Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 473 Xin Yan: Why do I feel more and more like a boss? (Update 1)

"Become friends with me? Hahaha, you are indeed the famous Kisaragi Gentarou, very much like you."

I Wang Guangming couldn't help laughing. Xian Tailang's ability to say such words was not beyond his expectation in a sense. However, after experiencing it personally, I still had some special feelings in Wang Guangming's heart. His eyes swept across Everyone passed by the Kamen Rider Club, and then returned to Kisaragi Gentarou, and said:

"But unfortunately, I won't have such a thing as friends."

"That's not necessarily the case. As long as I determine something, I will definitely complete it. This is my code of conduct!"

Kisaragi Tsurutarou had a confident smile on his face.

He has indeed always done this, whether it is people like the singer Kengo, Fengcheng Miu, Daimoji Hayabusa, etc. who initially rejected him, or his classmates who became constellation apostles.

And I hope Guangming is very clear about all this:

"Oh, you seem to be very confident, but, Kisaragi Taro - the students you and I deal with are different."

I looked at Guangming and stood up as he spoke. The de facto king of Amagawa College just stood there and gave these students a huge amount of pressure. It's no wonder, after all, students are naturally at a disadvantage to teachers. status, coupled with knowing that the other party is the mastermind behind the Constellation Apostle, this sense of oppression becomes even stronger.

However, they don't know one thing. The behavior of the Kamen Rider Club during this period of time has allowed me to notice some clues and get the answer.

"Perhaps you thought that I would become friends with you like those defeated star disciples, but it's useless. Let's not say whether I will become friends with you. In terms of strength alone, you can't defeat me. !”

As soon as he said this, everyone in the Kamen Rider Club stood up with different expressions, but Taro Kisaragi showed a confident expression:

"How would you know something like that if you don't try it?"

"That's right."

Ryusei and Nadeshiko also came to Gentarou, and the three of them each put on their transformers. With the interplay of jets and starlight, the three of them completed their transformation.

But just as he was about to take action, a huge black hole instantly emerged from the office. Everyone present was caught off guard. The surrounding scene changed and they were instantly transferred to the mountain behind.

Everyone frowned as they looked at the surrounding scene that was changing instantly.

And I looked at Guangming and said with a confident smile:

"I would be very troubled if the school was destroyed. After all, the funding for running the school has been less recently. So, you are here to witness the power gap between us!"


At this moment, the crisp sound of the knocking of chains sounded, and then, the three high-level beings among the apostles of the zodiac, Libra, Virgo, and Leo, appeared next to me Wang Guangming.

Interestingly, Libra, who was originally scheduled to be executed because of the failure of the mission, received his own supernova during the crisis - the Eye of Laplace that can see through the constellations, and then got the chance to continue living.

"Three people?"

Seeing this, Silena and Zelena stepped forward, crossed their hands at their waists to summon the belt, and transformed into Kamen Riders.

Seeing this scene, I Wang Guangming had no intention of taking action. I just smiled and motioned for the three subordinates to attack.

For Fourze and others, the unprecedented final showdown begins at this moment! ——


Nobuhiko, who was in the Cressis Fortress, noticed the power output of his subordinate, the Venerable, but realized that the other party's life was not in danger, so he felt relieved for the time being.

It seems that the battle with me, Wang Guangming, has begun.

But leave it to fourze.

"Lord Qiuyue?"

Just as Nobuhiko was thinking, Metzler's careful voice brought his thoughts back to reality. The greedy man seemed to have stayed up all night, and the body made by Nobuhiko himself showed some signs of fatigue.

However, there was obvious excitement in the other party's tone.

"Well, keep talking."

"Yes, Utopia Memory has subtly modified the entire fortress during this period. However, the main functional areas of the fortress have not changed. The power part and laboratory part are well preserved. As long as slight modifications are made on this basis, Can."

Metzl integrated his carefully thought-out plans into the various areas of Clexis Fortress.

As she said, the original atmosphere of the Clesis Fortress was dark and deep, and the surroundings were even filled with eerie fog. This may be the technological style of the Clesis Empire - very consistent with the tokusatsu villains of the last century. stereotype.

However, after being modified by the Utopian memory, the entire interior style of the current Fortress of Clesis has suddenly changed. The dark and deep space has become spacious and bright, and the sci-fi devices full of cyberpunk style from the last century have transformed into more modern ones.

It can be said that it feels like the base of the knight villains of the last century has become the base of the villains of the new century team.


Why is there so much emphasis on the villain’s base?

Nobuhiko shook his head, letting go of the chaotic thoughts in his heart, and followed Metzler to inspect various parts of the fortress.

In order to meet the needs of General Jagu and others to invade the earth, the internal space of Fortress Clesis is also extremely huge. In addition to meeting the needs of the four captains to train their subordinates, it also has prisons, laboratories and other functions.

Even if the entire Gorgom was moved here, it would be more than enough, not to mention that he didn't need it now.

"Lord Akizuki!"

In the laboratory, the three priests had been waiting for a long time, with respect and a little excitement on their faces. Perhaps they also had the same concerns as Metzl.

Now, the clouds have finally cleared and the moon has appeared.



Darom reported respectfully:

"Whether it is gem magic, alchemy of the coin of desire, the technology left by Chrysis, Gorgom's cyborg technology or the legacy left by Consortium X, it can all be realized in this fortress at present."

"That's good."

"Lord Akizuki, should we start the experiment now? The armed forces of this fortress are too empty, at least there needs to be enough troops to guard it."

The priest in charge of "power" Baraoom proposed at the first time.

Perhaps even if he surrendered to Nobuhiko, his warlike heart would never calm down.

"Emm, yes, all experiments can be conducted, but there are a few points to note."

"Please give your orders."

"First, it is not allowed to use humans as experiments. Second, it is not allowed to create intelligent life forms, even new greedy people."

At this point, Metzl subconsciously raised his head and met Nobuhiko's eyes.

But Nobuhiko ignored him and continued:

"Third, the current main research direction is the armed forces that cannot be mass-produced such as gargoyles or devourers of life-without my permission, everything is carried out according to these three regulations, understand?"

Nobuhiko glanced at the four non-humans gathered here and said seriously.

"Please rest assured, Lord Shadow Moon."

Bishum reacted the fastest, knelt on one knee, and swore to Nobuhiko:

"We will do our best to realize your will and help you become an existence beyond the Creation King."

Hearing this, the other three also knelt on one knee.

But when this was said, Nobuhiko was a little confused.

Surpass the Creation King?

When did I say this?

Wait, why do I feel more and more like a villain?

ps: Baijiu is really not a good thing. I drank my first glass of Baijiu yesterday. I went to the toilet three times after I came back. My stomach was still uncomfortable at night...

The second update will be later.

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