa Knights made Consortium X more deeply aware of the horror of the Showa Knights, especially this time there were only eight Showa Knights present, and one RX broke all their countermeasures. It was really hard to imagine if the other party gathered.

But one thing is certain, if Consortium X fights the Showa Knights alone, even if it wins, it will probably have to pay a very painful price.

In contrast, cooperation with Yingyue has become the only way out. At least Consortium X can obtain nine top research projects.

"I have reminded you before that Kamen Rider is not that simple, but Speaker Kiel, since you rejected me last time, the conditions need to be changed this time."


Speaker Kiel frowned, knowing that the situation is stronger than people, and if Nobuhiko asks for too much, there is nothing he can do.

"The research results of the Heisei Rider project must be shared with Gorgom, and I hope to add one more person to the management of Consortium X. As a token of sincerity, I can also give you the decade ring."

"People can't be too greedy, Yueying-kun, are you going to use us as research tools?"

"It's not that bad, it's just mutual benefit."

"Okay, who do you want to recommend?"

"Of course, Director Maria."

Nobuhiko glanced at Maria beside him and said.

"·····Okay, the deal is done, but the knight rings must be handed over to us first. Also, SULD seems to have arrived at Amanokawa. As the director of Amanokawa, please help deal with it."

"Okay, then, please let me be an insurance."

As he said, Nobuhiko put the suitcase on the table. After opening it, the nine knight rings shone brightly under the light. Then, he picked up Decade's ring. With a thought, the knight in magenta appeared in front of everyone under the light.

"Decade will stay here to guard against the attack of Showa Knights. Similarly, if anyone wants to take these rings away, they will also be attacked by him. Speaker Kiel, I put them here because I trust you. I hope you won't let me down."

At this point, Nobuhiko looked at Decade thoughtfully and turned to leave the scene.


"Oh, I didn't expect that Consortium X would entrust you to deal with SULD, Yueying-kun, your relationship with Consortium X is closer than I thought."

I frowned slightly at Guangming, and my tone was already somewhat dissatisfied.

He had received an alert from Consortium X and knew that his little move had been noticed by the other party. However, he did not expect that Consortium X did not take action personally, but instead let Nobuhiko, the nominal director of Amanokawa, deal with it. This made the leader of the zodiac feel offended.

"No way, Consortium X has already exhausted itself in dealing with the Showa Knights, and it may not be able to recover SULD."

"Showa Knights..."

"Chairman Iwang, this time, I'm afraid it will be the final battle between Consortium X and Kamen Rider."

Nobuhiko said to Iwang Guangming meaningfully, Iwang Guangming was stunned, and then understood:

"I know, SULD is now mixed with fourze, and it seems to be rapidly evolving thanks to the special characteristics of Kisaragi Gentaro, you have to be careful."

Iwang Guangming knew that with Amanokawa's strength, if he was involved in the struggle between Consortium X and Kamen Riders, he might be swallowed up without leaving any residue. The battle in Fuuto was still vivid in his mind, and he didn't want to die before the plan succeeded.

So, he simply gave up the idea of ​​SULD.

At the same time, in the teaching building, the members of the Kamen Rider Club rarely stayed with Gentaro. They quietly lay on the second floor, holding binoculars and looking at the two people on the playground with gossipy faces.

It was Gentaro and SULD in human form, no, it should be called Misaki Nadeshiko.

Rem Kaminagi was defeated by the Showa Knight and was automatically eliminated in this plan. Naturally, he would not bring anyone to collect SULD. As a result, Gentaro knew Nadeshiko's identity, experienced a broken heart - encouraged by his companions - cheered up - confessed, and successfully made SULD truly born with its own consciousness.

"It seems that your words are wrong, singer-senpai, Brother Gentaro still creates miracles as always."

JK said to the singer Kengo beside him with an aunt's smile.

The singer Kengo retorted while observing the playground with a telescope:

"My theory is absolutely correct. This can be explained by science. SULD's evolution has accelerated to the point where consciousness was born in a short period of time. The root of evolution must come from Gentaro's heart."

"Shh, stop arguing, hurry up, Gentaro's love moment, this is definitely epic news!"

Jojima Yuuki said excitedly.

On the playground, Gentaro felt a little overwhelmed for the first time. As a social person who was extremely bad at making friends, he was also a first-timer in love. Looking at Nadeshiko who touched her heart, her cheeks suddenly flushed.

Seeing Gentaro like this, Nadeshiko tilted her head subconsciously:


"Ahem, Nadeshiko, I..."

Just when Gentaro wanted to say something, a voice sounded:

"Sorry, love is over, can you give SULD to me, Gentaro Kisaragi?"

"Are you... Director Tsukikage?"

When Gentaro was caught on a date, he was a little panicked, and when he saw Nobuhiko's face clearly, he couldn't help but feel doubtful.

And Nadeshiko seemed to feel something and couldn't help but grab Gentaro's sleeve.


"Be careful, he's dangerous."

"Even the emotion of fear has evolved, just like humans, I'm getting more and more interested in you."

Nobuhiko clapped his hands, then looked at Gentaro and said:

"Kisaragi-san, can you give me SULD? I'm commissioned by Consortium X to recover her."

"Although I don't know what Consortium X is, how can I give Nadeshiko to you!"

Although he was confused, seeing someone trying to steal his wife, Gentaro stepped forward and blocked Nadeshiko.

Nobuhiko also played the role of the villain Tsukikage Nobuhiko very well.

"What a pity, I actually have a good impression of you, then let's solve it with force, transform."

With a flash of green light, the unevolved Kagezuki appeared in front of Gentaro and Nadeshiko.

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