Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 451: On the villain's way of whitewashing (first update)

"Young people who love each other and want to seize the universe. The universe cannot be challenged by oneself. Trust each other and hold each other's hands. In the end, what transcends the impossible is the bond between human beings! - Singer Midoriro"

On the deck of the Jade Rabbit capsule, the singer Midoriro, a pioneer in the field of astronauts, left his expectations for the universe and the future to the next generation.

But now, the expectations he left behind span more than ten years and have been inherited by his descendants.

Looking at the No. 40 switch blooming with the light of the universe surrounded by everyone, the corners of Nobuhiko's mouth raised slightly.

Now, Fourze is finally able to protect himself.

But to be honest, compared to the subsequent Wizard and the previous W, the treatment of the cosmic form is somewhat miserable. After all, the novice protection period is only one episode. What, you said ooo? It seems that the final official version of this thing has not given a definite explanation. It will be a dinosaur in the future.

"Next, it's time to settle the score with Aries! Also, we need to truly become friends with Meteor!"

Kisaragi Gentarou had a hearty smile, and he didn't care at all about the meteor killing him in his words. This kind of behavior, not to mention Silena and Zelena, even everyone else in the Kamen Rider Club. A stunned performance.

However, this seems to be the special thing about Gentaro. Looking at the smiling high school student outside the window, Nobuhiko asked himself, he could not forgive the person who killed him, even if he had some difficulties, he would not change.

Although Meteor's subsequent performance was quite pleasing, he even risked his life to save Gentaro more than once.

This also makes his reputation much better than Kaiwu's Guangshi.

This may also be the reason for the whitewashing method. After killing Gentaro, Ryusei risked his life to face Aries head-on, and as he said - "It is not atonement, but to draw a clear line with the past self."

Compared with Mitsumi's somewhat inexplicable whitewashing in the original drama, Meteor's look and feel is indeed much better, and this also takes advantage of Fouze's unique advantage as a school drama - students will always make mistakes.

Nobuhiko just watched what happened next. Just as he expected, Meteor, who had lost his ability to transform, still took the initiative to find Aries even when no one in the Kamen Rider department was caught.

He didn't think his sins could be wiped out, so he just drew a clear line with his past self.

In the end, in the mountains behind the school, Meteor, who was beaten and scarred and about to die, was saved by Taro Kisaragi at the last moment.

Faced with Ryusei's gaze that he didn't dare to look directly at, Kozuki Gentarou stretched out his right hand as always, and Ryusei became one of Gentarou's most sincere friends.


Switch No. 40 is activated, and the fourze universe form makes its debut!

As a cushion in its final form, Aries is almost powerless to fight back. Facing Fourze in his cosmic form, all attacks are easily resisted by Fourze's cosmic form. The cosmic form that can flexibly use all celestial switches can easily crush the opponent. , and finally, with the special ability of the cosmic form, Fourze transferred Aries into the universe and completely defeated the opponent with his nirvana.

In this battle, Kamen Rider Fourze won a great victory.

It is quite funny to say that the human body of Aries, Yamada, who has been threatening everyone with the punishment of eternal sleep, finally fell into eternal sleep himself and lay unconscious in the hospital.

After the battle, everyone in the Kamen Rider Club gathered in the Jade Rabbit Cabin to celebrate this hard-won victory.

"Don't worry, although Meter's identity has been exposed, the Constellation Apostle's energy has been distracted by other things. You will not be at risk of being exposed for the time being, but you must be careful in the future."

Dr. Emoto gave this reply as Tachibana.

Meteor, who was temporarily deprived of the ability to transform, once again obtained the Meter Drive.

"Congratulations, the new Kamen Rider No. 4-san..."

Nozama Tomoko also congratulated Ryusei.

But at this moment, Jojima Yugi seemed to have discovered something and looked around:

"By the way, where are classmates Silena and Zelena?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone also noticed something was wrong:

"You were here just now, didn't you come back together?"

"Strange, did you leave beforehand?"

Hearing this, Meteor was startled. He recalled the Venerable's undisguised murderous intention towards him.

It seems that these two Kamen Riders still have opinions on themselves, but in the end, they deserve this, right?

What Meteor was thinking in his mind.

Kisaragi Gentarou obviously noticed this, and after telling everyone, he walked outside.

At the same time, on the road to the school, the two sages were walking towards home, the breeze ruffled their hair, and their eyes were filled with confusion.

As Venerables, they have regarded betrayal as the most unforgivable sin since their creation. But now, a betrayer who was killed by the betrayer can easily be forgiven. This is difficult for them to accept, but as the parties involved Kisaragi Gentarou made such a choice on his own, and they didn't say much.

"Are all humans so complicated?"

Zelena sounded confused.

"Perhaps, this should be the reason why the master allows us to enter human life. Human beings are indeed a combination of beauty and ugliness..."

Silina stared at her white right hand, lost in thought.

But at this moment, Kozuki Gentaro’s voice sounded:

"Hey... Silena, Zelena, why did you just leave like that?"

The two turned their heads, and Kozuki Gentarou ran over panting. He had experienced enough things that day, so that as evening approached, the scars on his face had not had time to be properly bandaged.


"Is it because of the meteor incident?"

"So be it."

Zelena said, she rubbed her brow in distress:

"For us, it was really uncomfortable to deal with such a traitor, so we left first."

"Xentaro, you are a very special human being. Even we can clearly feel this."

Silina looked at Xentaro and frowned slightly. The man in front of her really gave her a completely different feeling from other humans:

"But there is something more important to us - betrayers are unforgivable."

The gentle breeze blew, and the human-shaped lord made a declaration to Kozuki Gentaro.

Hearing this, Gentaro thought for a while, and then said:

"I know, but... Meteor is actually doing it for his own friendship."

"But he shouldn't use the people who trust him as a bargaining chip for betrayal, even though you, the betrayed, have already forgiven him."

"Selena, Zelena, I know you feel bad about Meteor, but... I hope you can give him a chance."

Kisaragi Gentaro said very sincerely:

"For him at the time, such a choice was also extremely painful. To give an inappropriate example, if your friends have a conflict with Director Qiuyue in the future, you will definitely feel painful for this choice."


Zelena fell silent.

But Silina calmly said:

"No, for us, there is no need to hesitate in this choice, but... I can probably understand what you mean... In a sense, the singer Xianwu is right, you are indeed a useless person. A hopeless idiot, but then again...this is what makes you special, Tsurugi Tsurugi, you are indeed a very special guy."

ps: The second update will be later.

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