Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 49 Crisis, the Sawara family!

Kamen Rider No. 1 is the starting point of all knights. As the first cyborg, he has experienced too many battles and his experience is unparalleled among all knights.

For this reason, at the beginning of the battle, he has been using super tentacles and ears to collect abnormal information around him.

It can be said that any movement within a radius of four kilometers cannot escape his perception. Just now, he received an abnormal radio wave, which is the same frequency as the radio wave of the Fortress of Chrysis.

So, he immediately notified Yingyue and RX.

"In the city? Do they want to take the opportunity to attack the city?"

RX asked in confusion.

Yingyue suddenly had an idea, and he thought of the biggest tragedy in the original book. Then, his body was shrouded in fear, and he turned to look at RX:

"RX! Uncle and the others!"


RX also reacted. So far, the Chrysis Empire hated them to the core. In the past, General Jagu and others would not kill the Sawara family because of concerns about Yingyue and RX, but now it is not necessarily the case - at the moment of this decisive battle, the Chrysis Empire will not give up any way to attack RX and Yingyue.

The second knight spoke immediately:

"Yingyue, RX, you go and stop them, and leave Gulanzais to us, don't worry!"

"That's right, even if it costs our lives, we will defeat him!"

Stonger also said.

Encouraged by the knights, Yingyue and RX did not act pretentiously, turned around and rode the amazing locust and the special locust and rushed towards the city.

At the scene, the Glory Ten-Man Group fought Gulanzais together.

But... Gulanzais, who was originally difficult for twelve people to deal with, is now only handled by ten knights. The danger can be imagined.

Seeing Yingyue and RX leave, Gulanzais said disdainfully:

"You dare to split your forces in front of me, Kamen Rider, are you so eager to die? Then I will fulfill your wish!"

After that, Gulanzais's body instantly burst into raging flames, and the flames covered his whole body. The scorching temperature turned into the strongest weapon. Gulanzais rushed into the ten knights with flames wrapped all over his body.

At the same time, the electromagnetic hammer in his hand burst into dazzling lightning. Every time it hit, it carried terrifying electromagnetic energy, which easily knocked the knight away.

However, the ten knights did not fear at all. They rushed to Gulanzais without hesitation.

In the city, the Sawara family

Because of General Jagu's declaration of war, the whole city has become a mess, and people are fleeing the city everywhere. The Sawara family is no exception. They hurriedly packed their luggage and planned to leave the town and hide in the countryside.

However, Xiaotong disagreed.

"Dad, Kotaro brother hasn't come back yet!"

"Xiaotong, Kotaro brother is fighting with the Chrysis Empire. We can't let him worry, understand?"

Before the Sawara couple spoke, Mao, as the brother, spoke up and warned his sister.

Seeing that Mao, who was still in elementary school, was so sensible, the Sawara couple couldn't help but feel sad, but they had to leave. When the war came, they had to protect their children.

However, just as they packed their luggage and were about to leave, the door opened.

"Is it Kotaro?"

Uncle Sawara thought Kotaro was back, so he hurried forward to check, but what came into view was a Chap soldier wearing a golden cloak.



Sawara Kaiko screamed, and then a group of Chap soldiers broke into the house and captured the Sawara family.

"Dad, Mom..."

The captured Shige and Kotobuki called out for their parents, and the Sawara couple were also captured by several Chap soldiers and could not move.

At the critical moment, several arrows suddenly shot into the room from outside the door, accurately hitting the Chap soldiers who captured Kotobuki and Shige, taking their lives.

Shiratori Reiko and another girl with a bow and arrow rushed in.

Seeing the situation in the room, Shiratori Reiko rushed straight up and fought with the Chap soldiers, completely disregarding her own safety. With the cooperation of another girl, it didn't take long for all the Chap soldiers in the room to be solved.

"Uncle and aunt, are you all right?"

"It's okay, Reiko, it seems that the Taekwondo you have practiced recently is a bit useful, and thank you, Xiangzi."

Uncle Sawara thanked the two.

The Hibiki he mentioned was also Kotaro's partner. Some time ago, the Chrysis Empire attacked the Tokyo Water Storage Plant, and Hibiki's father was also killed in that attack. After Hibiki was rescued by Kotaro, she also came to the Sawara family several times, so the Sawara couple also knew her.

"Let's not talk about it first, uncle and aunt, let's leave here first."


Hearing Hibiki's words, the frightened uncle Sawara nodded, and hurriedly brought his family to the yard and drove away directly.

However, not long after they left the yard, several destructive rays exploded in front of the car, forcing them to stop the car. When they looked up, General Jagu was blocking them.

"Even if it is the emperor's personal guard, it is just Chapu in the end, still so useless, in the end I still have to do it myself."

The general Jagu said lightly.

Seeing this, Hibiki immediately came out of the car, bent his bow and shot at General Jagu.

But the result can be imagined. Even the specially-made arrows are nothing more than scratching an itch for General Jiagu. He can easily shoot down the arrows with just a wave of his hand.

Immediately, General Jiagu raised his scepter and planned to kill Xiangzi.

At the critical moment, a cyan figure rushed over and knocked General Jiagu away hard.


General Jiagu fell to the ground, exploding the ground.

Shadow Moon stopped the motorcycle and stood in front of Xiangzi, and RX also came to the scene:

"Uncle, aunt, and everyone, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, you're finally here, RX."

Shiratori Reiko said with a smile.

However, Uncle Sahara reacted:

"You call me uncle, are you—"

"Don't worry about so much now, let's go!"


Uncle Sahara did not stop, but drove the car in the opposite direction with Xiangzi and his family.

RX came to Shadow Moon. He clenched his fists and stared at General Jagu in front of him. The other party's despicable act of trying to kidnap the Sawara family had completely angered him:

"General Jiagu, you are absolutely unforgivable!"

"This is the right thing for me to say! RX, Shadow Moon, let you see the body that gained His Majesty the Emperor's power in order to defeat you!"

After saying that, General Jiagu suddenly took off the cloak behind him. At this moment, General Jiagu's posture changed.

The originally elegant aristocratic posture turned into a golden mechanical monster.

This is the strongest warrior transformed by Emperor Clesis himself—Jakumidora!

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