Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 470 No, what kind of key will you only know how to fire when it comes into your hands? (Upda

With the help of the power of the Creator King, the heroes rushed into the giant horse warship with the fastest horsepower and headed straight for Huanglong.

This was undoubtedly a decapitation operation. The Cruel Emperor saw the other party's intention, but even if he saw it, there was nothing he could do - all the artillery fire of the giant horse battleship was concentrated on RX, and with the blessing of the power of the Creation King, the others The attack of the cruel battleship cannot give it much effective damage at all.

In this way, under Marberas's superb operating skills, the spacecraft collided head-on with the giant horse battleship, and this also represented the official start of the beheading operation.

"Go on gorgeously!"

Accompanied by Haokuai Hong's high-pitched shouts, six Haokuai men held weapons and charged head-on into the giant horse warship.

In an instant, the giant horse battleship fell into chaos.

"It seems to have worked, let's go."

Nobuhiko's voice sounded in RX's mind.

"Well, although these spaceships are not very powerful, there are too many of them."

"Use the power of the Sky Stone."

The Sotos Archer appeared in his hand, and Nobuhiko's brain was connected to the Earth Library. In an instant, the memories from the Earth were extracted from the library, and then embodied through the Sotos Archer.


As RX pulled the trigger, a series of missiles were shot from the muzzle. With the blessing of the power of the Creator King, the power and firing frequency of the missiles increased to a higher level. As RX swept a circle, thousands of spaceships turned into the universe. The surroundings of the two people were cleared of dust.

Although these battleships are nothing compared to the fleet as a whole, for the current RX and Shadow Moon, these fleets are no longer a threat.

What's more, the gallant ones in the giant horse battleship have already begun to exert their strength——

——Suddenly, the cannon muzzle of the Giant Horse Battleship lit up again, and the terrifying firepower instantly covered the entire fleet. No matter what kind of warship, it seemed so vulnerable in front of the main ship, the Giant Horse Battleship.

In the blink of an eye, the huge fleet was emptied.


"Wait, something doesn't seem right."

RX's eyes penetrated the shell of the Giant Horse Battleship and saw clearly the internal situation - under the activity of the Hao Kuai, the control system of the Giant Horse Battleship had completely collapsed. At this moment, the Giant Horse Battleship had completely lost control and was bursting with flames. Falling towards the moon.

"not good!"

Making a decisive decision, RX's figure instantly turned into a flash of light and rushed into the giant horse battleship, taking the six heroes away from the battleship as quickly as possible. As for the cruel emperor, who cares?

"Are you okay?"

"Fortunately, I can't die."

In the barrier created by the King of Creation, Hao Kuaihong sat down on the ground and breathed a long sigh of relief. The cruel emperor was indeed powerful, but in the face of the six pirates who fought desperately, there were also flaws. The brave men seized the opportunity and destroyed the fleet.

"It's finally over now."

Hao Kuaihong stretched and murmured.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, a huge figure suddenly rose from the wreckage of the giant horse battleship - it was the Cruel Emperor. At this moment, the Cruel Emperor was bathed in purple light, and his whole body was bursting with unspeakable momentum.

"Wow, why, why aren't you dead yet?"

Hao Kuailu said in surprise.

RX's eyes scanned the opponent's figure and he immediately had the answer:

"This guy absorbed the energy of the battleship and made himself huge!"

"That's right, just pirates, don't think you can kill me like this! I am the emperor who rules the universe, and ants like you are only worthy of crawling on the ground!"

As if hearing his words, the Cruel Emperor launched an attack on the Gallant Ones. Huge fireballs spurted out from the shoulder cannons on both shoulders, but were blocked by RX.

"Hey? What should we do? King Hao Kuai and Hao Beast God are both destroyed."

Hao Kuailv subconsciously covered his head.

However, if the robots are destroyed, will there be no way to fight a huge battle?

the answer is negative.

"Fight as you did before, and leave the rest to us!"

RX suddenly opened his hands, and the power of the Sun and Moon Emperor Stone suddenly bloomed, including the six fast people. In this light, the bodies of the six people expanded rapidly. When the light dissipated, the fast people moved with an average height of fifty meters. A huge figure appeared in front of the cruel emperor.


The cruel emperor said in disbelief.

The six heroes looked at their bodies, either surprised, curious, or happy.

"Interesting, have you gotten bigger?"

"I didn't expect it to be used in this way."

"This way we can fight."

"Anyway, let's go to the final battle, be super gorgeous!"

With the voice of Hao Kuaihong, the seven people immediately assumed a fighting stance. Now, at the place where they fought in the first episode of One Piece TV, the final battle started.

"Hao quickly transform!" x6

Invariably, they used the key belonging to the knight.

Hao Kuai Hong——The Fighter of the Sea

Hao Kuai Blue——Bio Knight

Hao Kuai Huang——Mechanical Knight

Hao Kuai Green——The Wise King of Heaven

Hao Kuai Noodles - Sacrifice of the Earth

Hao Kuaiyin - the Creator King of the Moon!

The keys given by Shadow Moon and RX are all used at this moment, which represents almost all the possibilities for the Kamen Rider to escape the fate of the Creator King!

Not only that, streaks of golden light emerged behind the six heroes - that was the power of super teams of all ages.


Gokai Red chopped down with a short sword, and beside him, the shadow of the Secret Team Red Ranger appeared, followed by Gokai Blue, dancing with the shadow of the Samurai Sentai Shinken Blue, and then Gokai Yellow, who fired with the shadow of the Electromagnetic Team Million Yellow.

At this moment, every blow of the Gokai resonated with the power of the predecessors of the past generations.

In just a few minutes, the Cruel Emperor ate the ultimate moves of thirty-four Super Sentais.

However, what is even more jaw-dropping is that the Emperor is still standing!

That's right, he ate thirty-four big moves and still stood!

Although it was expected that the Emperor's health was ridiculously high, the moment he saw it, Yingyue couldn't help but be surprised. Fortunately, it was now the final stage.

"Gokai Sailboat Bazooka!"

The ultimate cannon developed by Gokai Green with the help of the King Ranger fell into Gokai Red's hands, and the other five people also took out their own Ranger Keys, and then inserted their own Ranger Keys to accumulate power.

Seeing this scene, Yingyue's mouth twitched - Sure enough, all the keys except the team's can only fire when they are in your hands. And, Gokui Silver, there are only five key sockets on it, where do you insert them?

Although there are some slots, this does not prevent the final moment of the Cruel Emperor from coming. RX raised the Satan Sword, condensed the power of the Creator King in it, and chopped it down on the Cruel Emperor's head.

At the same time, the Gokui also pulled the trigger.

Rising Strike -!

"Don't joke!"

Dragging the last body, the Cruel Emperor released his last strength - the engine energy of the Giant Horse Battleship, a terrifying attack that was enough to destroy the entire earth, bursting from the shoulder cannons on both shoulders, turning into a rushing torrent, colliding with the two attacks.

But unfortunately, any attack he faced could easily take the opponent's life.

The result is imaginable, and he couldn't even resist. The body of the Cruel Emperor turned into ashes in the explosion.

ps: Ahhhh, I am almost exhausted. The old toilet at home is in cement, so I have to break it up and rebuild it. I have been cleaning up the broken pieces from the fourth floor to now. I have to buy new cleaning tools. I feel like I am useless.

As for the Sentai series, that’s it. I may write about it when it is linked with the Knights movie in the future.

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