Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 447 Yingyue: These two are mine (Update 1)

"Who are you······"

Looking at the meteror standing in front of him, Aries was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the meteror actually helped him.

"Aries, I have a question, can you wake up someone who has been sleeping for a long time?"

Meteror ignored Fourze's surprised look behind him and asked.

As soon as he said this, Aries said easily:

"Activate living organisms? It's easy. Otherwise, how do you think I can rule my kingdom?"

"I understand, let's go."

"Thank you..."

Aries said nothing, turned around and left quickly.

Seeing the direction Aries was leaving, Silena frowned and immediately raised her bow to aim. However, Meteror launched an attack on them without hesitation.

limit break!

Blue light bullets shot out from the hand and hit the surroundings of the three knights accurately. Although they failed to cause any damage, the explosion effectively hindered their actions.

No one expected that Meter, who had always been in the same camp, would use his special move without hesitation.

But fortunately, there was someone who reacted just as quickly - Zelena's figure broke through the flames, with golden flames burning on her right fist, and rushed towards the meteror. The latter did not dare to be careless, and made a prompt decision, inserting the switch into his belt. , activated his own Knight Kick Kill.


The collision between the knight's fist and the knight's kick caused both sides to retreat dozens of meters, but in this little time, Aries had already escaped.

"You'd better give me an explanation."

Silina looked at the meteror and raised the long bow in her hand without hesitation. The prey disappeared in front of her, which made her instinctively annoyed.

"Aries is the one I've been looking for, and he can't die just yet."

"Why are you looking for Aries so desperately?"

"This is my business. If you want to fight, I will accompany you."

With that said, Meter picked up his upgrade switch, and he was ready to fight.

But at this moment, Fourze stepped forward and stopped Silena and Zelena:

"Wait a minute, meteror, can you tell me? What is your problem? We can help you!"

"help me?"

"Yes, as friends, we need to help each other."

"...I don't remember becoming friends with you."

Having said that, Meter also gave up the fight, slapped his belt suddenly, and then instantly turned into a blue ball of light and disappeared.

This battle was also forced to end.


"Did you really plan to fight just now? Sakuda-kun?"

"Well, Mr. Tachibana must also know that we cannot let Aries be defeated now, otherwise Jiro will really be hopeless."

"You can completely recycle his switch for research. You're impatient, Sakuda."

Dr. Emoto’s voice through the voice changer already contained some warning:

"Calm down. If you do it next time, I will remove you from being a meteror."

"······I see."

After saying that, Meteor hung up the phone with a gloomy expression.

In his mind, he kept thinking about his best friend lying on the hospital bed, but suddenly, Taro Kisaragi's face, always full of vigor and vitality, appeared in his mind.

"Kisaragi...I'm sorry."

Having made up his mind, Ryusei took steps forward. His target was Yamada.

On the other side, the three Kamen Riders have released their transformations and are discussing the next plan with their friends.

"We must seize the opportunity to pursue the victory, otherwise, once Aries recovers, it will be very passive towards us."

Singer Xianwu frowned and said to everyone. Although a lot of things happened, he still grasped the key point immediately:

"Don't worry about the meter for now. The most important thing for us right now is to defeat Aries."

"But Meter seems to be very concerned about Aries. If he takes action, he might stop him."

Kisaragi Gentarou also said in distress.

To be honest, he really didn't want to fight someone who was also a Kamen Rider.

"From what he said, it seems that Aries' ability is very much needed, so thinking from another angle, just recycling Aries' switch should be able to help him. Please be careful this time."

Singer Xianwu gave the answer after thinking for a moment.

Silina on the side also nodded and said:

"If the meteror appears, the two of us will stop it."

"Then it's decided, hurry up."

"... By the way, where did Ryusei-san go?"

Nozama Tomoko tilted her head, looked around, and said doubtfully.

But everyone was accustomed to this, JK said casually:

"That guy is running as fast as ever. Don't worry about him. He will come back when the time comes."

"That's it, let's go find Aries first."

Saying that, the singer Xianwu released all the detection robots in his hands and began to search for Aries on the campus. This process was not difficult. After all, Aries could not escape from the school no matter how much he escaped. He also had a body. The pride of a king.

Not to mention, there are currently two sages and a magician in the Kamen Rider Club, which are even more advantageous in finding people. Not long after, they captured the traces of Aries - among them, Subaru Star High School students also contributed.

The long reign of terror now seems to be seeing a glimmer of light.

When everyone in the Kamen Rider Club heard the news, they ran towards Aries' hiding place - the stadium.

However, when they were about to arrive at the stadium, two attacks suddenly fell from the sky, shooting accurately at Kisaragi Gentarou and the singer Kengo.

The two of them were not aware of this, because this was not a substantial energy attack, but a spiritual attack.

However, even so, the two sages in the team reacted immediately and immediately stepped forward to stand in front of Gentarou and Kengo, using their telekinesis to neutralize the attack.


"What happened?"

"There are other enemies, and... they don't seem to be Constellation Apostles..."

Silina stared at the two figures on the roof of the teaching building and said aloud.

Her instinct told herself that these two people were dangerous.

Extremely dangerous.

"As expected of unknown, his senses are so sharp."

Wu Er specially used the titles belonging to the history of knights to reveal the identities of the two venerables. Then, an evil smile appeared on his face:

"If you don't want your friends to be in danger, just come up."


Hearing this, Kisaragi Gentarou couldn't help but want to step forward.

However, Silina stretched out her hand to stop him:

"Go and deal with Aries quickly, leave these two guys to us, be careful with the meteror."

"...I understand, please be careful."

Seeing Silina's slightly solemn look, Taro Kisaragi didn't refute, and immediately ran towards the gymnasium. At the same time, Silena and Zelena also jumped and came to the rooftop to complete the ceremony. Transform and face the two time robbers in front of you.


Dazzling arrogance bloomed in their hands. Silina and Zelena aimed at the time robbers and waved their fists - gold and silver shock waves exploded towards the two time robbers like cannonballs.

However, something unexpected happened——

——The attack stopped.

No, not only the attack, but also time stopped.

Including the time of the two Venerables themselves.

"In the end, that's it. Let's try the power of the knights you two have."

With that said, Aura picked up two blank dials and walked towards the two of them.

At this moment, Nobuhiko from Amagawa seemed to notice something and frowned slightly.

ps: Uh... I didn't notice it before. I only found out after reading the encyclopedia and subtitles that fourze's name is Gentaro, not Gentaro... 6, I even changed it specially...

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